Let me share something from the heart this weekend. If you have
been waiting on the right deal or the right strategy to get started
in real estate - then stop waiting. If you have done a bad deal
and are now afraid to get out into the fray again - the don't look
back. If you have made some money in the past with real estate but
are now nervous because of the news or the marketplace - then just
do it.
Just do it - or give up - but get out of the valley of doubt and
indecision. I have had so many friends and acquaintances telling
me how things are not like they were a few years ago - but I have
also had others who are doing better now than ever - and the only
difference is that the ones doing great are still going forward.
Regardless of set backs, or bad news, or pain or struggle - we MUST
make a decision and take a decisive action to move forward - else
we will definitely fail. Well, excuses are useless, right?
The only way to guarantee defeat is to quit - the only way to
guarantee success is to never give up. So stop putting off until
tomorrow what can be done today. Stop delaying or procrastination,
waiting for the perfect time. Don't depend on someone else to
solve the problems for you - you can depend on yourself. You must.
And for those who believe - the Good Lord above. But regardless
of the circumstances - I want you to take ACTION today. Get off
your comfort zone and get into the battle.
I have 2 recommendations that I want you to take immediately.
1) One of the best ways to cut your teeth in Real Estate Investing
is to start with Rent to Own Strategies - it is one of the key
competencies I teach in my beginning 1-on-1 mentoring course. If
you want a great resource to help you with the basics of Rent to
Own strategies, then get your copy of my good friend and partner,
Charles W. Moore's Rent to own eBook (hint: you can download and
print this one) - visit
www.reimostwanted.com/product/renttoownebook and learn how Charles
makes over $100,000 per year investing part time.
2) I would trade all of my over $250,000 I have personally invested
in my real estate and internet marketing training for my mentors.
If you truly desire a mentor who can show you how to make a strong
6-figures in real estate, or even just get started to make $30-50K
this year - then email me at appointments.dudley@gmail.com with
your personal goals, current preparation and qualifications, and
your phone #. We are serious about your success. Are you?
Finally, I simply want to encourage you today. Do not give up on
your dreams. Do not let others talk you out of your goals. Don't
listen to negativity. Stay focused - live life on purpose and make
each moment and each day count. There are time wasters lurking
around every corner - but do not let them distract you one more
second. I believe in you big time!
"Unlock Your Future!"
Charles Dudley
PS - Be watching for some exciting updates to our schedule to
enhance your experience.
PPS - If you are interested in advertising with us in our monthly
"Secrets" newsletter to several hundred investors, please email
reisupport.dudley@gmail.com - We are currently offering advertisers
50% off rates for April's issue. Rates currently begin as low as
$100 per month. You may advertise homes for sale, rent to own,
wholesale deals, money to lend, business opportunities, or
partnerships offered. All ads are subject to editorial approval
and no opportunities or financial arrangements are guaranteed by
our company.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Last chance to register for tonights call with Larry Goins...

in to learn how Larry buys and sells 10-15 houses
every month without even looking at them listen
in on this call.
You must register for the call to get the replay
instructions in case you miss the live call.
To gua-rantee your place and receive instant
access to your fr-ee Ebook, point your mouse
Direct quote from Larry:
This is not that same old stuff just rehashed and
repackaged by many of the national trainers.
These are real world techniques and this is a
system that Larry uses every day in his own
You will be amazed at what you will learn about
real estate investing that you never knew before
on this exclusive call. Larry will show you ways to
make money and automate your business even
the so called guru's do not know about... I
gua-rantee it!
Listen in on this call and it can forever change
your business!
If you're serious about getting whatever you
desire in life - bundles of money... a thriving
business... the admiration and respect from
those who've doubted you... the car of your
dreams... a lifestyle like the rich and famous... a
loving partner... and almost anything else you
can imagine, then...
You Owe It To Yourself AND Your Family To Get
Started NOW by being on this exclusive call.
You will not be dissapointed!
You must register for the call to get the replay
instructions in case you miss the live call.
To guarantee your place and receive instant
access to your fr-ee Ebook, point your mouse
Let me ask you a question...
If all of the books, tapes, courses, boot camps
and seminars that all of the Real Estate Investing guru's sell actually work... then why are you still
not making the kind of money you want to make?
If you're sick and tired of going it alone, slogging
through all the hype, nonsense and just plain
confusing junk that people are slinging around
about what it takes to create a super-profitable,
money-making real estate business....
To gua-rantee your place and receive instant
access to your fr-ee Ebook, point your mouse
It will be tonight!
6:01pm Pacific Time
7:01pm Mountain Time
8:01pm Central Time
9:01pm Eastern Time
To your success in 2008,
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
P.S. This LIVE! teleseminar is available only to the
first 125 people who register purely on a
first-come, first-served basis. Once the slots are
filled, you'll be placed on our "stand-by" list.
(Sorry, absolutely NO EXCEPTIONS)
P.P.S. If you have been dreaming of earning
mountains of money buying and selling more
houses than ever before, then I'd like you to take
the first step by being on the call tonight with
You must register for the call to get the replay
instructions in case you miss the live call.
To gua-rantee your place and receive instant
access to your fr-ee Ebook, point your mouse
P.P.P.S. Finally, want to do something to improve
your life - a little self-development? My good friend,
Justin Cecil, MBA is beginning a new, personalized,
self-help educational program for those interested at:
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Hear how Larry sells all his houses in 2 hours flat...

I told you yesterday about Larry Goins and his Ultimate Buying and
Selling Machine and that he buys and sells 10-15 houses every month
but what I didn't tell you was that he has them SOLD in less than 2
hours flat!
I am telling you that I have never heard of a system like this from
anyone or anywhere!
We have requested some extra phone lines to handle all of the
Whatever you have to do to be on his teleconference you need to do
As I mentioned before, he has also prepared a special Ebook titled
"12 Deadly Mistakes Even Experienced Investors Make and How to
Avoid Them"
that he is giving away just for registering for the call.
