Have you ever heard someone say, "I've got
friends in High Places"? It sounds like an
worn-out cliche, but to the one who can
honestly use that expression it can be worth
If you understand the power of truly having
"friends in high places", or having the ability
to connect with mutually beneficial contacts,
then you need to join us for tonight's teleseminar/
webinar at 9:01 PM EST.
My guest, Larry Benet, has long been nicknamed
"The Connector", and it is with good reason. He
has learned some basic skills that allow him to
access some of the most, normally, untouchable
Go to http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=J5zVN&m=1f8Ka5M1EXw7un&b=6vwqG4L1fqg.LBFuxIEgcg to
register for our call tonight. It's a one hour
investment that you can't afford to not make.
Success in all your endeavors!
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
P.S. Anybody out there on Facebook? I'd love to add
you to my Friends list. You can check out my Facebook
Profile at: http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=J5zVN&m=1f8Ka5M1EXw7un&b=qaDtGDu1_ZUHlJPfYZt1zg
P.P.S. "Ever wanted to have a true secondary source
of income from the comfort of your own home - well
find out how by clicking here and going to the opportunity
P.P.P.S. Remember, we are now taking applications
for my newly updated Executive JV Investor Incentive
Coaching Program. We have several levels available to
meet the needs of almost everyone out there.
From Group Coaching to Live and in person, "Charles
is comin' to Your House for a Few Days" Coaching!
Email Aaron at appointments.dudley@gmail.com
to set up your consultation.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Success University - Leading Online Education Provider
Dear Friend
Have you heard of Success University? This company is the leading provider of online education in the world and as of January 2008 I have become an official faculty member teaching students all around the world how to succeed on the Internet!
As well, Success University provides an incredible opportunity to create long-term passive income online. This is done through their affiliate and networking program. The bottom line is that Success University has an amazing pay plan!
Success University (like all the other programs I recommend to you) is the REAL DEAL. It has been tested thoroughly and is ALREADY producing a healthy residual income for thousands of people in hundreds of countries around the world. In fact, FOX News who is famous for their no B.S. approach to reporting recently ran a segment about Success University which you are welcome to view for yourself
If you watch the video, you'll learn that Success University positions you at the forefront of a $8 billion dollar per year industry (in the U.S. alone) and arms you marketing tools and a residual income opportunity which have already made Success University the #1 most popular personal development site in the world surpassing the likes of Donald Trump and Anthony Robbins. Joining Success University positions YOU to make a fortune on the Internet!
Over the last few months I have been working on a revolutionary new system that enables anyone to profit online using a turn key, automated program to build a successful Success University business! This system has been specifically designed so I can help YOU make money from Success University.
In fact, with Success University, the people who join after you from THIS EMAIL will be placed in YOUR affiliate tree. Once you sign up, I'll be working 24/7 helping YOU build YOUR organization! :)
When you experience how easy it can be to make money online with this system, you'll see that getting started NOW is an easy decision. You also get a 100% money-back guarantee so you've got nothing to lose anyway...
Note: Success University requires a $2 donation (goes towards charity) to sign up for a 14-day trial. Just sign up and try it out. Once you enroll you can get your own marketing site within minutes and begin generating profits almost immediately. If you ever want to cancel you can, but give the system a chance to work for you. I've set up the system so that YOUR Success University down line will be built automatically from all the people reading this message every day. For more information or to join now, Join Now!
Friend, our success is based upon your success. The phrase T.E.A.M. - "Together Everyone Achieves More" really does apply here. Along with a proven, turn-key system you'll get support, training and the motivation necessary to succeed.
Thousands of people are going to read this email. Many will see the opportunity and take advantage of it immediately. Within days there will be hundreds of people in your group - and I will be placing them there for you. It doesn't mean you can make money by doing nothing, but it does mean that you'll get off to a blazing start with Success University.
It's critical that you move quickly. The urgency lies in the placement factor - get yourself positioned and then in a few days check out just how well this system is working. Here's the link again:
Best of Success Online,
PS If you're already a member of Success University and want to double or triple your business, visit this site:
Have you heard of Success University? This company is the leading provider of online education in the world and as of January 2008 I have become an official faculty member teaching students all around the world how to succeed on the Internet!
As well, Success University provides an incredible opportunity to create long-term passive income online. This is done through their affiliate and networking program. The bottom line is that Success University has an amazing pay plan!
Success University (like all the other programs I recommend to you) is the REAL DEAL. It has been tested thoroughly and is ALREADY producing a healthy residual income for thousands of people in hundreds of countries around the world. In fact, FOX News who is famous for their no B.S. approach to reporting recently ran a segment about Success University which you are welcome to view for yourself
If you watch the video, you'll learn that Success University positions you at the forefront of a $8 billion dollar per year industry (in the U.S. alone) and arms you marketing tools and a residual income opportunity which have already made Success University the #1 most popular personal development site in the world surpassing the likes of Donald Trump and Anthony Robbins. Joining Success University positions YOU to make a fortune on the Internet!
Over the last few months I have been working on a revolutionary new system that enables anyone to profit online using a turn key, automated program to build a successful Success University business! This system has been specifically designed so I can help YOU make money from Success University.
In fact, with Success University, the people who join after you from THIS EMAIL will be placed in YOUR affiliate tree. Once you sign up, I'll be working 24/7 helping YOU build YOUR organization! :)
When you experience how easy it can be to make money online with this system, you'll see that getting started NOW is an easy decision. You also get a 100% money-back guarantee so you've got nothing to lose anyway...
Note: Success University requires a $2 donation (goes towards charity) to sign up for a 14-day trial. Just sign up and try it out. Once you enroll you can get your own marketing site within minutes and begin generating profits almost immediately. If you ever want to cancel you can, but give the system a chance to work for you. I've set up the system so that YOUR Success University down line will be built automatically from all the people reading this message every day. For more information or to join now, Join Now!
Friend, our success is based upon your success. The phrase T.E.A.M. - "Together Everyone Achieves More" really does apply here. Along with a proven, turn-key system you'll get support, training and the motivation necessary to succeed.
Thousands of people are going to read this email. Many will see the opportunity and take advantage of it immediately. Within days there will be hundreds of people in your group - and I will be placing them there for you. It doesn't mean you can make money by doing nothing, but it does mean that you'll get off to a blazing start with Success University.
It's critical that you move quickly. The urgency lies in the placement factor - get yourself positioned and then in a few days check out just how well this system is working. Here's the link again:
Best of Success Online,
PS If you're already a member of Success University and want to double or triple your business, visit this site:
Are You A Magnet?

I know, that sounds like a weird question, but
I want to know...Are you a magnet? Do you attract
QUALITY PEOPLE to your network, or do you repel
them away from you?
Are Powerful, Motivated Players drawn to you because
of your positive attitude and energy?
Wouldn't you agree that it would be
better to have a smaller number of motivated, movers
and shakers on your team than to have a large number
of average people.
What would it do for your business if you could be con-
nected with...not a room full of mediocre people...but a
FEW KEY PLAYERS who will be instrumental in your
business success.
Join my guest, Larry Benet, tonight, January 31, 2008
at 9:01 PM EST on our Teleseminar/Webinar. You can
go to: http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=J5zVN&m=1fLHz29KUXw7un&b=Zk1kPq8Y9c4so9d
Larry has long been nicknamed "The Connector". That's
what he does - he "connects" people. He's connected us.
We've connected him. You want him connecting YOU!
It's simple: You need to learn how to "connect". And, you
want to have your "2008 connect plan" in place ASAP.
Go to http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=J5zVN&m=1fLHz29KUXw7un&b=Zk1kPq8Y9c4so9di
register for our call tonight. It's a one hour
investment that you can't afford to miss out on.
Success in all your endeavors!
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
P.S. Anybody out there on Facebook? I'd love to add
you to my Friends list. You can check out my Facebook
Profile at: http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=J5zVN&m=1fLHz29KUXw7un&b=pnndHxgpT9
P.P.S. "Ever wanted to have a true secondary source
of income from the comfort of your own home - well
find out how by clicking here and going to the opportunity
P.P.P.S. Remember, we are now taking applications
for my newly updated Executive JV Investor Incentive
Coaching Program. We have several levels available to
meet the needs of almost everyone out there.
From Group Coaching to Live and in person, "Charles
is comin' to Your House for a Few Days" Coaching!
Email Aaron at appointments.dudley@gmail.com
to set up your consultation.
Friends in High Places...
Have you ever heard someone say, "I've got
friends in High Places"? It sounds like an
worn-out cliche, but to the one who can
honestly use that expression it can be worth
If you understand the power of truly having
"friends in high places", or having the ability
to connect with mutually beneficial contacts,
then you need to join us for tonight's teleseminar/
webinar at 9:01 PM EST.
My guest, Larry Benet, has long been nicknamed
"The Connector", and it is with good reason. He
has learned some basic skills that allow him to
access some of the most, normally, untouchable
Go to http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=J5zVN&m=1f8Ka5M1EXw7un&b=6vwqG4L1fqg.LBFu
register for our call tonight. It's a one hour
investment that you can't afford to not make.
Success in all your endeavors!
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
P.S. Anybody out there on Facebook? I'd love to add
you to my Friends list. You can check out my Facebook
Profile at: http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=J5zVN&m=1f8Ka5M1EXw7un&b=qaDtGDu1_Z
P.P.S. "Ever wanted to have a true secondary source
of income from the comfort of your own home - well
find out how by clicking here and going to the opportunity
P.P.P.S. Remember, we are now taking applications
for my newly updated Executive JV Investor Incentive
Coaching Program. We have several levels available to
meet the needs of almost everyone out there.
From Group Coaching to Live and in person, "Charles
is comin' to Your House for a Few Days" Coaching!
Email Aaron at appointments.dudley@gmail.com
to set up your consultation.
friends in High Places"? It sounds like an
worn-out cliche, but to the one who can
honestly use that expression it can be worth
If you understand the power of truly having
"friends in high places", or having the ability
to connect with mutually beneficial contacts,
then you need to join us for tonight's teleseminar/
webinar at 9:01 PM EST.
My guest, Larry Benet, has long been nicknamed
"The Connector", and it is with good reason. He
has learned some basic skills that allow him to
access some of the most, normally, untouchable
Go to http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=J5zVN&m=1f8Ka5M1EXw7un&b=6vwqG4L1fqg.LBFu
register for our call tonight. It's a one hour
investment that you can't afford to not make.
Success in all your endeavors!
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
P.S. Anybody out there on Facebook? I'd love to add
you to my Friends list. You can check out my Facebook
Profile at: http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=J5zVN&m=1f8Ka5M1EXw7un&b=qaDtGDu1_Z
P.P.S. "Ever wanted to have a true secondary source
of income from the comfort of your own home - well
find out how by clicking here and going to the opportunity
P.P.P.S. Remember, we are now taking applications
for my newly updated Executive JV Investor Incentive
Coaching Program. We have several levels available to
meet the needs of almost everyone out there.
From Group Coaching to Live and in person, "Charles
is comin' to Your House for a Few Days" Coaching!
Email Aaron at appointments.dudley@gmail.com
to set up your consultation.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
It's All In Who You Know!

I wanted to tell you about Thursday's Guest
Speaker, my good friend Larry Benet. If there's
one thing that he has discovered, it's that:
The secret to building your business big
and fast boils down to ONE main thing...
* * Building Powerful Relationships * * *
I'm talking about building relationships with
people who have the power to move mountains
with just one phone call.
And there is NO ONE more qualified to speak
about this subject than Larry Benet.
I was able to get some of Larry's time to
speak with you via a teleseminar tomorrow
WHAT: "Insider Secrets to Developing
Relationships with Powerful and Influential
People" Webinar/Teleseminar
WHO: Larry Benet - Charles T. Dudley, Sr.
WHEN: Thursday, 31 January at 9:01PM E.S.T.,
REGISTER by going to:
If I could pick just one person, out of the
hundreds of great marketers I know, to train
you about creating relationships with extremely
influential people, it would be Larry Benet.
Larry has 3-way called me into calls with some
of the most powerful business people in America.
Larry not only knows, but walks the
Larry has an uncanny ability get face to
face meetings with amazing people like
Larry King and Richard Branson.
In fact, this is true.
Larry King invited him to breakfast with
him within just 90 seconds of meeting him.
Well, I've known Larry personally for quite
some time and and this guy is SO overloaded
with amazing tips and tricks for networking
and building relationships with Big TimePlayers
in the business world it would absolutely
blow you away!
So, asked him to get on the phone with you to
share his incredible strategies on a
one-time ONLY special teleseminar event.
He's doing this as a favor to me. So remember
to go to:
to register the call.
Success in all your endeavors!.
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
P.S. - Have you heard about our updated affiliate
program? You can make money with REI Most Wanted
by sharing this program with others and profit
on any of their referrals too.
Sign up now at the bottom of our main page at
www.reimostwanted.com as a new affiliate and find
out how you can make some ex-tra ca-sh sharing the
good news of real estate investing with others.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Pay Off Your Home Mortgage In 1/3 to 1/2 The Time
If you missed my debt free life webinar this weekend,
you have another chance to tonight! My good friend,
Connie Zeigler-Wyers, is hosting a webinar tonight ,
January 28th, at 9:01pm EST.
If you'd like to pay off you home in as little to 1/3 to
1/2 the time, or would like to help others to do the
same, you need to plug in tonight.
Most people who have seen the program say it's a
"No-Brainer"...Unless, that is, you prefer to pay on
your mortgage for 30 years!
So, if you're tired of being on the 30-year plan, this is
for you. Or, if you'd like to help Others get off of the
30-year plan, this is for you, as well! To register for this
life-changing call, go to:
This could very well be the best Monday you've ever had!
Success in all your endeavors,
Charles T. Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
P.S. Anybody out there on Facebook? I'd love to add
you to my Friends list. You can check out my Facebook
Profile at: http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=9tznt&m=1gM7gvE2Hnw7un&b=5vPXZTTTLDyOGbXVKKhzAw
P.P.S. "Ever wanted to have a true secondary source
of income from the comfort of your own home - well
find out how by clicking here and going to the opportunity
P.P.P.S. Remember, we are now taking applications
for my newly updated Executive JV Investor Incentive
Coaching Program. We have several levels available to
meet the needs of almost everyone out there.
From Group Coaching to Live and in person, "Charles
is comin' to Your House for a Few Days" Coaching!
Email Aaron at appointments.dudley@gmail.com
to set up your consultation.
you have another chance to tonight! My good friend,
Connie Zeigler-Wyers, is hosting a webinar tonight ,
January 28th, at 9:01pm EST.
If you'd like to pay off you home in as little to 1/3 to
1/2 the time, or would like to help others to do the
same, you need to plug in tonight.
Most people who have seen the program say it's a
"No-Brainer"...Unless, that is, you prefer to pay on
your mortgage for 30 years!
So, if you're tired of being on the 30-year plan, this is
for you. Or, if you'd like to help Others get off of the
30-year plan, this is for you, as well! To register for this
life-changing call, go to:
This could very well be the best Monday you've ever had!
Success in all your endeavors,
Charles T. Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
P.S. Anybody out there on Facebook? I'd love to add
you to my Friends list. You can check out my Facebook
Profile at: http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=9tznt&m=1gM7gvE2Hnw7un&b=5vPXZTTTLDyOGbXVKKhzAw
P.P.S. "Ever wanted to have a true secondary source
of income from the comfort of your own home - well
find out how by clicking here and going to the opportunity
P.P.P.S. Remember, we are now taking applications
for my newly updated Executive JV Investor Incentive
Coaching Program. We have several levels available to
meet the needs of almost everyone out there.
From Group Coaching to Live and in person, "Charles
is comin' to Your House for a Few Days" Coaching!
Email Aaron at appointments.dudley@gmail.com
to set up your consultation.
Isn't it Time You Get OFF the 30-Year Plan...

