Wow! What an amazing week here at REI Most Wanted. We had a wonderful call this Monday with Larry Goins who offered his bootcamp for free for 22 REI Most Wanted members who take quick action with his Ultimate Buying & Selling Machine (we still have 1 spot remaining for someone at www.reimostwanted.com/larry ). This week our company opened a new office in downtown Roanoke, VA and hired another incredible team member, Sandi Bird, that many of you may already have heard from. We had an incredible call with Drew Miles on Wed night on tax strategies and that was so popular that we are working to get him on as a speaker on our next series, “Secrets 202”. Finally, we had a great call today with Larry Benet on his powerful system of establishing, maintaining and ultimately monetizing his “secret genie” connections. Several have also asked me to get Larry on again – so we will definitely be doing that (for more info on Larry’s “Secrets To Wealth And Power” program, go to www.secretstowealthandpower.com/cd - you won’t regret getting these million dollar business building secrets). Thanks to everyone for your continued support, encouragement and wonderful testimonies about how REI Most Wanted’s “Secrets 101” teleseminar series has had a positive impact on your real estate business and life. That is our ultimate goal as a company. So please keep them coming (you can send testimonials or requests for coaching or product orders now to admin.dudley@gmail.com – ask for Sandi, or call our new toll free number at 888-REIMW-11, or 888-734-6911).
So, as I contemplate a busy but rewarding week – and the previous 9 weeks of activity, email letters to our valued clients, and where we are all heading in the future - I have found that the keys to succeeding in real estate investing are very similar to the keys to succeeding in life. I have reduced these “keys” or “secrets” into an interesting and very applicable acronym … K-A-R-E. Kare (pronounced like the word “care”) – and yes, we truly do care about your individual success. So here is what the letters in “kare” stand for:
Knowledge – investing in your most important asset, you mind – the number one tool of leverage. Your own personal knowledge – obtained through books, audios, live training, and coaching from other experts knowledge, experience and energy. (And of course we all sometimes learn the hard and time-consuming way, through our own mistakes as well as the exciting successes). But we must first pursue a foundation for our success, as we realize the goals we want to achieve – and that foundation must begin with the proper knowledge. I have heard it said that the word fear stands for False Education Appearing Real – so we must sometimes unlearn our false education, and re-learn new success based education. As Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki state in their book “Why We Want You To Be Rich”, the true purpose of an education should be to give us enough courage to take action and dispel our fears of moving forward, sometimes into an unknown territory. So pursue knowledge as your first key to success.
Attitude – you have heard it said that your attitude determines your altitude. This is so true in life – you absolutely do get what you are looking for. If you are not happy with what you currently have in life, adjust that attitude – keep it positive. Life’s too short to live any day with a chip on your shoulder. See that glass half full, and then go after your dreams with all you got. Otherwise, what’s the point of living – not for someone else’s dreams – but the ones you’ve been blessed to have in your own heart. Why be a real estate investor if you don’t have a positive attitude. And remember, you become what you surround yourself with and who you listen too. If your attitude stinks, check out the folks you are hanging out with – if you aren’t hanging out with anyone – it could be a clue. Find some positive people and positive influences and begin to adjust that attitude. Then you will begin to take flight!
Responsibility & Respect – no one can take responsibility for you but you. You will attract what you respect. What you don’t respect, you will push away. It’s not just the money, but the relationships and the lifestyle that you can attain with financial wealth. It is your responsibility to pursue your own success and no one else’s – and you begin by respecting those you wish to be like and by respecting yourself enough to pursue the knowledge and the proper attitude. As you respect those around you and the ones you desire to have a relationship with – you will be amazed at how much help will come your way. If you are negative towards others, which shows a disrespect, then you will actually reverse the goals and desire you want away from you. So, take responsibility for your own success, your own education, your own outlook and perspective in life – and become that successful person you want to be – only you can control you. This has been proven too many times to enumerate – you will ultimately become in life based upon what and how you think most often.
Execution – take massive focused action! Once you know where you are heading, what your goals are, what you want and get on the right path and attitude – then move. Take action, pursue, go for it – just do it. Excuses don’t pay the bills. No one ever got paid for good intentions. Make it happen today. Use the power of connections – joint ventures – work with experts, locally and globally. I have said time and time again that my income absolutely increased 10-fold in 1 year by working with mentors. Folks who are where I wanted to be. First, by reading and listening to their books and audios – then by attending live seminars and events – finally by taking action and associating with my mentors on a regular bass through coaching and mentoring and being accountable to take the action that produced income and lifestyle. Remember this, there’s always plenty more to go around for everyone. You can earn while you learn, partner up with a mentor or a coach who has a vested interest in your success – share equity with those you can learn from – and have an abundance mentality as you go along. Stop complaining and start taking your own success seriously – and get around others who believe in you – and listen to good mentors and teachers who have been there. Your new life is literally 3-6 months away – if you can learn to take the key steps forward to succeed. This is the final master key!
Well, I hope you realize how much we do “KARE” about your success and look forward to hearing your story. I personally hope to be at least a part of that journey in your life and business. I know this email has been a little longer than normal and perhaps I am writing too late at night – but if this positively affects just one person, then it has been worth the time and energy I took to write. We are truly blessed here at REI Most Wanted and Dudley Success Consulting Group and we want to thank all of our valuable clients and members for your continued support. I look forward to helping each and everyone of you to “Unlock Your Future”!
All my best,
Charles Dudley
PS – Don’t miss our next POWERFUL call with Foreclosure and Short Sale expert and mentor Dwan Twyford – check out her video with Naomi Judd and register for our Monday night call at www.reimostwanted.com/101dwanbent-twyfordcall.html (get there quickly as we are over 50% reserved right now and we still have 2 days of registration remaining).