You must register for the call to get the replay instructions in
case you miss the live call.
To gua-rantee your place and receive your fr-ee Ebook point your
mouse below:
I guarantee that you will hear many things you never knew before
about real estate!
Thats why I am so impressed with Larry's system!
It will be this Thursday night!
6:01pm Pacific Time
7:01pm Mountain Time
8:01pm Central Time
9:01pm Eastern Time
You must register for the call to get the replay instructions in
case you miss the live call.
To gua-rantee your place and receive your fr-ee Ebook point your
mouse below:
If you did NOT get a chance to register for the call, there are a
few lines left but you must register right now.
On this exclusive one time call, Larry will share exactly how he
buys and sells 10-15 houses a month without dealing with FSBO's,
realtors, buyers, attorneys or appraisers. HOW DOES HE DO IT?
Eavesdrop Thursday night to find out exactly how!
It will be this Thursday night!
6:01pm Pacific Time
7:01pm Mountain Time
8:01pm Central Time
9:01pm Eastern Time
You must register for the call to get the replay instructions in
case you miss the live call.
To gua-rantee your place and receive your fr-ee Ebook point your
mouse below:
Remember, I've set this call up exclusively for YOU, my customers
and subscribers.
You gotta hear how Larry does it.
He will reveal his real world strategies you can use right away to
take your real estate business to the highest level!
To your Success,
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
P.S. If you're serious about becoming financially independent and
being able to spend more quality time with your family and live the
lifestyle you deserve then you owe it to yourself AND them to be on
this call. Remember it is Thursday night that could change the way
you invest forever!
You must register for the call to get the replay instructions in
case you miss the live call.
To gua-rantee your place and receive your fr-ee Ebook point your
mouse below:
P.P.S. Finally, want to do something to improve your life - a little
self-development? My good friend, Justin Cecil, MBA is beginning a
new, personalized, self-help educational program for those interested
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Did You Get It? - Only 16 Ultimate Resource Kits with Bonuses
Well, this is the night the big sale ends. I truly wanted to do
something special for you as a valued member of the REI Most Wanted
Investor's community. If you are one of the next 16 members to
grab one of my last 50% off customer appreciate sale Ultimate
Resource Kits - you will get my 5 bonuses worth $1,235 - for fr-ee.
Here's the link (only active until the last 16 kits are sold)
Here's the amazing bonuses:
Bonus 1: PDF Version of the HOT report "How To Sell Your Home In 5
Weeks or Less - for More Than Today's Fair Market Value!" This
Report Alone Will Give You All The Basic Knowledge You Need To Get
Started in moving real estate deals and partnering with and
bringing value to other successful local real estate investors. (A
$97 VALUE)
Bonus 2: 2 Free Reports On Vacation Property Investing. These
reports are being used By Other Experts TODAY To Find and Profit
from The Best Vacations Homes on the Market! (A $147 VALUE)
Bonus 3: Internet "Secret Keys" Resource Guide (online version) I
personally compiled this resource after helping hundreds of new
Coaching and Mentoring Clients Create New Income Streams Through
Real Estate Investing and Internet Marketing. (A $197 VALUE)
Bonus 4: 30 Minute Personal Business Strategy Session - My team and
I will Help You Come up With a Custom Strategic Plan (Business
Model) Personalized For Your dreams and goals. (A $247 VALUE)
Bonus 5: An Option To Pickup Pre-sell Tickets To My Next Live Event
(The Real Estate Quick Cash Symposium) in Roanoke, VA on August 22,
23, 24 - 2008. For only $47 per person (get as many as you want
NOW - this one offer will be over in just a few days). Instead of
$597 Which will be the Price when we announce the event to the
general public. (A $547 VALUE)
If you have been debating on taking advantage of this incredible,
value-packed offer - wait no more - there will only ever be another
16 of these special Kits sold and this ridiculous price and with
these 5 POWERFUL bonuses.
Again, thank you for being a great customer and for subscribing to
our special community. We are committed to providing you the best
material for your success.
"Unlock Your Future!"
Charles Dudley
PS - Because of Good Friday and Easter Weekend - we will not be
conducting our Saturday opportunity call. But because of the many
email requests, we will be playing a live replay of Thursday nights
calls on Sunday evening at 9pm EST - so be watching your emails and
be blessed this weekend!
PPS - I encourage everyone interested in self improvement to
register at my friend Justin Cecil's website
PPPS - For those who have been emailing me and asking, I do have 3
open spots in my personal mentoring program for qualified students.
Please send me your background, goals, qualifications and phone #
to get back in touch with you or have one of my strategists contact
you regarding your application. This is a highly targeted group of
elite investors that I only can work with 12 at one time.
Finally - If you are interested in our ongoing interactive study on
Biblical Finances - please email Sandi at
reisupport.dudley@gmail.com to get in on the Monday study at Noon
Have a great weekend.
something special for you as a valued member of the REI Most Wanted
Investor's community. If you are one of the next 16 members to
grab one of my last 50% off customer appreciate sale Ultimate
Resource Kits - you will get my 5 bonuses worth $1,235 - for fr-ee.