If you missed my debt free life webinar this weekend,
you have another chance to tonight! My good friend,
Connie Zeigler-Wyers, is hosting a webinar tonight ,
January 28th, at 9:01pm EST.
If you'd like to pay off you home in as little to 1/3 to
1/2 the time, or would like to help others to do the
same, you need to plug in tonight.
Most people who have seen the program say it's a
"No-Brainer"...Unless, that is, you prefer to pay on
your mortgage for 30 years!
So, if you're tired of being on the 30-year plan, this is
for you. Or, if you'd like to help Others get off of the
30-year plan, this is for you, as well! To register for this
life-changing call, go to:
This could very well be the best Monday you've ever had!
Success in all your endeavors,
Charles T. Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
P.S. Anybody out there on Facebook? I'd love to add
you to my Friends list. You can check out my Facebook
Profile at: http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=9tznt&m=1gM7gvE2Hnw7un&b=5vPXZTTTLDyOGbXVKKhzAw
P.P.S. "Ever wanted to have a true secondary source
of income from the comfort of your own home - well
find out how by clicking here and going to the opportunity
P.P.P.S. Remember, we are now taking applications
for my newly updated Executive JV Investor Incentive
Coaching Program. We have several levels available to
meet the needs of almost everyone out there.
From Group Coaching to Live and in person, "Charles
is comin' to Your House for a Few Days" Coaching!
Email Aaron at appointments.dudley@gmail.com
to set up your consultation.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
No ALPO for You!
Do you want to be one of those people who work almost their
WHOLE Adult Life to pay for their home? And then have nothing
in the bank to care for themselves during the "Golden Years" of
Social Security check dependency...ALPO, gotta love it!
Or would you rather pay off your home in 1/2 to 1/3 the time? And
then plunk the rest of that cash into savings or investments each
Well, if you want to be a part of the second group of people, then
you really won't want to miss our webinar this Sunday night, January
27th at 9:01 PM EST. Feel free to being your spouse or invite other
friends too.
This information truly could change your life for the better and protect
you from paying a boat-load too much in mort-gage inte-rest.
Register now at
http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=Ac2Ll&m=1bxzA172OlXRun&b=45iAgF0iqOufCELn_tIS2g .
During this teleseminar/webinar, you'll find out how you could pay an
effective interest rate of 2% on your mort-gage, while paying it off
completely within 7-10 years.
This can also be used on your investment properties to maximize
your equity position in a relatively short period of time. You will never
do financing the same way - you won't be able to afford to.
So, I look forward to seeing everyone there on Sunday night at 9 PM EST/.
Go now to http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=Ac2Ll&m=1bxzA172OlXRun&b=45iAgF0iqOufCELn_tIS2g
to find out how to be one of the 250 who can register for this live webinar.
To Your Success!
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
PS - We will also discuss how you can profit by sharing this program
at the end of the webinar, so don't miss it. (No recording of this
webinar or call is allowed.)
PPS - Have you heard about our updated affiliate program? You can
make money with REI Most Wanted by sharing this program with others
and profit on any of their referrals too. Sign up now at the bottom
of our main page at www.reimostwanted.com as a new affiliate and find
out how you can make some ex-tra ca-sh sharing the good news of real
estate investing with others.
WHOLE Adult Life to pay for their home? And then have nothing
in the bank to care for themselves during the "Golden Years" of
Social Security check dependency...ALPO, gotta love it!
Or would you rather pay off your home in 1/2 to 1/3 the time? And
then plunk the rest of that cash into savings or investments each
Well, if you want to be a part of the second group of people, then
you really won't want to miss our webinar this Sunday night, January
27th at 9:01 PM EST. Feel free to being your spouse or invite other
friends too.
This information truly could change your life for the better and protect
you from paying a boat-load too much in mort-gage inte-rest.
Register now at
http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=Ac2Ll&m=1bxzA172OlXRun&b=45iAgF0iqOufCELn_tIS2g .
During this teleseminar/webinar, you'll find out how you could pay an
effective interest rate of 2% on your mort-gage, while paying it off
completely within 7-10 years.
This can also be used on your investment properties to maximize
your equity position in a relatively short period of time. You will never
do financing the same way - you won't be able to afford to.
So, I look forward to seeing everyone there on Sunday night at 9 PM EST/.
Go now to http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=Ac2Ll&m=1bxzA172OlXRun&b=45iAgF0iqOufCELn_tIS2g
to find out how to be one of the 250 who can register for this live webinar.
To Your Success!
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
PS - We will also discuss how you can profit by sharing this program
at the end of the webinar, so don't miss it. (No recording of this
webinar or call is allowed.)
PPS - Have you heard about our updated affiliate program? You can
make money with REI Most Wanted by sharing this program with others
and profit on any of their referrals too. Sign up now at the bottom
of our main page at www.reimostwanted.com as a new affiliate and find
out how you can make some ex-tra ca-sh sharing the good news of real
estate investing with others.
You Don't Want A Death Grip - do you?

Did you know that the word mortgage means "death grip"?
Do you really want one fo those for 30 years or more?
Od would you rather get our from under that hold in
1/2 to 1/3 the time? Saving precious time and money.
Well, you really won't want to miss our webinar this Sunday night
at 9:01 PM EST. Feel free to bring your spouse or invite other friends
too. This information truly could change your life for the better
and protect you from paying tens and possibly hundreds of thousands
of dollars too much in mort-gage inte-rest. Register now at
http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=MQ8Hd&m=1bxzA17FcXw7un&b=45iAgF0iqOufCELn_tIS2g to find out how you
could pay an effective interest rate of 2% on your dreaded death
grip - while paying it off completely within 7-10 years.
This can also be used on your investment properties to maximize you
equity position in a relative short period of time. You will never
do financing the same way - you won't be able to afford to.
So, I look forward to seeing everyone there on Sunday night at 9 PM
EST/ Go now to http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=MQ8Hd&m=1bxzA17FcXw7un&b=45iAgF0iqOufCELn_tIS2g to
find out how to be one of the 250 who can register for this live
To Your Success!
Charles Dudley
PS - We will also discuss how you can profit by sharing this program
at the end of the webinar, so don't miss it. (No recording of this
webinar or call is allowed.)
PPS - Have you heard about our updated affiliate program? You can
make money with REI Most Wanted by sharing this program with others
and profit on any of their referrals too. Sign up now at the bottom
of our main page at www.reimostwanted.com as a new affiliate and find
out how you can make some ex-tra ca-sh sharing the good news of real
estate investing with others.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Work With A Mentor
First off, just wanted to let you know that the replay from Lou's
call last night will be available later today...I'll send a quick
email when it's ready. If you didn't get a chance to take advantage
of his great offer got to http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=MQ8Hd&m=1ZnwXDpCMXw7un&b=6Rtn1R1BGVuI_ZtskDuCig .
Well, its time again for me to open enrollment for our newly updated
Executive JV Investor Incentive Coaching Program.
Have you been fumbling around in the dark trying to figure out how
to make it in today's real estate market?
Have you done a few deals that haven't produced any profit for you?
Have you participated in others' programs where you don't even talk
to the real mentor, but an $8 an hour clerk who reads answers to
you from a manual?
Are you just starting, day one, in real estate investing and want to
avoid the most costly mistakes that most beginning investors make?
Or perhaps you are a seasoned investor, and you are ready to take
your game to the next level, working with someone who has been
through the trenches and can take you through any deals from a
$5,000 Mobile home to a $30 Million land deal?
Well - I am opening enrollment for my newly updated programs at
several levels for those who truly want to learn and work one-on-one
with a REAL Real Estate Mentor.
I am now offering programs that range from group coaching to one-on-
one personalized coaching to live one-on-one training and mentoring
(...get the guest room ready). We have both basic and advanced programs
on limited availability.
I also specialize in the latest in no money down and creative real
estate strategies, making money without having to have your own cash
or credit. In addition, I can also bring the power of the internet to your real
estate empire, once you understand the basics.
I'll show you how to structure your business for the best tax
advantages and asset protection - as well as how to begin to build
your business credit. I will even offer to partner with you on
qualified deals.
This year, we will also be offering live group boot camps and weekly
Adult Continuing-Ed classes for those near the Roanoke, VA area who
are interested in Real Estate, Internet Marketing, Business Start Ups,
EBay, and Sales Training.
I only ask for truly motivated people to apply - and although we do
offer a wide range of programs to fit everyone's budget - there will
be no free lunches. I make no apologies on that. But we do offer
plenty of options for folks to learn and grow at all levels.
Okay - so here's the deal - I only have 7 spots available currently
for my one-on-one Executive JV Investor Incentive Coaching Program
and 3 Spots open for my Advanced Program - so those interested need
to send me a short personal bio and goals to me personally at
Anyone else interested in classes or group coaching, please email
appointments.dudley@gmail.com and speak with Aaron.
We truly want to help you grow your business this year and see you
attain higher levels of success - with integrity.
I look forward to hearing from you all this weekend.
Success in all your endeavors.
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
Dudley Success Consulting Group, LLC
PS - I will call as many folks back as possible over the weekend as
you email me - so please include your phone #'s in all emails to
us. One-on-One Mentorships and live classes will be filled on a first
come, first serve basis.
call last night will be available later today...I'll send a quick
email when it's ready. If you didn't get a chance to take advantage
of his great offer got to http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=MQ8Hd&m=1ZnwXDpCMXw7un&b=6Rtn1R1BGVuI_ZtskDuCig .
Well, its time again for me to open enrollment for our newly updated
Executive JV Investor Incentive Coaching Program.
Have you been fumbling around in the dark trying to figure out how
to make it in today's real estate market?
Have you done a few deals that haven't produced any profit for you?
Have you participated in others' programs where you don't even talk
to the real mentor, but an $8 an hour clerk who reads answers to
you from a manual?
Are you just starting, day one, in real estate investing and want to
avoid the most costly mistakes that most beginning investors make?
Or perhaps you are a seasoned investor, and you are ready to take
your game to the next level, working with someone who has been
through the trenches and can take you through any deals from a
$5,000 Mobile home to a $30 Million land deal?
Well - I am opening enrollment for my newly updated programs at
several levels for those who truly want to learn and work one-on-one
with a REAL Real Estate Mentor.
I am now offering programs that range from group coaching to one-on-
one personalized coaching to live one-on-one training and mentoring
(...get the guest room ready). We have both basic and advanced programs
on limited availability.
I also specialize in the latest in no money down and creative real
estate strategies, making money without having to have your own cash
or credit. In addition, I can also bring the power of the internet to your real
estate empire, once you understand the basics.
I'll show you how to structure your business for the best tax
advantages and asset protection - as well as how to begin to build
your business credit. I will even offer to partner with you on
qualified deals.
This year, we will also be offering live group boot camps and weekly
Adult Continuing-Ed classes for those near the Roanoke, VA area who
are interested in Real Estate, Internet Marketing, Business Start Ups,
EBay, and Sales Training.
I only ask for truly motivated people to apply - and although we do
offer a wide range of programs to fit everyone's budget - there will
be no free lunches. I make no apologies on that. But we do offer
plenty of options for folks to learn and grow at all levels.
Okay - so here's the deal - I only have 7 spots available currently
for my one-on-one Executive JV Investor Incentive Coaching Program
and 3 Spots open for my Advanced Program - so those interested need
to send me a short personal bio and goals to me personally at
Anyone else interested in classes or group coaching, please email
appointments.dudley@gmail.com and speak with Aaron.
We truly want to help you grow your business this year and see you
attain higher levels of success - with integrity.
I look forward to hearing from you all this weekend.
Success in all your endeavors.
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
Dudley Success Consulting Group, LLC
PS - I will call as many folks back as possible over the weekend as
you email me - so please include your phone #'s in all emails to
us. One-on-One Mentorships and live classes will be filled on a first
come, first serve basis.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Some People Are Afraid To Make Money