Here's the link (only active until the last 16 kits are sold)
Here's the amazing bonuses:
Bonus 1: PDF Version of the HOT report "How To Sell Your Home In 5
Weeks or Less - for More Than Today's Fair Market Value!" This
Report Alone Will Give You All The Basic Knowledge You Need To Get
Started in moving real estate deals and partnering with and
bringing value to other successful local real estate investors. (A
$97 VALUE)
Bonus 2: 2 Free Reports On Vacation Property Investing. These
reports are being used By Other Experts TODAY To Find and Profit
from The Best Vacations Homes on the Market! (A $147 VALUE)
Bonus 3: Internet "Secret Keys" Resource Guide (online version) I
personally compiled this resource after helping hundreds of new
Coaching and Mentoring Clients Create New Income Streams Through
Real Estate Investing and Internet Marketing. (A $197 VALUE)
Bonus 4: 30 Minute Personal Business Strategy Session - My team and
I will Help You Come up With a Custom Strategic Plan (Business
Model) Personalized For Your dreams and goals. (A $247 VALUE)
Bonus 5: An Option To Pickup Pre-sell Tickets To My Next Live Event
(The Real Estate Quick Cash Symposium) in Roanoke, VA on August 22,
23, 24 - 2008. For only $47 per person (get as many as you want
NOW - this one offer will be over in just a few days). Instead of
$597 Which will be the Price when we announce the event to the
general public. (A $547 VALUE)
If you have been debating on taking advantage of this incredible,
value-packed offer - wait no more - there will only ever be another
16 of these special Kits sold and this ridiculous price and with
these 5 POWERFUL bonuses.
Again, thank you for being a great customer and for subscribing to
our special community. We are committed to providing you the best
material for your success.
"Unlock Your Future!"
Charles Dudley
PS - Because of Good Friday and Easter Weekend - we will not be
conducting our Saturday opportunity call. But because of the many
email requests, we will be playing a live replay of Thursday nights
calls on Sunday evening at 9pm EST - so be watching your emails and
be blessed this weekend!
PPS - I encourage everyone interested in self improvement to
register at my friend Justin Cecil's website
PPPS - For those who have been emailing me and asking, I do have 3
open spots in my personal mentoring program for qualified students.
Please send me your background, goals, qualifications and phone #
to get back in touch with you or have one of my strategists contact
you regarding your application. This is a highly targeted group of
elite investors that I only can work with 12 at one time.
Finally - If you are interested in our ongoing interactive study on
Biblical Finances - please email Sandi at
reisupport.dudley@gmail.com to get in on the Monday study at Noon
Have a great weekend.
real estate resource,
sell my home,
sell your home
Monday, March 24, 2008
How To Stop Fore-Closure- Still A Few Copies Left
Most of us are aware that residential home fore-closure rates for
American home-owners is at the highest level in over 16 years.
And statistics say that 85% of home-owners, 65 or older, have 20
or more years left to pay on their home mort-gages
Do you or a loved one or a friend fall into either of the above
Well, I am excited to offer a solution you may be interested in -
and you can begin today.
Check out a powerful e-book my good friends, Tamara and Michelle
have written on How To Stop Fore-Closures
If these facts or similar ones plague you or someone you know, then
get this book. I can only sell 100 of these at 60% reduced, and
there are just a handful left. So get your copy today.
You can't find this informative how to, step-by-step manual in book
stores either. That's why I am so excited to share this amazing
deal with you today. The sale ends when my 100 copies are gone.
So don't delay ...
I know this small, power-packed volume can help a lot of people out
there and I am blessed to have this advanced copy.
Hoping that you and your family had a blessed Easter Weekend. I
wanted to let you know I was thinking about you and appreciate you
in a big way.
All my best,
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
Dudley Success Consulting Group, LLC
To your success!
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
PS - Finally, want to do something to improve your life - a little
self-development? My good friend, Justin Cecil, MBA is beginning a
new, personalized, self-help educational program for those interested
Enjoy the opportunities this weekend and I will see you all at the top!
Be blessed...
Today's special 60% off Easter special:
American home-owners is at the highest level in over 16 years.
And statistics say that 85% of home-owners, 65 or older, have 20
or more years left to pay on their home mort-gages
Do you or a loved one or a friend fall into either of the above
Well, I am excited to offer a solution you may be interested in -
and you can begin today.
Check out a powerful e-book my good friends, Tamara and Michelle
have written on How To Stop Fore-Closures
If these facts or similar ones plague you or someone you know, then
get this book. I can only sell 100 of these at 60% reduced, and
there are just a handful left. So get your copy today.
You can't find this informative how to, step-by-step manual in book
stores either. That's why I am so excited to share this amazing
deal with you today. The sale ends when my 100 copies are gone.
So don't delay ...
I know this small, power-packed volume can help a lot of people out
there and I am blessed to have this advanced copy.
Hoping that you and your family had a blessed Easter Weekend. I
wanted to let you know I was thinking about you and appreciate you
in a big way.
All my best,
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
Dudley Success Consulting Group, LLC
To your success!
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
PS - Finally, want to do something to improve your life - a little
self-development? My good friend, Justin Cecil, MBA is beginning a
new, personalized, self-help educational program for those interested
Enjoy the opportunities this weekend and I will see you all at the top!
Be blessed...
Today's special 60% off Easter special:
Thursday, March 20, 2008
How Many Diamonds Are In Your Backyard?
Have you ever read the book Acres of Diamonds by Russell Conwell? If
you have never read the book, you should! As a matter of fact, I would
so encourage you to do that that I'm going to give you the FR-EE EBOOK
download. No Str-ings attached! You can get it by right cli-cking on
this link and saving it:
Professor Conwell, the professor who founded Temple University, believed
that the opportunity to attain great wealth was within reach of each
one of us. Conwell (at least) once stated, "If you wish to be great
at all, you must begin where you are with what you are right now."
Having said all of that, I wanted to remind you of all of the "Diamonds"
that are laying at your feet today:
This teleseminar will open the doors to multiple rivers of income from
just one business opportunity. This is one that my wife and I actively
work, and have been rewarded well for our work. To hear all about it,
join REI Most Wanted's own Ted Chan as he hosts this powerful webinar.
Just go to www.reimostwanted.com/income/call to register for the call.
While Ted is hosting tonight's business opportunity call for me,
I'll be teaching an elite group of people how they can pay off their
mortgages in as little as 7-10 years, so if you already have gushing
streams of income, join me tonight by going to: www.cashnowevents.com/.
The special half-off sale for your real estate investing training
system ends at midnight *tonight*.
Here's the full scoop:
This rare half-off special is my way of saying 'THANK YOU'
for taking action and doing what it takes to have a happy,
healthy, and prosperous real estate investing business.
You know Joe Vitale from The Secret? Well, I've got a secret about
him...He is one of the featured speakers on my good friend and JV
Partner Justin Cecil's, teleseminar.
So, If you'd like to Learn The Secrets to a Happier, Wealthier, and
More Successful Life you need to go to www.anythingispossibleinlife.com
and register for this life changing series!
Success in all your endeavors,
Charles T. Dudley, Sr.
"Unlock Your Future!"
REI Most Wanted, 206 Market Street, Roanoke, VA 24011, USA
To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:
Have you ever read the book Acres of Diamonds by Russell Conwell? If
you have never read the book, you should! As a matter of fact, I would
so encourage you to do that that I'm going to give you the FR-EE EBOOK
download. No Str-ings attached! You can get it by right cli-cking on
this link and saving it:
Professor Conwell, the professor who founded Temple University, believed
that the opportunity to attain great wealth was within reach of each
one of us. Conwell (at least) once stated, "If you wish to be great
at all, you must begin where you are with what you are right now."
Having said all of that, I wanted to remind you of all of the "Diamonds"
that are laying at your feet today:
This teleseminar will open the doors to multiple rivers of income from
just one business opportunity. This is one that my wife and I actively
work, and have been rewarded well for our work. To hear all about it,
join REI Most Wanted's own Ted Chan as he hosts this powerful webinar.
Just go to www.reimostwanted.com/income/call to register for the call.
While Ted is hosting tonight's business opportunity call for me,
I'll be teaching an elite group of people how they can pay off their
mortgages in as little as 7-10 years, so if you already have gushing
streams of income, join me tonight by going to: www.cashnowevents.com/.
The special half-off sale for your real estate investing training
system ends at midnight *tonight*.
Here's the full scoop:
This rare half-off special is my way of saying 'THANK YOU'
for taking action and doing what it takes to have a happy,
healthy, and prosperous real estate investing business.
You know Joe Vitale from The Secret? Well, I've got a secret about
him...He is one of the featured speakers on my good friend and JV
Partner Justin Cecil's, teleseminar.
So, If you'd like to Learn The Secrets to a Happier, Wealthier, and
More Successful Life you need to go to www.anythingispossibleinlife.com
and register for this life changing series!
Success in all your endeavors,
Charles T. Dudley, Sr.
"Unlock Your Future!"
REI Most Wanted, 206 Market Street, Roanoke, VA 24011, USA
To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:
It's A Gusher!
Imagine... you're standing on your property watching an oil drilling
rig. All of a sudden you hear a rumble...and then out of the ground
shoots a huge column of liquid black gold...Oil!
It's a Gusher!
As it reaches toward the sky the oil drillers race to cap it off so
they can get the pump ready to put in place. You look at your family
and the realization sinks in...all that hard work: choosing the right
piece of property, researching for the right company and equipment,
drilling through layers of rock, equipment failure, etc...it all paid
All that time and money has now produced a Gushing River of Income
that will take care of your family for a long time!
Well, tonight you're getting ready to strike oil! Tonight we're going
to show you a piece of property that has already been proven to be
good ground. We'll introduce you to the company that has all of the
right equipment and training that you'll need to "drill" through to
get to the point of breakthrough!
So, if you're ready for that Gusher to break through in your life,
go to ............ www.reimostwanted.com/income/call ............
and register for tonight's powerful webinar. It begins at 9:01PM EST.
REI Most Wanted's own Ted Chan will be hosting the call...You don't
want to miss this one...
Success in all your endeavors,
Charles T. Dudley, Sr.
"Unlock Your Future!"
P.S. While Ted is hosting tonight's call, I'll be teaching an elite
group of people how they can pay off their mortgages in as little as
7-10 years, so if you already have gushing streams of income, join
me tonight by going to: http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=J5zVN&m=1dos7ySbqXw7un&b=o8Ahu_6QkwHAnFzkfIJO9Q.
P.P.S. Hey, You know Joe Vitale from The Secret?
Well, I've got a secret about him...He is one of the featured
speakers on my good friend and JV Partner Justin Cecil's, teleseminar.
So, If you'd like to Learn The Secrets to a Happier, Wealthier, and
More Successful Life you need to go to www.anythingispossibleinlife.com
and register for this life changing series!
REI Most Wanted, 206 Market Street, Roanoke, VA 24011, USA
To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:
rig. All of a sudden you hear a rumble...and then out of the ground
shoots a huge column of liquid black gold...Oil!
It's a Gusher!
As it reaches toward the sky the oil drillers race to cap it off so
they can get the pump ready to put in place. You look at your family
and the realization sinks in...all that hard work: choosing the right
piece of property, researching for the right company and equipment,
drilling through layers of rock, equipment failure, etc...it all paid
All that time and money has now produced a Gushing River of Income
that will take care of your family for a long time!
Well, tonight you're getting ready to strike oil! Tonight we're going
to show you a piece of property that has already been proven to be
good ground. We'll introduce you to the company that has all of the
right equipment and training that you'll need to "drill" through to
get to the point of breakthrough!
So, if you're ready for that Gusher to break through in your life,
go to ............ www.reimostwanted.com/income/call ............
and register for tonight's powerful webinar. It begins at 9:01PM EST.
REI Most Wanted's own Ted Chan will be hosting the call...You don't
want to miss this one...
Success in all your endeavors,
Charles T. Dudley, Sr.
"Unlock Your Future!"