Did you know that some people are afraid to make
money? At least, I GUESS that's why they haven't
taken advantage of the World's Largest Marketplace!
Tonight my friend and mentor, Lou Castillo, is going
to be teaching an elite group of real estate investors
just how they can expand their businesses online
and exponentially increase their cash income!
It's painless and easy to learn, so join us tonight at
9pm EST.
Don't be afraid...Just Do It!
Success in all your endeavors!
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
P.S. Check out a business where your leads will pay
you to be on your list...check out the hottest new
ho-me based business and feel free to call or email
me to find out more info on how to be my business
P.P.S. SpinSuccess is the easiest way to drive tar-geted
traffic to your website. Put your flow of free traffic on
virtual autopilot. Visit the site below to get started now:
P.P.P.S. Not all Affiliate Marketing Programs are the same.
We want to help you to raise your bottom line with an
extra stream of income. Sign up for our affiliate program at:
Almost Everyone Is Taking Advantage Of The Internet Marketing Opportunities

You're all familiar with the traditional ways of
marketing your property. You know...Classified
Ads, "Homes For Sale" magazines, Yard Signs, etc.
Last year I spent almost $2000 per month on
traditional advertising avenues with VERY
LITTLE Return On Investment (ROI).
My cost per lead generated by that method was
extremely high, not to mention the fact that some
of those required contractual commitments of varying
"Almost everyone is taking advantage of all the
Internet Marketing Opportunities..."
I also did a LOT of advertising by way of Internet
Marketing. What a difference! My cost per lead
generated was a micro fraction of the cost of
traditional advertising! And very little of what I did
required long-term contracts.
Join us tonight at 9:01pm EST as my friend and
mentor, Lou Castillo, will teach you how YOU can
build an online real estate investing empire at a
fraction of the cost of traditional methods.
Go to: http://www.reimostwanted.com/empire/call to
sign up for this vital teleseminar.
Even if you are currently using the internet to a
degree, my mentor, Lou, will be sharing some things
that many people have not incorporated into their
online real estate business.
To your success in 2008!
Charles T. Dudley, Sr.
"Unlock Your Future!"
P.S. Check out a business where your leads will pay
you to be on your list...check out the hottest new
ho-me based business and feel free to call or email
me to find out more info on how to be my business
P.P.S. SpinSuccess is the easiest way to drive tar-geted
traffic to your website. Put your flow of free traffic on
virtual autopilot. Visit the site below to get started now:
P.P.P.S. Not all Affiliate Marketing Programs are the same.
We want to help you to raise your bottom line with an
extra stream of income. Sign up for our affiliate program at:
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
How To Get Your Online Real Estate Empire!

Just a quick note.
Now you can learn the secrets of having your
very own online real estate empire. My good
friend and one of my mentors, Lou Castillo is
going to be my guest on Thursday, January 24,
2008 at 9:01PM EST.
Just go to http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=MQ8Hd&m=1fnRdOxkgXw7un&b=B65_mpmCyw2BFZOtI.K2rA
to register for this power-packed call!
You won't want to miss it!
To your success,
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
Monday, January 21, 2008
Online Bible Study - Biblical Prosperity
Don't Miss Our Weekly Bible Study On Finances and the Bible.

Online Bible Study - Biblical Prosperity
Monday, January 21, 2008 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EST
Here's today's link for our powerful study of God's word concerning your finances.
2. Audio: 1-605-475-8590, access code 5837829
International Number: 0870 738 0763
Success in all your endeavors!
Charles T. Dudley, Sr.
"Unlock Your Future!"
(888) 734-6911

Online Bible Study - Biblical Prosperity
Monday, January 21, 2008 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EST
Here's today's link for our powerful study of God's word concerning your finances.
2. Audio: 1-605-475-8590, access code 5837829
International Number: 0870 738 0763
Success in all your endeavors!
Charles T. Dudley, Sr.
"Unlock Your Future!"
(888) 734-6911
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Only 37 spaces left
You may have already read my previous e-mails
inviting you to the Massive Profits in Foreclosures
Congratulations to those who have registered to
attend. You are on your way to achieving true
success in real estate investing this year.
Perhaps some of you are not interested in knowing
what it takes to enjoy profits in foreclosures.
Maybe doing foreclosure investing isn't your plan
of action this year.
However, to the rest of you who plan to be successful
in foreclosures, who have not yet registered, I want
to encourage you to take this action step now.
On this live Tele-course, you will not only be
trained in steps to achieve success in the foreclosure
arena; you will also be able to ask direct questions
to the experts live on the calls! You will be able to
receive live coaching from the most experienced, expert,
successful real estate investors and coaches in the
United States today.
There are only 37 spaces left as of last count for this
LIVE presentation. Space was limited to 200 and they are
almost at that number.
The live Tele-course begins on Jan 22 which is only a
few days away.
If you are serious about achieving true success in real
estate investing through foreclosures, you don't want to
miss this training.
It does not matter if you are experienced or have never
invested in your life. This Tele-course is for you! This
is real world training you can put to work today, helping
others to avoid foreclosures while enjoying the profits
foreclosure investing can bring.
Now is the time to get off the fence. Time is running out
...and so is space. Check out the trainers, the details, the
dates and time of courses, by going to this website now.
To Your Success in 2008,
Charles Dudley, Sr
"Unlock Your Future!"
P.S. "Ever wanted to have a true secondary
source of income from the comfort of your
own home - well find out how by clicking
here and going to the opportunity page.
P.P.S. Remember, we are now taking applications
for my newly updated Executive JV Investor
Incentive Coaching Program. We have several
levels available to meet the needs of almost
everyone out there. From Group Coaching to Live
and in person, "Charles is coming to Your House
for a Few Days" Coaching!
Email Aaron at appointments.dudley@gmail.com
to set up your consultation.
inviting you to the Massive Profits in Foreclosures
Congratulations to those who have registered to
attend. You are on your way to achieving true
success in real estate investing this year.
Perhaps some of you are not interested in knowing
what it takes to enjoy profits in foreclosures.
Maybe doing foreclosure investing isn't your plan
of action this year.
However, to the rest of you who plan to be successful
in foreclosures, who have not yet registered, I want
to encourage you to take this action step now.
On this live Tele-course, you will not only be
trained in steps to achieve success in the foreclosure
arena; you will also be able to ask direct questions
to the experts live on the calls! You will be able to
receive live coaching from the most experienced, expert,
successful real estate investors and coaches in the
United States today.
There are only 37 spaces left as of last count for this
LIVE presentation. Space was limited to 200 and they are
almost at that number.
The live Tele-course begins on Jan 22 which is only a
few days away.
If you are serious about achieving true success in real
estate investing through foreclosures, you don't want to
miss this training.
It does not matter if you are experienced or have never
invested in your life. This Tele-course is for you! This
is real world training you can put to work today, helping
others to avoid foreclosures while enjoying the profits
foreclosure investing can bring.
Now is the time to get off the fence. Time is running out
...and so is space. Check out the trainers, the details, the
dates and time of courses, by going to this website now.
To Your Success in 2008,
Charles Dudley, Sr
"Unlock Your Future!"
P.S. "Ever wanted to have a true secondary
source of income from the comfort of your
own home - well find out how by clicking
here and going to the opportunity page.
P.P.S. Remember, we are now taking applications
for my newly updated Executive JV Investor
Incentive Coaching Program. We have several
levels available to meet the needs of almost
everyone out there. From Group Coaching to Live
and in person, "Charles is coming to Your House
for a Few Days" Coaching!
Email Aaron at appointments.dudley@gmail.com
to set up your consultation.
Discover How to Live Wealthy and Debt Free!