P.S. While Ted is hosting tonight's call, I'll be teaching an elite
group of people how they can pay off their mortgages in as little as
7-10 years, so if you already have gushing streams of income, join
me tonight by going to: http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=J5zVN&m=1dos7ySbqXw7un&b=o8Ahu_6QkwHAnFzkfIJO9Q.
P.P.S. Hey, You know Joe Vitale from The Secret?
Well, I've got a secret about him...He is one of the featured
speakers on my good friend and JV Partner Justin Cecil's, teleseminar.
So, If you'd like to Learn The Secrets to a Happier, Wealthier, and
More Successful Life you need to go to www.anythingispossibleinlife.com
and register for this life changing series!
REI Most Wanted, 206 Market Street, Roanoke, VA 24011, USA
To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
You Said You Wanted To Put A "HIT" On Your Mortgage?
I got an offer you can't refuse!
I heard that you'ld like to arrange a "HIT" on your mortgage...Well,
I've got just the right person to do the job. It's My Mortgage
So if you really wanna "do away" with your mortgage, you need to go
to www.mymortgageassassin.com and register for tonight's call at 9PM
EST. My partners, Danny and Robert, will be sharing with you all of
the juicy details on how you can knock off your mortgage in record
So go to: www.mymortgageassassin.com to register for tonight's
call. You don't even have to worry about bein' the fall guy!
Success in all you do!
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
PS Hey, You know Joe Vitale from The Secret? Well, I've got a secret about
him...He is one of the featured speakers on my good friend and JV
Partner Justin Cecil's, teleseminar. So, If you'd like to Learn The
Secrets to a Happier, Wealthier, and More Successful Life you need
to go to www.anythingispossibleinlife.com and register for this life
changing series!
I heard that you'ld like to arrange a "HIT" on your mortgage...Well,
I've got just the right person to do the job. It's My Mortgage
So if you really wanna "do away" with your mortgage, you need to go
to www.mymortgageassassin.com and register for tonight's call at 9PM
EST. My partners, Danny and Robert, will be sharing with you all of
the juicy details on how you can knock off your mortgage in record
So go to: www.mymortgageassassin.com to register for tonight's
call. You don't even have to worry about bein' the fall guy!
Success in all you do!
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
PS Hey, You know Joe Vitale from The Secret? Well, I've got a secret about
him...He is one of the featured speakers on my good friend and JV
Partner Justin Cecil's, teleseminar. So, If you'd like to Learn The
Secrets to a Happier, Wealthier, and More Successful Life you need
to go to www.anythingispossibleinlife.com and register for this life
changing series!
Work From Home Opportunity
I don't know about you, but I used to be SOO glad
when Monday was over. You know, you go through the weekend kind
of dreading the first day of the "work week" the closer it got. Then
the "dreaded day" would be there...and all of my "expectations" for
Monday would manifest!
Well, I don't have to dread Mondays any more...and neither do you...IF you are serious about wanting things to change.
This Thursday night, March 20th at 9:01 PM EST, back by popular
demand, we are going to be sharing a great home-based business oppor-
tunity that can free you from a full-time job and help you to view
Mondays in a whole new light!
Our own Ted Chan will be hosting ITV's Scott Nelson as he shares
how you can put multiple gushing streams of income in place to help
change the financial atmosphere in your life...once and for all!
So Go Now to: www.reimostwanted.com/income/call and register for
this webinar.
They say that one definition of insanity is doing the same thing
over and over, but expecting different results. I know that neither
one of us is crazy, so Isn't it TIME, Kim, for CHANGE?
To your Success in 2008!
Charles T. Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
P.S. Don't forget that my special half off sale ends at midnight on
Thursday March 20 so go to: www.reimostwanted.com/oto_special.htm
when Monday was over. You know, you go through the weekend kind
of dreading the first day of the "work week" the closer it got. Then
the "dreaded day" would be there...and all of my "expectations" for
Monday would manifest!
Well, I don't have to dread Mondays any more...and neither do you...IF you are serious about wanting things to change.
This Thursday night, March 20th at 9:01 PM EST, back by popular
demand, we are going to be sharing a great home-based business oppor-
tunity that can free you from a full-time job and help you to view
Mondays in a whole new light!
Our own Ted Chan will be hosting ITV's Scott Nelson as he shares
how you can put multiple gushing streams of income in place to help
change the financial atmosphere in your life...once and for all!
So Go Now to: www.reimostwanted.com/income/call and register for
this webinar.
They say that one definition of insanity is doing the same thing
over and over, but expecting different results. I know that neither
one of us is crazy, so Isn't it TIME, Kim, for CHANGE?
To your Success in 2008!
Charles T. Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
P.S. Don't forget that my special half off sale ends at midnight on
Thursday March 20 so go to: www.reimostwanted.com/oto_special.htm
Real Estate Training Sale! 50% Off
The special half-off sale for your my entire REI Most Wanted's
Ultimate Resource Training Kit ends at midnight tomorrow.
Here's the full scoop:
This rare, half-off special is my way of saying 'THANK YOU'
for being a valued member of the REI Most Wanted Community! :-)
Here's the special website where you save 50%:
Try My System For 50% Off And Get FIVE Free
If the 50% discount isn't enough to have you heading to my special
'half-off' web site, these FIVE free gifts will surely do the trick:
* Bonus 1: PDF Version of the HOT report "How To Sell Your Home In
5 Weeks or Less - for More Than Today's Fair Market Value!" This
Report Alone Will Give You All The Basic Knowledge You Need To Get
Started in moving real estate deals and partnering with and
bringing value to other successful local real estate investors. (A
$97 VALUE)
* Bonus 2: Free Reports On Vacation Property Investing. These
reports are being used By Other Experts TODAY To Find and Profit
from The Best Vacations Homes on the Market! (A $147 VALUE)
* Bonus 3: Internet "Secret Keys" Resource Guide (online version) I
personally compiled this resource after helping hundreds of new
Coaching and Mentoring Clients Create New Income Streams Through
Real Estate Investing and Internet Marketing. (A $197 VALUE)
* Bonus 4: 30 Minute Personal Business Strategy Session - My team
and I will Help You Come up With a Custom Strategic Plan (Business
Model) Personalized For Your dreams and goals. (A $247 VALUE)
* Bonus 5: An Option To Pickup Pre-sell Tickets To My Next Live
Event (The Real Estate Quick Cash Symposium) in Roanoke, VA on
August 22, 23, 24 - 2008. For only $47 per person (get as many as
you want NOW - this one offer will be over in just a few days).