Discover How to Live Wealthy and Debt Free!
--> Payoff your Mortgages in 1/2 the normal time or LESS!
--> Save Tens of Thousands in Interest!
--> Payoff Your Credit Cards
OWN free and clear real estate, for generations
to come.
This does NOT require MORE INCOME.
You DO NOT have to Invest in Real Estate.
Accomplish this with your EXISTING Income!!
Also, you can supplement your income by sharing
this with others OR Even start a whole new Career!
Be HERE SUNDAY, Jan. 20 at 9:00 PM ET, 8PM CT,
7 PM MT, & 6:PM PT
Set your alarm.
Bring paper and a pen that writes.
The webinar link for tonight's webinar on living a
debt free life is:
When you register, you'll receive the phone number to
call in on, so register early if you haven't already
done so.
To Your Success in 2008,
Charles Dudley, Sr.
"Unlock Your Future!"
P.S. Anybody out there on Facebook? I'd love to add you
to my Friends list. You can check out my Facebook Profile
at: http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=MQ8Hd&m=1gM7gvE2Hnw7un&b=5vPXZTTTLDyOGbXVKKhzAw
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Want to Joint Venture with a REAL Mentor?
Well its time again for me to open enrollment for our newly updated
Executive JV Investor Incentive Coaching Program.
Have you been fumbling around in the dark on how to make it in
today's real estate market?
Have you done a few deals that haven't produced any profit for you.
Have you participated in others' programs where you don't even talk
to the real mentor, but an $8 and hour clerk who reads answers to
you from a manual?
Are you just starting, day one, in real estate investing and want to
avoid the most costly mistakes that most beginning investors make?
Or perhaps you are a seasoned investor and you are ready to take
your game to the next level, working with someone who has been
through the trenches and can take you through any deals from a
$5,000 Mobile home to a $30 Million land deal?
Well - I am opening enrollment for my newly updated programs at
several levels for those who truly want to learn and work one on
one with a REAL Real Estate Mentor.
I am now offering programs that range from group coaching to one on
one personalized coaching to live one on one training and mentoring.
We have both basic and advanced programs on limited availability.
I also specialize in the latest in no money down and creative real
estate strategies, making money without having to have your own cash
or credit. I also bring the power of the internet to your real
estate empire, once you understand the basics.
I can show you how to structure your business for the best tax
advantages and asset protection - as well as how to begin to build
your business credit. I will even offer to partner with you on
qualified deals.
We will also be offering live group boot camps this year and weekly
adult continuing ed classes for those near the Roanoke, VA area
interested in Real Estate, Internet Marketing, Business Start Ups,
EBay, and Sales Training.
I only ask for truly motivated people to apply - and although we do
offer a wide range of programs to fit everyone's budget - there will
be no free lunches. I make no apologies on that. But we do offer
plenty of options for folks to learn and grow at all levels.
Okay - so here's the deal - I only have 7 spots available currently
for my one-on-one Executive JV Investor Incentive Coaching Program
and 3 Spots open for my Advanced Program - so those interested need
to send me a short personal bio and goals to me personally at
Anyone else interested in classes or group coaching, please email
appointments.dudley@gmail.com and speak with Aaron.
We truly want to help you grow your business this year and see you
attain higher levels of success - with integrity.
I look forward to hearing from you all this weekend.
Success in all your endeavors.
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
Dudley Success Consulting Group, LLC
PS - I will call as many folks back as possible over the weekend as
you email me - so please include your phone #'s in all emails to
us. One on One Mentorships and live classes will be filled on a
first come first serve basis. to your success! CD
Executive JV Investor Incentive Coaching Program.
Have you been fumbling around in the dark on how to make it in
today's real estate market?
Have you done a few deals that haven't produced any profit for you.
Have you participated in others' programs where you don't even talk
to the real mentor, but an $8 and hour clerk who reads answers to
you from a manual?
Are you just starting, day one, in real estate investing and want to
avoid the most costly mistakes that most beginning investors make?
Or perhaps you are a seasoned investor and you are ready to take
your game to the next level, working with someone who has been
through the trenches and can take you through any deals from a
$5,000 Mobile home to a $30 Million land deal?
Well - I am opening enrollment for my newly updated programs at
several levels for those who truly want to learn and work one on
one with a REAL Real Estate Mentor.
I am now offering programs that range from group coaching to one on
one personalized coaching to live one on one training and mentoring.
We have both basic and advanced programs on limited availability.
I also specialize in the latest in no money down and creative real
estate strategies, making money without having to have your own cash
or credit. I also bring the power of the internet to your real
estate empire, once you understand the basics.
I can show you how to structure your business for the best tax
advantages and asset protection - as well as how to begin to build
your business credit. I will even offer to partner with you on
qualified deals.
We will also be offering live group boot camps this year and weekly
adult continuing ed classes for those near the Roanoke, VA area
interested in Real Estate, Internet Marketing, Business Start Ups,
EBay, and Sales Training.
I only ask for truly motivated people to apply - and although we do
offer a wide range of programs to fit everyone's budget - there will
be no free lunches. I make no apologies on that. But we do offer
plenty of options for folks to learn and grow at all levels.
Okay - so here's the deal - I only have 7 spots available currently
for my one-on-one Executive JV Investor Incentive Coaching Program
and 3 Spots open for my Advanced Program - so those interested need
to send me a short personal bio and goals to me personally at
Anyone else interested in classes or group coaching, please email
appointments.dudley@gmail.com and speak with Aaron.
We truly want to help you grow your business this year and see you
attain higher levels of success - with integrity.
I look forward to hearing from you all this weekend.
Success in all your endeavors.
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
Dudley Success Consulting Group, LLC
PS - I will call as many folks back as possible over the weekend as
you email me - so please include your phone #'s in all emails to
us. One on One Mentorships and live classes will be filled on a
first come first serve basis. to your success! CD
Friday, January 18, 2008
Real Estate Investing & Foreclosures - Live Event
Are you invited yet? The real secrets to success in foreclosures will be revealed in thistle-course beginning Jan 22. Ten Foreclosure Experts will be teaching and answering your most riveting questions. You will be hearing from the "best of the best" real estate investors and trainers.
If you have already registered, congratulations on taking that step on your path to finding true success through real estate investing.
Foreclosures are the place to be investing in today's real estate market. There are so many opportunities! However, you need to make sure and learn how to do it right, avoiding the pitfalls so many make when the don't take time to learn
You will receive real world, step by step training on how you can achieve massive profits while when you attend this 10 Week Tele-course: http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/aftrack.asp?afid=703578
Find out how you can become RICH in this billion dollar market...
America's Leading Foreclosure Investing Experts Reveal...
The REAL Secrets to ENJOYING MASSIVE PROFITS, in Foreclosures!
...with Integrity and Passion
... From The Top Speaking and Real Estate Investing Pros on the Planet
The course title starts with "The REAL Secrets". I often see headlines with words "the secret." The secret to "this"... the secret to "that".
It's a great way to entice us into wanting to know. We like to know secrets!
Do you want to know the biggest secret that I have ever heard?
It's the truth about this phenomenon called "The Secret".
Well here is it is... here's the biggest secret:
There are no secrets - Just stuff you don't know yet!
Get Ready To Know!
You will know everything you need in order to be TRULY successful in Foreclosures when you attend this LIVE Tele-training... guaranteed to bring you 10 X, (that's Ten Times), the return on your investment with just your first deal. We are so certain that you will make money when you do what is taught, we have put our money where our mouth is, (so to speak). Check out this unbelievable guarantee here:
http://www.1shoppingcart.com /app/aftrack.asp?afid=703578
This is a real estate foreclosure Tele-training like I have never seen before. I am so impressed with what the expert trainers are bringing in this all inclusive 7 course, (plus 4 bonus courses), Tele-training,
Through this Tele-course, you learn EVERY Detail about:
What does it take to build an ethical and profitable foreclosure investing business?
How can you do deals - without needing any of your own money or credit?
How can you quickly flip your house and lock in your profits in this soft market?
How to profit when so many properties have no equity??
What's the best way to buy in this market (pre-foreclosure, subject to, short sales, auctions, REO) and why?
What are successfully investors doing RIGHT NOW to make it BIG in the foreclosure market?
How to find motivated sellers
How to find motivated buyers
8 ways to profit from ONE foreclosure
The hidden market....high profit deals no one else knows about
Short Sales - How to influence the BTO in your favor & How to negotiate with the bank so they will say yes
Powerful Strategies to making profits fast without credit, financing & risk
Steps to take to get really rich in this foreclosure niche.
And much, much more.
Time is running out to be part of this LIVE Tele-training. Tele-classes start on Jan 22nd! So don't put it off any longer.
http://www.1shoppingcart.com /app/aftrack.asp?afid=703578
To Massive Profits,
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your future!"
P.S. Want to have a little fun? How would you like to win $300?
Have you ever heard the saying, "You have to play to win"?
Well, it is true!
We are having a contest and you can win! (But, you have to play).
Here's the scoop - - -
Whoever can find the 10 hidden keys on this page will have the opportunity to win up to $300!!
HERE'S WHAT YOU CAN WIN! (Valued at over $4000.00!)
$197 credit toward Tele-course registration (or $197 cash if you already registered)
Plus - if you register to attend the Massive Profits in Foreclosure Tele-course BEFORE you turn in your answers, you will receive an additional $103.00!
Here's how it works!
1) Login to the details page here:
http://www.1shoppingcart.com /app/aftrack.asp?afid=703578
2) FIND THE TEN YELLOW KEYS hidden on the page after logging in.
(You will find ten pictures of yellow keys hidden between words on this page)
3) Click on Contact Us found at bottom of the page
4) In comments box, write the list of words located to the left and right of each of the ten "yellow keys" that you found. (Or copy and paste them).
5) We will have a drawing on Friday morning Jan 18th, picking one winner from everyone who provided the correct answers - and send an e-mail to all their contacts announcing the name of the one person who wins the $300 bucks!
DEADLINE TO RECEIVE YOUR ANSWERS: In order to receive a prize, (and everyone will get one), your message with correct answers must be received by no later than Thursday, Jan 17th at midnight.
You do not have to be registered for Tele-course to play. However, In order to receive the $103 cash, you must be registered to attend the Massive Profits in Foreclosure Tele-course training by the experts before you enter the contest.
The best part - - -
All who turn in answers will be e-mailed a special gift just for playing the game.
...With Integrity and Passion
...From the Top Trainers and Real Estate Investing Pros on the Planet Register here today.
Don't pass up this "one-of-a-kind" training guaranteed to teach you all it takes to enjoy Massive Profits in Foreclosures in 2008. http://www.1shoppingcart.com /app/aftrack.asp?afid=703578
If you have already registered, congratulations on taking that step on your path to finding true success through real estate investing.
Foreclosures are the place to be investing in today's real estate market. There are so many opportunities! However, you need to make sure and learn how to do it right, avoiding the pitfalls so many make when the don't take time to learn
You will receive real world, step by step training on how you can achieve massive profits while when you attend this 10 Week Tele-course: http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/aftrack.asp?afid=703578
Find out how you can become RICH in this billion dollar market...
America's Leading Foreclosure Investing Experts Reveal...
The REAL Secrets to ENJOYING MASSIVE PROFITS, in Foreclosures!
...with Integrity and Passion
... From The Top Speaking and Real Estate Investing Pros on the Planet
The course title starts with "The REAL Secrets". I often see headlines with words "the secret." The secret to "this"... the secret to "that".
It's a great way to entice us into wanting to know. We like to know secrets!
Do you want to know the biggest secret that I have ever heard?
It's the truth about this phenomenon called "The Secret".
Well here is it is... here's the biggest secret:
There are no secrets - Just stuff you don't know yet!
Get Ready To Know!
You will know everything you need in order to be TRULY successful in Foreclosures when you attend this LIVE Tele-training... guaranteed to bring you 10 X, (that's Ten Times), the return on your investment with just your first deal. We are so certain that you will make money when you do what is taught, we have put our money where our mouth is, (so to speak). Check out this unbelievable guarantee here:
http://www.1shoppingcart.com /app/aftrack.asp?afid=703578
This is a real estate foreclosure Tele-training like I have never seen before. I am so impressed with what the expert trainers are bringing in this all inclusive 7 course, (plus 4 bonus courses), Tele-training,
Through this Tele-course, you learn EVERY Detail about:
What does it take to build an ethical and profitable foreclosure investing business?
How can you do deals - without needing any of your own money or credit?
How can you quickly flip your house and lock in your profits in this soft market?
How to profit when so many properties have no equity??
What's the best way to buy in this market (pre-foreclosure, subject to, short sales, auctions, REO) and why?
What are successfully investors doing RIGHT NOW to make it BIG in the foreclosure market?
How to find motivated sellers
How to find motivated buyers
8 ways to profit from ONE foreclosure
The hidden market....high profit deals no one else knows about
Short Sales - How to influence the BTO in your favor & How to negotiate with the bank so they will say yes
Powerful Strategies to making profits fast without credit, financing & risk
Steps to take to get really rich in this foreclosure niche.
And much, much more.
Time is running out to be part of this LIVE Tele-training. Tele-classes start on Jan 22nd! So don't put it off any longer.
http://www.1shoppingcart.com /app/aftrack.asp?afid=703578
To Massive Profits,
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your future!"
P.S. Want to have a little fun? How would you like to win $300?
Have you ever heard the saying, "You have to play to win"?
Well, it is true!
We are having a contest and you can win! (But, you have to play).
Here's the scoop - - -
Whoever can find the 10 hidden keys on this page will have the opportunity to win up to $300!!
HERE'S WHAT YOU CAN WIN! (Valued at over $4000.00!)
$197 credit toward Tele-course registration (or $197 cash if you already registered)
Plus - if you register to attend the Massive Profits in Foreclosure Tele-course BEFORE you turn in your answers, you will receive an additional $103.00!
Here's how it works!
1) Login to the details page here:
http://www.1shoppingcart.com /app/aftrack.asp?afid=703578
2) FIND THE TEN YELLOW KEYS hidden on the page after logging in.
(You will find ten pictures of yellow keys hidden between words on this page)
3) Click on Contact Us found at bottom of the page
4) In comments box, write the list of words located to the left and right of each of the ten "yellow keys" that you found. (Or copy and paste them).
5) We will have a drawing on Friday morning Jan 18th, picking one winner from everyone who provided the correct answers - and send an e-mail to all their contacts announcing the name of the one person who wins the $300 bucks!
DEADLINE TO RECEIVE YOUR ANSWERS: In order to receive a prize, (and everyone will get one), your message with correct answers must be received by no later than Thursday, Jan 17th at midnight.
You do not have to be registered for Tele-course to play. However, In order to receive the $103 cash, you must be registered to attend the Massive Profits in Foreclosure Tele-course training by the experts before you enter the contest.
The best part - - -
All who turn in answers will be e-mailed a special gift just for playing the game.
...With Integrity and Passion
...From the Top Trainers and Real Estate Investing Pros on the Planet Register here today.
Don't pass up this "one-of-a-kind" training guaranteed to teach you all it takes to enjoy Massive Profits in Foreclosures in 2008. http://www.1shoppingcart.com /app/aftrack.asp?afid=703578
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Don't miss tonight's conversation with a Real Estate Mentor

In today's cut throat business world - integrity is what is needed.
We'd all agree that no one is perfect - but don't we all want to
work and deal with people of honesty and integrity.
Tonight I am honored to share one of my friends and colleagues -
Matt Gillogly. Matt is one of the few folks that I actually refer
people to as real estate coaching students.
Tonight Matt will be sharing what it will take to WIN BIG in 2008
with Real Estate - and how to win with integrity.
Don't let this powerful discussion topic pass you by - I know there
are a dozen other calls being offered tonight - and maybe a TV program
or 2 - but I know the value of this mentor's time and his knowledge
So register now for this life-changing call at www.reimostwanted.com/mattapprentice/call
And show up about 5 minutes early - you'll be glad you did
To your success!
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
PS - Check out our blog at http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=MQ8Hd&m=1fiFEYfnbnw7un&b=.riMifebt6rZ2PLGsTysJw
PPS - Sign up to make mon-ey with REI Most Wanted as an affiliate -
earning 50% on commissions at http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=MQ8Hd&m=1fiFEYfnbnw7un&b=Q_JZwHw_L3RzZ5VF4UDThg
There's no cost to join
REMEMBER - Tonight's call is at 9:01PM EST
This Call May Not Be For Everyone
Well I was finally able to get him on a training call - Mentor
Matt Gillogly - for a limited space available call this Thursday
night - this is an interview with a fellow mentor who is in the
field working with a small group of students accross the country.
You will want to find out the pulse of the current real estate
market by listening to this expert. But the call is on a first
come first serve reservation availability.
So don't wait for any further invitation - you deserve this call
Register today at www.reimostwanted.com/mattapprentice/call
I can't wait for the latest updates from Matt and share them with
everyone who desires to seek out this knowledge
To find out more this expert - check out the registration page at
You will be glad you did
Successful Investing
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
REI Most Wanted, 206 Market Street, Roanoke, VA 24011, USA
Matt Gillogly - for a limited space available call this Thursday
night - this is an interview with a fellow mentor who is in the
field working with a small group of students accross the country.
You will want to find out the pulse of the current real estate
market by listening to this expert. But the call is on a first
come first serve reservation availability.
So don't wait for any further invitation - you deserve this call
Register today at www.reimostwanted.com/mattapprentice/call
I can't wait for the latest updates from Matt and share them with
everyone who desires to seek out this knowledge
To find out more this expert - check out the registration page at
You will be glad you did
Successful Investing
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
REI Most Wanted, 206 Market Street, Roanoke, VA 24011, USA
Everyone Keeps Emailing Me.....
About how to make an extra $5-10K cash flow each month.
I am recommending my top 2 programs for Real Estate investors to
add to their multiple streams of income:
1) Visit www.reimostwanted.com/debtfreelife to see how you can make
money by helping others cut their mortgages in half or more and save
tons of hard earned cash. Remember to get your fr-ee analysis.
2) Many folks have been askign about the latest details on our ITV
promotion from last month - so here's a detailed update.
(to register on our team and plug in to our training for internet
marketing - go to www.itvventures.com/va - you must be on our team
to get the additional training - a $7,500 value)
Here is an update from the Scottsdale Meetings done by one of our
IBOs that is a good re-cap of the weekends events, please pass it
along to all of your ITV (www.itvventures.com/va) teams.
Here are the important announcements regarding our business.
When Donald Barrett first developed the concept of ITV ventures, he
thought about selling distributorship's for $50,000. However, he
learned that there is a cap for the cost of a home bas-ed busi-ness,
which is $500. So he set the price at $499. He has known for years
that there are certain price points that trigger easy buying
decisions. $499 is not one of them; $299 is. So in reflecting on
the success that IBOs have had in enrolling people who call from
the infomercial on the FIRST call, he has decided to reduce the
cost of the premier package to -- you guessed it -- $299.
With the premier package the new IBO receives $400 worth of
products at the retail value, the website, access to the business
management center. the business in a briefcase, a discount coupon
for the next quarterly event (Niagara Falls, May 30 - June 1), and
the all new Get Started Fast kit. A special feature is that the new
IBO may charge this cost in two payments, $149 plus shipping and
handling, and $150, which will be charged 30 days later. Each
person you enroll at the premier level earns you a commission of
$100 on the product volume sold.
Anyone who is not yet on the Home Agent Program (HAP), may enroll
immediately. A new HAP starter kit was launched and costs $299. The
fee is non-refundable and not transferable. the HAP Starter Kit
includes $49.95 background check, $149.95 specific HAP training,
one month of rental fees for the patented and protected computer
system ($59.95), and 200 universal call credits. That's a value of
$450 for just $299! Only those IBOs who have yet to take phone
calls may purchase this special package.
For those of us who are especially good at retailing products,
there are incentives now in place. When you achieve $5000 in
personal volume, you qualify for a 15% retailer bonus. That means
that you'll receive 15%. For example, the next $1000 in volume you
produce nets you $150 bonus check. When you obtain $10,000 in
personal volume in any given month, you'll receive a 30% bonus. The
person volume includes your automatic assurance sales (OAP).
To reward the trailblazers who are fueling the growth of ITV
Ventures in a big way, a new Presidential Platinum designation was
created. The individual who achieves this level of productivity
will receive $1500 per month car allowance and $5000 per month
house allowance.
Other announcements, if you are a Gold IBO, you may participate in
the Infomercial Academy, March 9-12, 2008. Don Barrett will teach
30 people who to become a master distributor of infomercials. He
will teach us insider secrets for how to buy media, schedule and
run your own shows, and how to co-op media with your down line. The
tuition costs $2900.
I have enrolled for this course and hope to learn how to buy media
so that all of us may take calls and bypass the ITV call credit
system. If I understand this opportunity correctly, this will save
us BIG bucks in the long run. Stay tuned for more details.
If you know about a product or service that will Positively Impact
People, bring it to ITV and qualify for commissions from $5,000 to
$15,000. There will be a link on our web sites directly to
Although you cannot take advantage of the next offers presented,
I'm sharing them so that you realize that people who participate by
going to the event or watching the streaming video get special
rewards. Attendess could buy call credits for 90 cents. If
attendees purchased 5 months of HAP, they received a 6th month FRE-E
and could buy call credits for 85 cents. If attendees purchased 10
months of HAP, they received 1 months FREE and could buy call
credits for 75 cents.
Finally, attendees could receive FRE-E biz op calls. To qualify,
each person must enroll 5 new premier IBOs on their first inbound
HAP call between now and February 15, 2008. Once qualified, the
person may take inbound calls from ITV Ventures biz op ABSOLUTELY
FRE-E. With this opportunity once you become qualified as a good
closer, you will be linked up to a system where every other IBO
goes directly to ITV and you get the other one.
Now for the product changes.
Dr. DeSilva presented the Total Living Package: Probiotics, CoQ10,
Omega 3, and E-8. If you're a regular listener to Dr. DeSilva's
calls on Monday evenings 9:00 PM Eastern time, then you're familiar
with the health benefits of these various supplements. His
strongest and first recommendation is for everyone to take
Probiotics. The human intestines contains over 100 trillion living
bacteria that co-exist with us and provide important functions.
Almost 4 pounds of body weight consists of these living organisms.
Boog bacteria influence the immune system, digestion, vitamine
production, and detoxification. They are often destroyed by
anti-biotics, stress, steroids, cholarinated water, oral
contraceptives, antacids, diets high in sugar and refined foods,
and chemotherapy and radiation.
What makes Total Living Probiotics special is that the bacteria are
packaged and protected from stomach acid so that the good bacteria
can be released in the intestines where they do the most good.
Also, the capsules are small, and easily swallowed.
Co-enzyme Q10 provides energy at the cellular level and is a potent
anti-oxidant. CoQ10 is depleted by many drugs including cholesterol
lowering ones, diabetic medications, heart and blood pressure meds,
and psychiatric drugs. Dr. DaSilva called it jet fuel for your
cells without the buzz. Using a patented technology the Total
Living CoQ10 is 3 times more readily available because of smaller
molecules. Instead of 2 microns, this one is 0.2 microns.
Omega 3 has long been associated with heart health. It maintains
cholesterol levels, reduces inflammation which makes it good for
eyes and joins, and also improves hair, skin and nails. While some
people may forget to take this vital nutrient for their hearts,
they will be motivated by the beneficial aspects to their
E-8 is an anti-oxidant and supports good heart health. It's the
second most purchased single nutrient after vitamin C. What makes
this product so special is that it contains all 8 forms of vitamin
E, which are needed in unison. Without certain forms, your heart
won't benefit.
Danny Vierra, who we know as the Christian evangelist for the
colon, introduced 7 formulas! Death begins in the colon, and in 2
years, 100% of your body parts are replaced; 98% in one year. So
what are you doing to eliminate toxins and introduce good nutrition
to your cells?
Formula 1 is the mover for the colon. It increases the frequency of
bowel movements. Formula 2 is the vacuum or magnet for the colon.
It absorbs and scrubs the crevices to clean out fecal matter that
is old and encrusted.
Formula 3 is a liver and gall bladder cleanser. Formula 4 works on
the kidneys. Formula 5 is for blood. Formula 6 detoxes the body
from parasites and worms. Formula 7 is called Almighty Manna and
contains 13 super foods in concentrated form. So it also serves as
a multi-vitamin. According to Danny, the proper way to take all
these products is simultaneously and seasonally. When you purchase
the set, you also receive instructions. The whole process is
completed within 10 days!
Robert Rudlick, maker of Think Straight, has developed a new
formula called Straight 2 Sleep. Did you know that 7 of 10
Americans have sleep issues each month and that 80 million people
suffer from insomnia? Think how wonderful it will be to take late
night calls for Straight 2 sleep!! And it works better than drugs
which have many undesirable side effects as well as may become
habit forming. Straight 2 Sleep has 2 different ingredients that
enable you to fall asleep easily and then obtain deeper sleep, REM,
that restores and refreshes. One of our team, Gernote Wade,
received a free sample and used it last night. Normally, the
stimulation of the event and driving home would have made it
difficult for him to fall asleep. Also, no matter what, he reports
that he awakens early. Not last night! He said that he fell asleep
quickly and remained sleeping for an extra 2 hours. What a
Patty McPeak, developed of stabilized rice bran (risolubles), has
several new products that will be released shortly. She announced
that Rice 'N Shine was reformulated to eliminate soy products.
Also, at our request, the new package will contain 30 servings, not
21. For more information on the various benefits of risolubles, go
to www.clinicaltrials.gov and search fro rice bran. Her former
company, Nutracea, is in second phase clinical testing for AIDS and
HIV. One of the new items that is ready to go is a food bar.
Although I didn't get to sample it personally, other people
reported how tasty it was.
Mike Marenick introduced the E Topical Skin Care products. One is
specifically formulated for psoriasis, of which there are 200,000
new cases diagnosed yearly.It also helps with dandruff and scalp
issues. The second formula is directed for acne, and can serve as a
daily moisturizer. He explained the difference between his product
and Pro-Active, which involves 3 steps and may cause red, irritated
skin. Mike's system is simple: clean the face twice a day and use
the moisturizing cream. For acne sufferers, there is a spot serum
that is used with a new break-out or cluster of break-outs. Mike
used to sell his products from a cart in the mall and noted that he
had a high percentage of repeat customers every month. So this will
be an outstanding product to represent and secure OAPs.
Bill Barnett, developer of HOPE, Helping OUr Pets Excel, presented
the formula for cats. Just like us, our pets are suffering from
obesity, diabetes, cancer and arthritis. He explained that the
digestive system of dogs and cats were made for eating meat. Yet
the standard pet foods contain more carbohydrates and less protein
than ideal. By adding HOPE to your pet's food, you correct this
imbalance and help your pet enjoy healthier skin, less muscle and
joint issues, fewer bet visits, increased longevity, increased
energy, better weight control, increased strength, fewer hair
balls, better eye health, and superior cognitive development for
easier training. It's protection for life. What makes HOPE unique
is that it targets every aspect of pet health. Other supplements
support one function only.
Jim (no last name), a sports physiologist, introduced FIGO juice.
It contains acai berries from Brazil, one of the highest sources of
anti-oxidants. Along with other fruits, Figo is absorbed better in
the body and thus provides better anti-oxidant protection. What
differentiates it from the other juices available is that ITV pays
YOU to take the orders. People will find it less costly and not
have to warehouse the product too.
Other developers who presented included Dr. Bob Barefoot promoting
SolarCal D, Scott Kennedy extolling the virtues of Sea Vegg, and
Dr. Kalyani Human presenting the Devi Line of Estrosym. We also
heard from UMG, United Marketing Group, that offer Buyer's Edge and
My Advisor. These are add-on upsells that pay you $15 one-time only
for those inbound customers who accept the 30-day trial offers for
$1 a piece. A representative of Live Ops also spoke about the
system and its capacity to route calls around the globe. Does that
suggest where ITV might be growing?! Jay Kordich, the Juice King,
also made an appearance and will be represented by ITV in the near
future. He has a new book and juicing machine.
In the expo area, there were other products featured including
Wafer Thin System, Naked Minerals, VegiCal. For those attending the
event, there were free samples and special pricing on some of the
products. Does that give you another incentive to decide to join us
for the next event in Niagara Falls?
The last speaker was John Gray, author of Men are from Mars and
Women are from Venus. He just signed a 5-year contract with ITV.
How exciting is that?! John's books and tapes and CDs are easily
recognized by Home Shopping Network customers. Now we'll represent
him. He has a new book being released January 22. Again for
attendees, he offered us discounted prices on his weekend workshops
that are held monthly, and he gave away a full set of all his
educational products with each enrollment. John has developed a
system of supplements for men and women that are specifically
formulated to alleviate stress and support optimal health.
As you consider these various products that are in the pipeline, I
hope you appreciate, as Don Barrett often remarks, you're in the
right place at the right time.
So, given these new developments, how do you take full advantage of
ITV VEetures? Here's my suggestion .
If you're new, enroll for the HAP starter kit. For $299 you'll
receive $200 call credits plus the required background check and
first month of HAP leasing fees. It's a great bargain plus the
additional training provided. To succeed, you need to practice your
scripts over and over and over again. I know you think you can read
well. It's been my experience that you'll gain the most customers
and increase orders when you come across as confident and smooth
over the phone, when you've internalized the script and made it
your own. That can only happen with practice. Join us our weekly
teleseminar trainings, and role play with us. www.itvventures.com/va
If you've already been on the phone, select one or two new products
to learn about and promote. In fact everyone should select a few
products. Which ones appeal to you? Which ones have you
experienced? Which ones have the most potential for earning you
money? Then schedule time to take calls. Consistency helps.
I'll never forget when Blain Athorn, co-founder of BEST, our
training and education vendor, gave a scenario of getting just 5
new customers a week. It didn't seem like much work was required or
much expense. Yet, by year's end, the IBO had over 250 customers.
With each one providing just $20 in commissions per month, the IBO
was making $5000 a month. That doesn't take into account the
over-rides we earn from our downline, nor the new incentive bonus
that comes from generating $5000 or more in personal volume each
Blain actually started the event with this message: I will persist
until I succeed. I will persist. I will win.
Because ITV has been around for 8 years, we may forget that ITV
Ventures is barely a year old and still in transition. Donald
reminded us not to get stuck on certain aspects of the business and
to maintain a willingness to change. (Recall the learning index
that Kevin Trudeau presented.) Don is fully committed to our
success. And there is an advisory board, which is composed entirely
of IBOs, to represent us and help the company develop programs and
tools that will further our business concerns.
I am excited about this opportunity. As I reflect on this event, I
am reminded of the one in Jacksonville last May. Donald talked
about a 7-step system for success. It begins with a dream. I know
you have a dream or you wouldn't have enrolled. Get in touch with
that dream. Make it more vivid. Then decide today that NOTHING will
keep you from achieving it.
Napolean Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich, and the 16 Laws of
Success, spent 20 years researching the world's most successful
individuals. What did they have in common? It boiled down to this:
a dream that became a magnificent obsession. Read again (or for the
first time), the book you received upon enrollment to ITV VEntures,
The Magic of Thinking Big. Take time to write down your dream.
Better yet, get pictures that capture it.
Armed with your dream, develop your belief system. Deepen it. To
succeed, you must believe in ITV Ventures. Add to that a belief in
the products. You don't have to love all of them, just some of
them. Now increase this belief by believing in Don Barrett as the
visonary. One last belief, you must have a belief in yourself. Let
go of any disappointments or failures from the past. Bring into
your awareness how you have the necessary tools, skills, aptitudes,
and knowledge TODAY to make it BIG in ITV Ventures.
You CAN do this. You CAN make money. You CAN achieve your dream!
ITV Ventures offers you the mechanism for achieving it. Now take
action, and you can walk confidently into the future, one step at a
Watch "Cause Effect," a show about real people making a real
difference. Learn more www.itvventures.com/va
Unlock Your Future!
Charles Dudley
PS - Be watching for an EXCITING announcement about a SPECIAL -
LIMITED SEATING training call tomorrow night. Email to come shortly.
I am recommending my top 2 programs for Real Estate investors to
add to their multiple streams of income:
1) Visit www.reimostwanted.com/debtfreelife to see how you can make
money by helping others cut their mortgages in half or more and save
tons of hard earned cash. Remember to get your fr-ee analysis.
2) Many folks have been askign about the latest details on our ITV
promotion from last month - so here's a detailed update.
(to register on our team and plug in to our training for internet
marketing - go to www.itvventures.com/va - you must be on our team
to get the additional training - a $7,500 value)
Here is an update from the Scottsdale Meetings done by one of our
IBOs that is a good re-cap of the weekends events, please pass it
along to all of your ITV (www.itvventures.com/va) teams.
Here are the important announcements regarding our business.
When Donald Barrett first developed the concept of ITV ventures, he
thought about selling distributorship's for $50,000. However, he
learned that there is a cap for the cost of a home bas-ed busi-ness,
which is $500. So he set the price at $499. He has known for years
that there are certain price points that trigger easy buying
decisions. $499 is not one of them; $299 is. So in reflecting on
the success that IBOs have had in enrolling people who call from
the infomercial on the FIRST call, he has decided to reduce the
cost of the premier package to -- you guessed it -- $299.
With the premier package the new IBO receives $400 worth of
products at the retail value, the website, access to the business
management center. the business in a briefcase, a discount coupon
for the next quarterly event (Niagara Falls, May 30 - June 1), and
the all new Get Started Fast kit. A special feature is that the new
IBO may charge this cost in two payments, $149 plus shipping and
handling, and $150, which will be charged 30 days later. Each
person you enroll at the premier level earns you a commission of
$100 on the product volume sold.
Anyone who is not yet on the Home Agent Program (HAP), may enroll
immediately. A new HAP starter kit was launched and costs $299. The
fee is non-refundable and not transferable. the HAP Starter Kit
includes $49.95 background check, $149.95 specific HAP training,
one month of rental fees for the patented and protected computer
system ($59.95), and 200 universal call credits. That's a value of
$450 for just $299! Only those IBOs who have yet to take phone
calls may purchase this special package.
For those of us who are especially good at retailing products,
there are incentives now in place. When you achieve $5000 in
personal volume, you qualify for a 15% retailer bonus. That means
that you'll receive 15%. For example, the next $1000 in volume you
produce nets you $150 bonus check. When you obtain $10,000 in
personal volume in any given month, you'll receive a 30% bonus. The
person volume includes your automatic assurance sales (OAP).
To reward the trailblazers who are fueling the growth of ITV
Ventures in a big way, a new Presidential Platinum designation was
created. The individual who achieves this level of productivity
will receive $1500 per month car allowance and $5000 per month
house allowance.
Other announcements, if you are a Gold IBO, you may participate in
the Infomercial Academy, March 9-12, 2008. Don Barrett will teach
30 people who to become a master distributor of infomercials. He
will teach us insider secrets for how to buy media, schedule and
run your own shows, and how to co-op media with your down line. The
tuition costs $2900.
I have enrolled for this course and hope to learn how to buy media
so that all of us may take calls and bypass the ITV call credit
system. If I understand this opportunity correctly, this will save
us BIG bucks in the long run. Stay tuned for more details.
If you know about a product or service that will Positively Impact
People, bring it to ITV and qualify for commissions from $5,000 to
$15,000. There will be a link on our web sites directly to
Although you cannot take advantage of the next offers presented,
I'm sharing them so that you realize that people who participate by
going to the event or watching the streaming video get special
rewards. Attendess could buy call credits for 90 cents. If
attendees purchased 5 months of HAP, they received a 6th month FRE-E
and could buy call credits for 85 cents. If attendees purchased 10
months of HAP, they received 1 months FREE and could buy call
credits for 75 cents.
Finally, attendees could receive FRE-E biz op calls. To qualify,
each person must enroll 5 new premier IBOs on their first inbound
HAP call between now and February 15, 2008. Once qualified, the
person may take inbound calls from ITV Ventures biz op ABSOLUTELY
FRE-E. With this opportunity once you become qualified as a good
closer, you will be linked up to a system where every other IBO
goes directly to ITV and you get the other one.
Now for the product changes.
Dr. DeSilva presented the Total Living Package: Probiotics, CoQ10,
Omega 3, and E-8. If you're a regular listener to Dr. DeSilva's
calls on Monday evenings 9:00 PM Eastern time, then you're familiar
with the health benefits of these various supplements. His
strongest and first recommendation is for everyone to take
Probiotics. The human intestines contains over 100 trillion living
bacteria that co-exist with us and provide important functions.
Almost 4 pounds of body weight consists of these living organisms.
Boog bacteria influence the immune system, digestion, vitamine
production, and detoxification. They are often destroyed by
anti-biotics, stress, steroids, cholarinated water, oral
contraceptives, antacids, diets high in sugar and refined foods,
and chemotherapy and radiation.
What makes Total Living Probiotics special is that the bacteria are
packaged and protected from stomach acid so that the good bacteria
can be released in the intestines where they do the most good.
Also, the capsules are small, and easily swallowed.
Co-enzyme Q10 provides energy at the cellular level and is a potent
anti-oxidant. CoQ10 is depleted by many drugs including cholesterol
lowering ones, diabetic medications, heart and blood pressure meds,
and psychiatric drugs. Dr. DaSilva called it jet fuel for your
cells without the buzz. Using a patented technology the Total
Living CoQ10 is 3 times more readily available because of smaller
molecules. Instead of 2 microns, this one is 0.2 microns.
Omega 3 has long been associated with heart health. It maintains
cholesterol levels, reduces inflammation which makes it good for
eyes and joins, and also improves hair, skin and nails. While some
people may forget to take this vital nutrient for their hearts,
they will be motivated by the beneficial aspects to their
E-8 is an anti-oxidant and supports good heart health. It's the
second most purchased single nutrient after vitamin C. What makes
this product so special is that it contains all 8 forms of vitamin
E, which are needed in unison. Without certain forms, your heart
won't benefit.
Danny Vierra, who we know as the Christian evangelist for the
colon, introduced 7 formulas! Death begins in the colon, and in 2
years, 100% of your body parts are replaced; 98% in one year. So
what are you doing to eliminate toxins and introduce good nutrition
to your cells?
Formula 1 is the mover for the colon. It increases the frequency of
bowel movements. Formula 2 is the vacuum or magnet for the colon.
It absorbs and scrubs the crevices to clean out fecal matter that
is old and encrusted.
Formula 3 is a liver and gall bladder cleanser. Formula 4 works on
the kidneys. Formula 5 is for blood. Formula 6 detoxes the body
from parasites and worms. Formula 7 is called Almighty Manna and
contains 13 super foods in concentrated form. So it also serves as
a multi-vitamin. According to Danny, the proper way to take all
these products is simultaneously and seasonally. When you purchase
the set, you also receive instructions. The whole process is
completed within 10 days!
Robert Rudlick, maker of Think Straight, has developed a new
formula called Straight 2 Sleep. Did you know that 7 of 10
Americans have sleep issues each month and that 80 million people
suffer from insomnia? Think how wonderful it will be to take late
night calls for Straight 2 sleep!! And it works better than drugs
which have many undesirable side effects as well as may become
habit forming. Straight 2 Sleep has 2 different ingredients that
enable you to fall asleep easily and then obtain deeper sleep, REM,
that restores and refreshes. One of our team, Gernote Wade,
received a free sample and used it last night. Normally, the
stimulation of the event and driving home would have made it
difficult for him to fall asleep. Also, no matter what, he reports
that he awakens early. Not last night! He said that he fell asleep
quickly and remained sleeping for an extra 2 hours. What a
Patty McPeak, developed of stabilized rice bran (risolubles), has
several new products that will be released shortly. She announced
that Rice 'N Shine was reformulated to eliminate soy products.
Also, at our request, the new package will contain 30 servings, not
21. For more information on the various benefits of risolubles, go
to www.clinicaltrials.gov and search fro rice bran. Her former
company, Nutracea, is in second phase clinical testing for AIDS and
HIV. One of the new items that is ready to go is a food bar.
Although I didn't get to sample it personally, other people
reported how tasty it was.
Mike Marenick introduced the E Topical Skin Care products. One is
specifically formulated for psoriasis, of which there are 200,000
new cases diagnosed yearly.It also helps with dandruff and scalp
issues. The second formula is directed for acne, and can serve as a
daily moisturizer. He explained the difference between his product
and Pro-Active, which involves 3 steps and may cause red, irritated
skin. Mike's system is simple: clean the face twice a day and use
the moisturizing cream. For acne sufferers, there is a spot serum
that is used with a new break-out or cluster of break-outs. Mike
used to sell his products from a cart in the mall and noted that he
had a high percentage of repeat customers every month. So this will
be an outstanding product to represent and secure OAPs.
Bill Barnett, developer of HOPE, Helping OUr Pets Excel, presented
the formula for cats. Just like us, our pets are suffering from
obesity, diabetes, cancer and arthritis. He explained that the
digestive system of dogs and cats were made for eating meat. Yet
the standard pet foods contain more carbohydrates and less protein
than ideal. By adding HOPE to your pet's food, you correct this
imbalance and help your pet enjoy healthier skin, less muscle and
joint issues, fewer bet visits, increased longevity, increased
energy, better weight control, increased strength, fewer hair
balls, better eye health, and superior cognitive development for
easier training. It's protection for life. What makes HOPE unique
is that it targets every aspect of pet health. Other supplements
support one function only.
Jim (no last name), a sports physiologist, introduced FIGO juice.
It contains acai berries from Brazil, one of the highest sources of
anti-oxidants. Along with other fruits, Figo is absorbed better in
the body and thus provides better anti-oxidant protection. What
differentiates it from the other juices available is that ITV pays
YOU to take the orders. People will find it less costly and not
have to warehouse the product too.
Other developers who presented included Dr. Bob Barefoot promoting
SolarCal D, Scott Kennedy extolling the virtues of Sea Vegg, and
Dr. Kalyani Human presenting the Devi Line of Estrosym. We also
heard from UMG, United Marketing Group, that offer Buyer's Edge and
My Advisor. These are add-on upsells that pay you $15 one-time only
for those inbound customers who accept the 30-day trial offers for
$1 a piece. A representative of Live Ops also spoke about the
system and its capacity to route calls around the globe. Does that
suggest where ITV might be growing?! Jay Kordich, the Juice King,
also made an appearance and will be represented by ITV in the near
future. He has a new book and juicing machine.
In the expo area, there were other products featured including
Wafer Thin System, Naked Minerals, VegiCal. For those attending the
event, there were free samples and special pricing on some of the
products. Does that give you another incentive to decide to join us
for the next event in Niagara Falls?
The last speaker was John Gray, author of Men are from Mars and
Women are from Venus. He just signed a 5-year contract with ITV.
How exciting is that?! John's books and tapes and CDs are easily
recognized by Home Shopping Network customers. Now we'll represent
him. He has a new book being released January 22. Again for
attendees, he offered us discounted prices on his weekend workshops
that are held monthly, and he gave away a full set of all his
educational products with each enrollment. John has developed a
system of supplements for men and women that are specifically
formulated to alleviate stress and support optimal health.
As you consider these various products that are in the pipeline, I
hope you appreciate, as Don Barrett often remarks, you're in the
right place at the right time.
So, given these new developments, how do you take full advantage of
ITV VEetures? Here's my suggestion .
If you're new, enroll for the HAP starter kit. For $299 you'll
receive $200 call credits plus the required background check and
first month of HAP leasing fees. It's a great bargain plus the
additional training provided. To succeed, you need to practice your
scripts over and over and over again. I know you think you can read
well. It's been my experience that you'll gain the most customers
and increase orders when you come across as confident and smooth
over the phone, when you've internalized the script and made it
your own. That can only happen with practice. Join us our weekly
teleseminar trainings, and role play with us. www.itvventures.com/va
If you've already been on the phone, select one or two new products
to learn about and promote. In fact everyone should select a few
products. Which ones appeal to you? Which ones have you
experienced? Which ones have the most potential for earning you
money? Then schedule time to take calls. Consistency helps.
I'll never forget when Blain Athorn, co-founder of BEST, our
training and education vendor, gave a scenario of getting just 5
new customers a week. It didn't seem like much work was required or
much expense. Yet, by year's end, the IBO had over 250 customers.
With each one providing just $20 in commissions per month, the IBO
was making $5000 a month. That doesn't take into account the
over-rides we earn from our downline, nor the new incentive bonus
that comes from generating $5000 or more in personal volume each
Blain actually started the event with this message: I will persist
until I succeed. I will persist. I will win.
Because ITV has been around for 8 years, we may forget that ITV
Ventures is barely a year old and still in transition. Donald
reminded us not to get stuck on certain aspects of the business and
to maintain a willingness to change. (Recall the learning index
that Kevin Trudeau presented.) Don is fully committed to our
success. And there is an advisory board, which is composed entirely
of IBOs, to represent us and help the company develop programs and
tools that will further our business concerns.
I am excited about this opportunity. As I reflect on this event, I
am reminded of the one in Jacksonville last May. Donald talked
about a 7-step system for success. It begins with a dream. I know
you have a dream or you wouldn't have enrolled. Get in touch with
that dream. Make it more vivid. Then decide today that NOTHING will
keep you from achieving it.
Napolean Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich, and the 16 Laws of
Success, spent 20 years researching the world's most successful
individuals. What did they have in common? It boiled down to this:
a dream that became a magnificent obsession. Read again (or for the
first time), the book you received upon enrollment to ITV VEntures,
The Magic of Thinking Big. Take time to write down your dream.
Better yet, get pictures that capture it.
Armed with your dream, develop your belief system. Deepen it. To
succeed, you must believe in ITV Ventures. Add to that a belief in
the products. You don't have to love all of them, just some of
them. Now increase this belief by believing in Don Barrett as the
visonary. One last belief, you must have a belief in yourself. Let
go of any disappointments or failures from the past. Bring into
your awareness how you have the necessary tools, skills, aptitudes,
and knowledge TODAY to make it BIG in ITV Ventures.
You CAN do this. You CAN make money. You CAN achieve your dream!
ITV Ventures offers you the mechanism for achieving it. Now take
action, and you can walk confidently into the future, one step at a
Watch "Cause Effect," a show about real people making a real
difference. Learn more www.itvventures.com/va
Unlock Your Future!
Charles Dudley
PS - Be watching for an EXCITING announcement about a SPECIAL -
LIMITED SEATING training call tomorrow night. Email to come shortly.
This call may not be for everyone...
Well I was finally able to get him on a training call - Mentor
Matt Gillogly - for a limited space available call this Thursday
night - this is an interview with a fellow mentor who is in the
field working with a small group of students accross the country.
You will want to find out the pulse of the current real estate
market by listening to this expert. But the call is on a first
come first serve reservation availability.
So don't wait for any further invitation - you deserve this call
Register today at www.reimostwanted.com/mattapprentice/call
I can't wait for the latest updates from Matt and share them with
everyone who desires to seek out this knowledge
To find out more this expert - check out the registration page at
You will be glad you did
Successful Investing
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
PS - Here are my 2 favorite ways to make additional streams of
4-5 figure monthly cash flows - fell free to email me with any
questions after watching the videos - or go ahead and join my team
Matt Gillogly - for a limited space available call this Thursday
night - this is an interview with a fellow mentor who is in the
field working with a small group of students accross the country.
You will want to find out the pulse of the current real estate
market by listening to this expert. But the call is on a first
come first serve reservation availability.
So don't wait for any further invitation - you deserve this call
Register today at www.reimostwanted.com/mattapprentice/call
I can't wait for the latest updates from Matt and share them with
everyone who desires to seek out this knowledge
To find out more this expert - check out the registration page at
You will be glad you did
Successful Investing
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
PS - Here are my 2 favorite ways to make additional streams of
4-5 figure monthly cash flows - fell free to email me with any
questions after watching the videos - or go ahead and join my team
matt gillogly,
real estate market,
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
You're Not Invited - Free 7 Week Live Foreclosure & Real Estate Training
Yes - you heard it right. You're not invited...not yet, anyway.
That's what I have told several people when they asked if they
could attend this exclusive LIVE training where you will learn....
The REAL Secrets to
in Foreclosures!
...with Integrity and Passion
... From The Top Speaking and Real Estate Investing Pros on The
There is limited space in this 7 week LIVE Tele-training.
(only the first 200 who registered were promised to get in and there are only a few openings left)!
Go here for your last chance to reserve your spot today!
Let's face it, America is in a foreclosure crises. Lenders are
going out of business. The market is soft. There is too much supply
versus demand. Buyers are few and millions of homeowners are in or
near foreclosure. The legislatures are passing laws around the
nation governing how investors buy foreclosures. Only the investors
that know how to adapt will reap big rewards.
And even more importantly homeowners in foreclosure need your help!
You need to get out there NOW and talk to folks in foreclosure
about their financial situation and what you can do to help them.
They need you! Lift the burdens from their lives. Provide these
owners with a fresh start... for a new life.
But first you have to know WHAT to do and HOW to do it (both
legally and ethically so you can sleep at night)!
MAKE PLANS TO ATTEND this power packed "Real World" training.
We've lined up an incredible group of experts to share their
strategies with you over a seven week training series.
The Experts Tell you How!!
These are the best of the best...you will know what to do when this
training is done. This is not a program designed to sell you into
something else. This is it! You will not be sold another
product...just pure content leaving you with information you need
to make money in foreclosures...right from the first week.
Do you want to be invited? Go here now to reserve your spot!
(This announcement went public just after Dec 31....and only a select few are
receiving a 2nd chance. Because of your relationship with me, I
was allowed to invite you to be a part of this exclusive
tele-course today).
Remember, once those limited spots are filled, registration will
close for your opportunity to attend this LIVE tele-course...Check
out all the details here:
Reserve your seat to receive the first of its kind "college
education", in how make Massive Profits in Foreclosures.
To Massive Profits and Your Success!
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
(888) 734-6911, Ext. 86