Instead of $597 Which will be the Price when we announce the event
to the general public. (A $547 VALUE)
That's a lot of goodies ...and you get it all FREE when you try my
entire system for 50% off.
Go here right now and claim yours before they're all gone!
Success in all you do,
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
P.S. This special half off sale ends at midnight. I'll most likely
never offer a discount again. If you'd like to get my entire REI
Most Wanted's Ultimate Resource Training Kit so many people are
raving about ...and save 50%, then go here now:
Ultimate Resource Training Kit ends at midnight tomorrow.
Here's the full scoop:
This rare, half-off special is my way of saying 'THANK YOU'
for being a valued member of the REI Most Wanted Community! :-)
Here's the special website where you save 50%:
Try My System For 50% Off And Get FIVE Free
If the 50% discount isn't enough to have you heading to my special
'half-off' web site, these FIVE free gifts will surely do the trick:
* Bonus 1: PDF Version of the HOT report "How To Sell Your Home In
5 Weeks or Less - for More Than Today's Fair Market Value!" This
Report Alone Will Give You All The Basic Knowledge You Need To Get
Started in moving real estate deals and partnering with and
bringing value to other successful local real estate investors. (A
$97 VALUE)
* Bonus 2: Free Reports On Vacation Property Investing. These
reports are being used By Other Experts TODAY To Find and Profit
from The Best Vacations Homes on the Market! (A $147 VALUE)
* Bonus 3: Internet "Secret Keys" Resource Guide (online version) I
personally compiled this resource after helping hundreds of new
Coaching and Mentoring Clients Create New Income Streams Through
Real Estate Investing and Internet Marketing. (A $197 VALUE)
* Bonus 4: 30 Minute Personal Business Strategy Session - My team
and I will Help You Come up With a Custom Strategic Plan (Business
Model) Personalized For Your dreams and goals. (A $247 VALUE)
* Bonus 5: An Option To Pickup Pre-sell Tickets To My Next Live
Event (The Real Estate Quick Cash Symposium) in Roanoke, VA on
August 22, 23, 24 - 2008. For only $47 per person (get as many as
you want NOW - this one offer will be over in just a few days).
Instead of $597 Which will be the Price when we announce the event
to the general public. (A $547 VALUE)
That's a lot of goodies ...and you get it all FREE when you try my
entire system for 50% off.
Go here right now and claim yours before they're all gone!
Success in all you do,
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
P.S. This special half off sale ends at midnight. I'll most likely
never offer a discount again. If you'd like to get my entire REI
Most Wanted's Ultimate Resource Training Kit so many people are
raving about ...and save 50%, then go here now:
Friday, March 14, 2008
Multiple Streams of Income
Now - You can have multiple gushing rivers of income!
Tonight's call was so packed out that many of you did not get in - so...
This Sunday, Scott Nelson has agreed to do an encore presentation of Thursday night's webinar on the most incredible business available today.
Find out 3 powerful ways to earn income - and get paid weekly.
Discover how to set up your own re-occuring cashflow.
Fill in the gaps between real estate deals - with a REAL business and REAL profits - without ever having to leave your home.
Have all the motivated leads you can handle contacting you - and asking to become your cusotmers and your business partners.
How long do you want to wait to make an extra $500, $1,000 even $2,000 a week?
Come invest 60 minutes of your time this Saturday and learn about this HOT opportunity and get your questions answered.
Be one of the first to register for this limited seating training at www.reimostwanted.com/imcome/call
I am committed to your success and financial prosperity this year!
All my best,
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
PS - The registration link again is
PPS - If You are still interested in getting Your mortgage reduced then get Youe fr-ee analyss here at www.reimostwanted.com/debtfree (Be watching for our next opportunity call for the MMA program next week)
Tonight's call was so packed out that many of you did not get in - so...
This Sunday, Scott Nelson has agreed to do an encore presentation of Thursday night's webinar on the most incredible business available today.
Find out 3 powerful ways to earn income - and get paid weekly.
Discover how to set up your own re-occuring cashflow.
Fill in the gaps between real estate deals - with a REAL business and REAL profits - without ever having to leave your home.
Have all the motivated leads you can handle contacting you - and asking to become your cusotmers and your business partners.
How long do you want to wait to make an extra $500, $1,000 even $2,000 a week?
Come invest 60 minutes of your time this Saturday and learn about this HOT opportunity and get your questions answered.
Be one of the first to register for this limited seating training at www.reimostwanted.com/imcome/call
I am committed to your success and financial prosperity this year!
All my best,
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
PS - The registration link again is
PPS - If You are still interested in getting Your mortgage reduced then get Youe fr-ee analyss here at www.reimostwanted.com/debtfree (Be watching for our next opportunity call for the MMA program next week)
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Get Rid of That Lousy Job Once and For All

OK, it's Thursday. Hump Day has come and gone, and you're counting the nanoseconds until it's time to punch the clock to go home today.
Then, T-30 minutes before "Freedom", your boss comes in with an assignment that "Just Has To Be Done Today!" One that will "only take an hour or so" to complete!
Oh, By the Way, just email it to so-and-so...Your boss will see you in the morning, 'cause he's "got to leave." So much for the 30-minute countdown!