P.S. Ever wanted to have a true secondary
source of income from the comfort of your
own home? Well, find out how by clicking
here and going to the opportunity page.
P.P.S. - I hope I don't hear that you missed an incredible opportunity to learn how to destroy tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of dollars off your mortgage - and learn how to also make money helping others do the same. Our lines are almost fully registered, so you'll want to get in now at www.reimostwanted.com/debtfreelife and get your free "Money Market Analysis" and/or register as a new agent.
That's what I have told several people when they asked if they
could attend this exclusive LIVE training where you will learn....
The REAL Secrets to
in Foreclosures!
...with Integrity and Passion
... From The Top Speaking and Real Estate Investing Pros on The
There is limited space in this 7 week LIVE Tele-training.
(only the first 200 who registered were promised to get in and there are only a few openings left)!
Go here for your last chance to reserve your spot today!
Let's face it, America is in a foreclosure crises. Lenders are
going out of business. The market is soft. There is too much supply
versus demand. Buyers are few and millions of homeowners are in or
near foreclosure. The legislatures are passing laws around the
nation governing how investors buy foreclosures. Only the investors
that know how to adapt will reap big rewards.
And even more importantly homeowners in foreclosure need your help!
You need to get out there NOW and talk to folks in foreclosure
about their financial situation and what you can do to help them.
They need you! Lift the burdens from their lives. Provide these
owners with a fresh start... for a new life.
But first you have to know WHAT to do and HOW to do it (both
legally and ethically so you can sleep at night)!
MAKE PLANS TO ATTEND this power packed "Real World" training.
We've lined up an incredible group of experts to share their
strategies with you over a seven week training series.
The Experts Tell you How!!
These are the best of the best...you will know what to do when this
training is done. This is not a program designed to sell you into
something else. This is it! You will not be sold another
product...just pure content leaving you with information you need
to make money in foreclosures...right from the first week.
Do you want to be invited? Go here now to reserve your spot!
(This announcement went public just after Dec 31....and only a select few are
receiving a 2nd chance. Because of your relationship with me, I
was allowed to invite you to be a part of this exclusive
tele-course today).
Remember, once those limited spots are filled, registration will
close for your opportunity to attend this LIVE tele-course...Check
out all the details here:
Reserve your seat to receive the first of its kind "college
education", in how make Massive Profits in Foreclosures.
To Massive Profits and Your Success!
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
(888) 734-6911, Ext. 86

P.S. Ever wanted to have a true secondary
source of income from the comfort of your
own home? Well, find out how by clicking
here and going to the opportunity page.
P.P.S. - I hope I don't hear that you missed an incredible opportunity to learn how to destroy tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of dollars off your mortgage - and learn how to also make money helping others do the same. Our lines are almost fully registered, so you'll want to get in now at www.reimostwanted.com/debtfreelife and get your free "Money Market Analysis" and/or register as a new agent.

Monday, January 14, 2008
How To Save Money On Your Mortgage
I hope I don't hear that you missed an incredible opportunity to
learn how to destroy tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands
of dollars off your mortgage - and learn how to also make money
helping others do the same. Our lines are almost fully registered,
so you'll want to get in now at www.reimostwanted.com/debtfreelife/call
Also, don;t forget to get teh webinar portion of tonights call at
I look forwarrd to seeing you all there at this packed out webinar.
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
PS - for those who have been asking about our special work at home
project where I will also be providing bi-weekly internet marketing
training - you'll want to register at www.itvventures.com/va
learn how to destroy tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands
of dollars off your mortgage - and learn how to also make money
helping others do the same. Our lines are almost fully registered,
so you'll want to get in now at www.reimostwanted.com/debtfreelife/call
Also, don;t forget to get teh webinar portion of tonights call at
I look forwarrd to seeing you all there at this packed out webinar.
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
PS - for those who have been asking about our special work at home
project where I will also be providing bi-weekly internet marketing
training - you'll want to register at www.itvventures.com/va
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Wow, You're Paying The Bank How Much?!!
Wow, You're paying the bank how much in interest?!
Can I let you in on something...you don't HAVE TO
any more! Join us Monday night at 9:01PM EST for
a webinar that will show you how you can knock off
up to $70k, $80K, or more of your mortgage interest,
and pay off your home in 1/3 to 1/2 of the time!
Why should all of your hard earned income go to the
banks? So they can build bigger buildings? [Go to any
large city and notice whose name is on many of the
tallest buildings there!]
If you'd like to pay off that mortgage debt LONG
before that payment book says to send in the last
payment, then you need to be here for this webinar.
Go to: http://www.reimostwanted.com/debtfreelife/call
to register!
Don't you deserve to keep more of your hard earned
Success in all your endeavors!
Charles T. Dudley, Sr.
"Unlock Your Future!"
P.S. For those who are interested, don't miss Monday's
Bible Study on Biblical Finances. It begins at 12:00pm
EST, and you will be tremendously blessed. If you have
any questions, you can email me at: revdudley@gmail.com.
The number to call in is (605) 475-8590, and the PIN #
is 5837829. This week we're adding a webinar to the study,
and the login info for that is:
Can I let you in on something...you don't HAVE TO
any more! Join us Monday night at 9:01PM EST for
a webinar that will show you how you can knock off
up to $70k, $80K, or more of your mortgage interest,
and pay off your home in 1/3 to 1/2 of the time!
Why should all of your hard earned income go to the
banks? So they can build bigger buildings? [Go to any
large city and notice whose name is on many of the
tallest buildings there!]
If you'd like to pay off that mortgage debt LONG
before that payment book says to send in the last
payment, then you need to be here for this webinar.
Go to: http://www.reimostwanted.com/debtfreelife/call
to register!
Don't you deserve to keep more of your hard earned
Success in all your endeavors!
Charles T. Dudley, Sr.
"Unlock Your Future!"
P.S. For those who are interested, don't miss Monday's
Bible Study on Biblical Finances. It begins at 12:00pm
EST, and you will be tremendously blessed. If you have
any questions, you can email me at: revdudley@gmail.com.
The number to call in is (605) 475-8590, and the PIN #
is 5837829. This week we're adding a webinar to the study,
and the login info for that is:
Other People Are Paying Their Mortgage Off In Less Than Half The Normal Time...

Other People Are Paying Their Mortgage Off In
Less Than Half The Normal Time...Why don't YOU?
Did you know that the Latin roots for the
word Mortgage are often translated as "Death
Grip"? Does your mortgage have a death grip
on your life?
Would you like to release that 20-30 Year
Mortgage death grip in as little as 7-10 Years?
What about the mortgage on your investment
properties that you're holding long term?
Think of how much more money you could PUT
IN YOUR POCKET if they were paid off in 1/3
to 1/2 the normal time!
Or How About Helping others become Debt Free
as well...
I am hosting a webinar Monday,
January 14th beginning at 9:01pm EST. I'll
be sharing a great opportunity to not only
help yourself, but to help others to save
$10,000s on their mortgage payments...and
you'll make money as well.
So sign up for this webinar NOW! Go to:
Don't you deserve to keep more of the money
you earn...
Success in all your endeavors!
Charles T. Dudley, Sr.
"Unlock Your Future!"
PS - Here are my 2 favorite ways to make additional streams of
4-5 figure monthly cash flows - fell free to email me with any
questions after watching the videos - or go ahead and join my team
Saturday, January 12, 2008
You have to play to win - see details below
Are you tired of attending "FREE" Tele-seminars that:
* Waste Your Time!
* Give you just enough information to know how much you DON'T
* Spend ¾ of the time selling you on buying their product or
I am too!
This is why I have decided to become one of the teachers for this
foreclosure Tele-course....you should see the line up of experts who
will be teaching with me.
Take a look at this 7 week, (plus 3 bonus weeks), MASSIVE PROFITS
IN FORECLOSURE Tele-course - The best real estate investment
training you will ever attend---bringing you all it promises and
more! (And no selling during any of the trainings --- No pressure
to buy more --- Just pure content!)
And check out this Unbelievable Guarantee!
"If you attend all sessions of the Tele-course, we guarantee you
will receive no less than 10X your investment into this training
with your first foreclosure deal...or your money back!"
Where else can you find this kind of return on your investment?
Read more about our "out of this world" guarantee!
Seats are limited - - - seriously. I am not just saying this. ½ of
them are already sold out in only two weeks! This is a once in a
lifetime opportunity to get up-close and personal (by phone) to
learn from and get your questions answered by myself as well as
others who are having the most success in the foreclosure market.
Get your spot reserved now!
Want to have a little fun?
How would you like to win $300?
Have you ever heard the saying, "You have to play to win"?
Well, it is true!
We are having a contest and you can win! (But, you have to play).
Here's the scoop.....
Whoever can find the 10 hidden keys on this page will have the
opportunity to win up to $300!!
HERE'S WHAT YOU CAN WIN! (Valued at over $4000.00!)
* $197 credit toward 'Massive Profits in Foreclosures
Tele-course registration fee. (or $197 cash if you already
* Plus - if you register to attend the Massive Profits in
Foreclosure Tele-course BEFORE you turn in your answers, you will
receive an additional $103.00!!
This Tele-course Training Includes:
* 1 X a week for 7 weeks, (Plus 3 bonus trainings)
* Free mp3 downloads of training
* Free manuscript (a book containing all that you learn!)
* Free unlimited e-coaching for life!
* Your name and if you would like, your business name, will be
e-mailed out to everyone on our list - - - Free Advertising!
* Plus many, many more bonuses.
Here's how it works!
1. Login to the details page here:
2. FIND THE TEN YELLOW KEYS hidden on the page after logging in.
(You will find ten pictures of a yellow key hidden between words on
this page)
3. Click on Contact Us found at bottom of the page
4. In comments box, write the list of words located to the left
and right of each of the ten "yellow keys" that you found. (Or copy
and paste them).
5. There will be a drawing on Friday morning Jan 18th - an
e-mail will be sent to thousands of others announcing the name of
the one person who won the $300 bucks! (Bringing that winner free
prize, (and everyone will get one), your message with correct
answers must be received by no later than Thursday, Jan 17th at
* You do not have to be registered for Tele-course to play.
However, In order to receive the $103 cash, you must be registered
to attend the Massive Profits in Foreclosure Tele-course training
by the experts before you enter the contest.
The best part - - -
All who turn in answers will be e-mailed a special gift just for
playing the game.
The REAL Secrets to ENJOYING MASSIVE PROFITS in Foreclosures!
...With Integrity and Passion
... From The Top Trainers and Real Estate Investing Pros on the
Register today.
Don't pass up this one-of-a-kind, training guaranteed to teach you
all it takes to enjoy Massive Profits in Foreclosures in 2008.
To your success!
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your future!"
PS - Here are my 2 favorite ways to make additional streams of
4-5 figure monthly cash flows - fell free to email me with any
questions after watching the videos - or go ahead and join my team
* Waste Your Time!
* Give you just enough information to know how much you DON'T
* Spend ¾ of the time selling you on buying their product or
I am too!
This is why I have decided to become one of the teachers for this
foreclosure Tele-course....you should see the line up of experts who
will be teaching with me.
Take a look at this 7 week, (plus 3 bonus weeks), MASSIVE PROFITS
IN FORECLOSURE Tele-course - The best real estate investment
training you will ever attend---bringing you all it promises and
more! (And no selling during any of the trainings --- No pressure
to buy more --- Just pure content!)
And check out this Unbelievable Guarantee!
"If you attend all sessions of the Tele-course, we guarantee you
will receive no less than 10X your investment into this training
with your first foreclosure deal...or your money back!"
Where else can you find this kind of return on your investment?
Read more about our "out of this world" guarantee!
Seats are limited - - - seriously. I am not just saying this. ½ of
them are already sold out in only two weeks! This is a once in a
lifetime opportunity to get up-close and personal (by phone) to
learn from and get your questions answered by myself as well as
others who are having the most success in the foreclosure market.
Get your spot reserved now!
Want to have a little fun?
How would you like to win $300?
Have you ever heard the saying, "You have to play to win"?
Well, it is true!
We are having a contest and you can win! (But, you have to play).
Here's the scoop.....
Whoever can find the 10 hidden keys on this page will have the
opportunity to win up to $300!!
HERE'S WHAT YOU CAN WIN! (Valued at over $4000.00!)
* $197 credit toward 'Massive Profits in Foreclosures
Tele-course registration fee. (or $197 cash if you already
* Plus - if you register to attend the Massive Profits in
Foreclosure Tele-course BEFORE you turn in your answers, you will
receive an additional $103.00!!
This Tele-course Training Includes:
* 1 X a week for 7 weeks, (Plus 3 bonus trainings)
* Free mp3 downloads of training
* Free manuscript (a book containing all that you learn!)
* Free unlimited e-coaching for life!
* Your name and if you would like, your business name, will be
e-mailed out to everyone on our list - - - Free Advertising!
* Plus many, many more bonuses.
Here's how it works!
1. Login to the details page here:
2. FIND THE TEN YELLOW KEYS hidden on the page after logging in.
(You will find ten pictures of a yellow key hidden between words on
this page)
3. Click on Contact Us found at bottom of the page
4. In comments box, write the list of words located to the left
and right of each of the ten "yellow keys" that you found. (Or copy
and paste them).
5. There will be a drawing on Friday morning Jan 18th - an
e-mail will be sent to thousands of others announcing the name of
the one person who won the $300 bucks! (Bringing that winner free
prize, (and everyone will get one), your message with correct
answers must be received by no later than Thursday, Jan 17th at
* You do not have to be registered for Tele-course to play.
However, In order to receive the $103 cash, you must be registered
to attend the Massive Profits in Foreclosure Tele-course training
by the experts before you enter the contest.
The best part - - -
All who turn in answers will be e-mailed a special gift just for
playing the game.
The REAL Secrets to ENJOYING MASSIVE PROFITS in Foreclosures!
...With Integrity and Passion
... From The Top Trainers and Real Estate Investing Pros on the
Register today.
Don't pass up this one-of-a-kind, training guaranteed to teach you
all it takes to enjoy Massive Profits in Foreclosures in 2008.
To your success!
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your future!"
PS - Here are my 2 favorite ways to make additional streams of
4-5 figure monthly cash flows - fell free to email me with any
questions after watching the videos - or go ahead and join my team
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Change your thoughts - change your life...