WAIT! How about this, instead...
OK. It's Thursday. You got up at 8:30-ish. You had a real breakfast that did NOT consist of a round, rubber egg, burnt bacon, and a dry biscuit.
After you checked out the Weather Channel, you walked down the hall to your office (still in your robe and slippers), and started to work.
At 3:15pm you stopped what you were doing to meet the kids at the bus stop. You got them started on their homework, and then went back down the hall to your office to finish up a few
At 5:03pm you walk out of the office to the recliner in the
living room and you're done for the day.
If Scene #1 is more to your liking, then you need to stop reading
right now. This isn't for you.
BUT...if you liked Scene #2 better, you need to read on!
Tonight, March 13th at 9:01 PM Eastern time (6:01 PM Pacific
time), my business partner, Scott Nelson will be presenting a 60
minute webinar to show the absolute best opportunity to not only
help yourself, but to help others to make $1,000s in add-itional
in-come each month...and you can even make money each week!
Go To: www.reimostwanted.com/income/call to register!
See you on the call tonight!
Charles & Kimberly Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
PS - A Revolutionary New System That Helps YOU Create Real Wealth
Learn how to:
...Create a solid ho-me business, with an easy to grow and
sustainable in-come...
...Get special insider training and mentoring from over 50 of
the world's greatest business experts...
...And receive $1,949 in life-changing education for FR-EE
during our limited time worldwide rollout offer...
Go to: www.believetoachieve.simpleonlinesystem.com/
P.P.S. - Do you need quality, easy to use, web hosting? Go to
www.realsuccesshosting.com for a $1 trial offer.
P.P.P.S. - Do you need a way to keep track of and communicate wtih
all your business leads? Go to http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=MQ8Hd&m=1fL9cVhtZXw7un&b=L4yvObx6e2zsYSleDZCLDg for a
fr-ee test drive.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
I got good news and bad news...

64 copies left.
That's it. No More.
The Million Dollar March System is
just about sold out.
Keith and Marc have told me that they
weren't quite prepared for the overwhelming response that they got when they decided to make it so easy for just about anyone to get.
So, I got good news and bad news...
Good news is, a bunch of folks got
in on this red hot deal and are getting
started on their march toward a million
of their own....
Bad news....if you don't click this
link and 'march' on over there like
right now and get your copy....
you may not be able to join them
at all....
Don't miss out.
Best Regards,
REI Most Wanted, 206 Market Street, Roanoke, VA 24011, USA
Others Are Making Thousands Each Month In Their Pajamas, Shouldn't You?

Would you like have an additional gushing river of income coming of
$500, $5,000 even $10,000 or more each month?
Imagine what you could do with an extra source of monthly income -
in addition to your real estate investing pro-fits!
This Thursday, March 13th at 9:01 PM Eastern time (6:01 PM Pacific
time), Charles Dudley will be introducing Scott Nelson and
presenting a 60 minute webinar to show the absolute best
opportunity to not only help yourself, but to help others to make
$1,000s in add-itional in-come each month...and you can even make
money each week!
If you'd like to see and learn how to implement this for yourself,
then you need to be one of the first 250 people to register for the
The webinar will only hold 250 people, and this email has gone out
to thousands of people... Please register now to reserve your
Go to: www.reimostwanted.com/income/call to register today!
Success in all your endeavors,
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
Saturday, March 8, 2008
TODAY...Multiple Streams of Income...Leads Sent to You!

This is one great opportunity that you DON'T want to miss out on! Today at 1PM EST Scott Nelson will be sharing one of the best kept LEGITIMATE home business secrets that I know of.
Have you ever watched any of the many infomercials and thought about how much money is transacted over those phone lines? How would you feel if a portion of that infomercial money came into YOUR HANDS? ...and Stayed in Your Hands!
Tired of chasing Leads?
What if I told you that QUALIFIED leads would be sent directly to you?
Join us at 1pm EST TODAY, Saturday, March 8, 2008 for this powerful webinar.
Got to: http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=J5zVN&m=1dREkkJkRXw7un&b=z4gAryAzarmGZAgbBso_fA to register for the webinar. The call in number for today is: 605-475-8590.
The conference ID # is: 5837829.
See You there!
Charles and Kimberly Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
Thursday, March 6, 2008
How Much Real Estate Will $200 Buy You?

$200 doesn't seem to buy much
nowadays...much less than it did
10-15-20 years ago!
But what if I told you that $200
could buy you $1 Million dollars
worth of Real Estate?
My good friend Alex Nghiem will be
sharing his powerful secrets that
have allowed him to do just that
with my elite group of Real Estate
Investors this coming Thursday,
March 6, 2007 at 9:01PM EST.
This is NOT a get r-i-c-h quick
sch-eme! It is a proven system that
can work for anyone who applies
these techniques.
You need to be on this call Thurs-
day night, so go to:
Want to sell your houses more
quickly? How about putting your
real estate investing business on
Then this call is for YOU!
Go To: http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=J5zVN&m=1fkIgqeIhXw7un&b=r_XFM3FyiyjjFqAyCFfJrQ
to register now. Lines are filling
up fast!
Success in all your endeavors!
Charles T. Dudley, Sr.
"Unlock Your Future!"
P.S. If you are within Driving
Distance of our Roanoke, Virginia
location, please JOIN US IN PERSON
Thursday evening, March 6th, at
6:30PM EST for our LIVE Monthly
REIA meeting with Guest Speaker
Matt Gillogly.
The meeting is held at National
College located at 1813 E. Main St.
Salem, VA. Parking is in the rear.
Cost: Roanoke Regional REIA members
are $10 at the door, and non-REIA
members are $25.00.
P.P.S. Have you been wanting to see
the insider secrets of getting massive
amounts of cash in real estate deals -
without using your own cash or credit?