Have you made a decision to make 2008 the best year of your life?
Have you laid the foundation you need for tremndous success?
Well my good friend, Hon Wong, real estate investing millionaire and master
mind technologies mentor - will be revealing his secrets of wealth
accumulation in real estate as well as how to thrive in business as
in life using the most amazing power of your mind.
Don't miss the life-changing call and a chance to get in on a true
mastermind group to help launch your business to 6 figures and beyond
in 2008.
Simply register for this limited seating call at www.reimostwanted.com/honw/call
I look forward to helping you achieve your dreeams and goals this year
and introducing you to my friend and colleague Mr. Hon Wong.
Success in 2008!!!
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
Dudley Success Consulting Group, LLC
PS - Take advantage of one of the best ways to help homeowners and
investors save tens and hundreds of thousands as well as make a
strong 4-5 figure monthly income. Visit
http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=MQ8Hd&m=1b.8jbQMTnw7un&b=bbS1z8Yddq4HCy4P8j.IuA and watch the video - you
will love it.
What's holding you back from success?
What's holding you back from success?
Is it fear? Past failures? Negative thinking based
on things that other people have spoken over you?
That's a tough question for some people, but the
solution doesn't have to be so tough. For many
people, the only thing that stands between them
and success is their mindset.
There is an old computer acronym that I want to use:
GIGO. It stands for "Garbage In, Garbage Out." In it's
original usage, it referred to the fact that if the raw
data that was fed into the computer was not accurate,
then the resulting computations would also not be accurate.
Well, our mind's computer is the same way. Sometimes
things from the past that we've input into it have been
inaccurate or corrupt. That may have produced inaccurate
results in our lives.
My good friend and tonight's Guest Speaker, Hon Wong,
is specially trained to help to re-program your way of
thinking so that you're optimized for success.
Everything that you do and achieve in life begins
with a thought in your mind. Join Hon Wong and I
TONIGHT, January 10th at 9:01 PM EST on a
teleseminar that I am SO fired up about!
--> Go to http://www.reimostwanted.com/honw/call to register.
Hon Wong stayed as our houseguest for a week
over the New Year's holiday, and the training I
received is absolutely revolutionizing my businesses (real estate investing, internet marketing, personal, etc.)
While he was here, he spoke at our monthly REIA
meeting and held a one-day workshop as well.
Testimonials are still rolling in from people who
were impacted by the life-changing teaching that
Hon offered.
Join us on the call TONIGHT at 9:01 PM EST
so you can learn how to improve your mind and
see not only your business, but your life as well,
become the success that you want it to be!
-- > Register now at http://www.reimostwanted.com/honw/call.
Success in all your endeavors!
Charles T. Dudley, Sr.
"Unlock Your Future!"
(888) 734-6911
P.S. Ever wanted to have a true secondary
source of income from the comfort of your
own home? Well, find out how by clicking
here and going to the opportunity page.
P.P.S. - Bible Study Group: Don't forget
our weekly session Monday at Noon EST -
email me at revdudley@gmail.com to get on
the list. Also, the call # will be
605-475-8590, Conf ID# 5837829
Our Topic - Biblical Prosperity
Is it fear? Past failures? Negative thinking based
on things that other people have spoken over you?
That's a tough question for some people, but the
solution doesn't have to be so tough. For many
people, the only thing that stands between them
and success is their mindset.
There is an old computer acronym that I want to use:
GIGO. It stands for "Garbage In, Garbage Out." In it's
original usage, it referred to the fact that if the raw
data that was fed into the computer was not accurate,
then the resulting computations would also not be accurate.
Well, our mind's computer is the same way. Sometimes
things from the past that we've input into it have been
inaccurate or corrupt. That may have produced inaccurate
results in our lives.
My good friend and tonight's Guest Speaker, Hon Wong,
is specially trained to help to re-program your way of
thinking so that you're optimized for success.
Everything that you do and achieve in life begins
with a thought in your mind. Join Hon Wong and I
TONIGHT, January 10th at 9:01 PM EST on a
teleseminar that I am SO fired up about!
--> Go to http://www.reimostwanted.com/honw/call to register.
Hon Wong stayed as our houseguest for a week
over the New Year's holiday, and the training I
received is absolutely revolutionizing my businesses (real estate investing, internet marketing, personal, etc.)
While he was here, he spoke at our monthly REIA
meeting and held a one-day workshop as well.
Testimonials are still rolling in from people who
were impacted by the life-changing teaching that
Hon offered.
Join us on the call TONIGHT at 9:01 PM EST
so you can learn how to improve your mind and
see not only your business, but your life as well,
become the success that you want it to be!
-- > Register now at http://www.reimostwanted.com/honw/call.
Success in all your endeavors!
Charles T. Dudley, Sr.
"Unlock Your Future!"
(888) 734-6911
P.S. Ever wanted to have a true secondary
source of income from the comfort of your
own home? Well, find out how by clicking
here and going to the opportunity page.
P.P.S. - Bible Study Group: Don't forget
our weekly session Monday at Noon EST -
email me at revdudley@gmail.com to get on
the list. Also, the call # will be
605-475-8590, Conf ID# 5837829
Our Topic - Biblical Prosperity
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Are You Ready To Fine-Tune Your Mindset For Success?
I am just so excited I can't hardly contain myself.
Have you ever wanted to just be able to "fine-tune"
your mindset to overcome those thoughts and
behaviors that keep you from being as successful
as you would like to be?
Have you ever missed an opportunity to make an
offer or even just stop to talk with a buyer or a
seller because of fear?
Are PAST FAILURES keeping you from moving on
to the things that you know you're supposed to do?
Everything that you do and achieve in life begins
with a thought in your mind. Join my Special Guest
and Close Friend Hon Wong and I on Thursday,
January 10th at 9:01 PM EST on a teleseminar that
I am SO fired up about!
--> Go to http://www.reimostwanted.com/honw/call to register.
Hon Wong stayed as our houseguest for a week
over the New Year's holiday, and the training I
received is absolutely revolutionizing my business.
While he was here, he spoke at our monthly REIA
meeting and held a one-day workshop as well.
Testimonials are still rolling in from people who
were impacted by the life-changing teaching that
Hon offered.
Join us on the call Thursday night t 9:01 PM EST
so you can learn how to improve your mind and
see not only your business, but your life as well,
become the success that you want it to be!
-- > Register now at http://www.reimostwanted.com/honw/call.
Success in all your endeavors!
Charles T. Dudley, Sr.
"Unlock Your Future!"
(888) 734-6911
P.S. Ever wanted to have a true secondary
source of income from the comfort of your
own home? Well, find out how by clicking
here and going to the opportunity page.
P.P.S. - Bible Study Group: Don't forget
our weekly session Monday at Noon EST -
email me at revdudley@gmail.com to get on
the list. Also, the call # will be
605-475-8590, Conf ID# 5837829
Our Topic - Biblical Prosperity
Have you ever wanted to just be able to "fine-tune"
your mindset to overcome those thoughts and
behaviors that keep you from being as successful
as you would like to be?
Have you ever missed an opportunity to make an
offer or even just stop to talk with a buyer or a
seller because of fear?
Are PAST FAILURES keeping you from moving on
to the things that you know you're supposed to do?
Everything that you do and achieve in life begins
with a thought in your mind. Join my Special Guest
and Close Friend Hon Wong and I on Thursday,
January 10th at 9:01 PM EST on a teleseminar that
I am SO fired up about!
--> Go to http://www.reimostwanted.com/honw/call to register.
Hon Wong stayed as our houseguest for a week
over the New Year's holiday, and the training I
received is absolutely revolutionizing my business.
While he was here, he spoke at our monthly REIA
meeting and held a one-day workshop as well.
Testimonials are still rolling in from people who
were impacted by the life-changing teaching that
Hon offered.
Join us on the call Thursday night t 9:01 PM EST
so you can learn how to improve your mind and
see not only your business, but your life as well,
become the success that you want it to be!
-- > Register now at http://www.reimostwanted.com/honw/call.
Success in all your endeavors!
Charles T. Dudley, Sr.
"Unlock Your Future!"
(888) 734-6911
P.S. Ever wanted to have a true secondary
source of income from the comfort of your
own home? Well, find out how by clicking
here and going to the opportunity page.
P.P.S. - Bible Study Group: Don't forget
our weekly session Monday at Noon EST -
email me at revdudley@gmail.com to get on
the list. Also, the call # will be
605-475-8590, Conf ID# 5837829
Our Topic - Biblical Prosperity
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
You're Not Invited

Yes - you heard it right. You're not invited...not yet, anyway.
That's what I have told several people when they asked if they
could attend this exclusive LIVE training where you will learn....
The REAL Secrets to
in Foreclosures!
...with Integrity and Passion
... From The Top Speaking and Real Estate Investing Pros on The
There is limited space in this 7 week LIVE Tele-training.
(only the first 200 who register will get in)!
Go here to reserve your spot today!
Let's face it, America is in a foreclosure crises. Lenders are
going out of business. The market is soft. There is too much supply
versus demand. Buyers are few and millions of homeowners are in or
near foreclosure. The legislatures are passing laws around the
nation governing how investors buy foreclosures. Only the investors
that know how to adapt will reap big rewards.
And even more importantly homeowners in foreclosure need your help!
You need to get out there NOW and talk to folks in foreclosure
about their financial situation and what you can do to help them.
They need you! Lift the burdens from their lives. Provide these
owners with a fresh start... for a new life.
But first you have to know WHAT to do and HOW to do it (both
legally and ethically so you can sleep at night)!
MAKE PLANS TO ATTEND this power packed "Real World" training.
We've lined up an incredible group of experts to share their
strategies with you over a seven week training series.
The Experts Tell you How!!
These are the best of the best...you will know what to do when this
training is done. This is not a program designed to sell you into
something else. This is it! You will not be sold another
product...just pure content leaving you with information you need
to make money in foreclosures...right from the first week.
Do you want to be invited? Go here now to reserve your spot!
(This announcement goes public after Dec 31....only a select few are
receiving first chance. Because of your relationship with me, I
was allowed to invite you to be a part of this exclusive
tele-course today).
Remember, once those limited spots are filled, registration will
close for your opportunity to attend this LIVE tele-course...Check
out all the details here:
Reserve your seat to receive the first of its kind "college
education", in how make Massive Profits in Foreclosures.
To Massive Profits and Your Success!
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
(888) 734-6911, Ext. 86
P.S. Ever wanted to have a true secondary
source of income from the comfort of your
own home? Well, find out how by clicking
here and going to the opportunity page.
P.P.S. - Bible Study Group: Don't forget
our weekly session Monday at Noon EST -
email me at revdudley@gmail.com to get on
the list. Also, the call # will be
605-475-8590, Conf ID# 5837829
Our Topic - Biblical Prosperity
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