Have you been wanting to participate
in a live training program, but can not
afford the thousands of dollars it typically costs for 1-on-1 mentoring? Want to see the real value of a mentor and watch 2 student get free in 90 days or less?
Well go to
P.P.P.S. Get your Pocket Guru here...
If you've ever wished you could carry
a Real Estate Investing Guru in you
shirt pocket, well, Now You Can! Our
mp3 players are loaded and ready to
ship with all of our 101 Secrets
Speakers. Just go to:
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Bad News
Bad News for those who didn't open
this email because...
It happens every once in a while
that someone gets a hair brained
idea and it sells like hot cakes.
It's happened again the decision
is up to you whether or not you
want to be in the middle of it.
(*hint: You want to be in the
middle of it.)
Ok we will get back to that to
that thought in just a sec...
We actually have something just
a bit more pressing for you.
Remember we mentioned that you
would receive access to an
exclusive interview with Keith
Wellman? Well man he's here!
Yup we actually visited him
last week and had a blast and
during that visit we had the
opportunity to tape an interview
with him and Marc Horne.
So down below you will find a
link to view that. It's some
pretty revealing and exciting
stuff we got out of those two
The hair brained idea. It is
Keith and Marc who are behind
this idea and no doubt you've
seen the emails flying around
with them pre-selling the crap
out of their latest and greatest.
There's good reason for that
though. IT IS their latest and
greatest and your not going to
want to miss the boat on what
they have dubbed "The Million
Dollar March". Ok we won't
keep you much longer follow
the link below and view the
exclusive we nailed with Keith
and Marc just before this
awesome launch and hope to see
you on the other side!
To Your success!
Charles Dudley
- AND -
Robert & Daniel
"Unlock Your Future!"
this email because...
It happens every once in a while
that someone gets a hair brained
idea and it sells like hot cakes.
It's happened again the decision
is up to you whether or not you
want to be in the middle of it.
(*hint: You want to be in the
middle of it.)
Ok we will get back to that to
that thought in just a sec...
We actually have something just
a bit more pressing for you.
Remember we mentioned that you
would receive access to an
exclusive interview with Keith
Wellman? Well man he's here!
Yup we actually visited him
last week and had a blast and
during that visit we had the
opportunity to tape an interview
with him and Marc Horne.
So down below you will find a
link to view that. It's some
pretty revealing and exciting
stuff we got out of those two
The hair brained idea. It is
Keith and Marc who are behind
this idea and no doubt you've
seen the emails flying around
with them pre-selling the crap
out of their latest and greatest.
There's good reason for that
though. IT IS their latest and
greatest and your not going to
want to miss the boat on what
they have dubbed "The Million
Dollar March". Ok we won't
keep you much longer follow
the link below and view the
exclusive we nailed with Keith
and Marc just before this
awesome launch and hope to see
you on the other side!
To Your success!
Charles Dudley
- AND -
Robert & Daniel
"Unlock Your Future!"
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Are You Marching To Millions?
You've undoubtedly heard all the buzz
about Keith Wellman's "Million Dollar
March" launch, so I want to cut to
the chase...
No B.S... No selling... No hype...
I'm going to tell you like I see it
and hope to give you a clear head
going into this that you know it's
for you...
I want to start off by saying this is
probably the most in-depth product
on getting started that I've seen.
But that doesn't mean it's for
Some people don't have the will to
overcome their obstacles and fears...
Some don't stay focused long enough
to implement the products that
actually work...
And some just don't want to put in
the time and effort it takes to
build a real business, make money,
and succeed.
That's tough to say, but so many
people are "launch addicts" in the
sense that "7 figure this" or "6
figure that" tend to stray you from
making the right choice and stray
you down the wrong path...
Keith shows you exactly what you
need to do, and how to do it, and
gives you the tools along the way...
He's proven this method on many
people and that's the ONLY reason
I'm getting behind it - it works.
--> www.themilliondollarmarchsite.com
So if you can look past the huge
numbers that so many "gurus" promise
you and you are ready to start like
every other (successful) online
marketer did, then this is for you...
If making your first one thousand
or ten thousand and growing to a
million (and more) isn't enough and
you want to keep going after that
"easy million" then this isn't
for you...
The cold hard-truth - that easy
million doesn't exist.
Snap out of it and join the march!
Best Regards,
Charles Dudley
Dudley Successs Consulting Group, LLC
P.S. I hope that was as too-the-point
as you were expecting - if nothing
else, I encourage you to check it
out - it really is exciting:
--> www.themilliondollarmarchsite.com
P.P.S. Have you been wanting to see
the insider secrets of getting massive
amounts of cash in real estate deals -
without using your own cash or credit?
Have you been wanting to participate
in a live training program, but can not
afford the thousands of dollars it typically
costs for 1-on-1 mentoring? Want to see
the real value of a mentor and watch 2
student get free in 90 days or less?
Well go to
P.P.P.S. Get your Pocket Guru here...
If you've ever wished you could carry
a Real Estate Investing Guru in you
shirt pocket, well, Now You Can! Our
mp3 players are loaded and ready to
ship with all of our 101 Secrets
Speakers. Just go to:
about Keith Wellman's "Million Dollar
March" launch, so I want to cut to
the chase...
No B.S... No selling... No hype...
I'm going to tell you like I see it
and hope to give you a clear head
going into this that you know it's
for you...
I want to start off by saying this is
probably the most in-depth product
on getting started that I've seen.
But that doesn't mean it's for
Some people don't have the will to
overcome their obstacles and fears...
Some don't stay focused long enough
to implement the products that
actually work...
And some just don't want to put in
the time and effort it takes to
build a real business, make money,
and succeed.
That's tough to say, but so many
people are "launch addicts" in the
sense that "7 figure this" or "6
figure that" tend to stray you from
making the right choice and stray
you down the wrong path...
Keith shows you exactly what you
need to do, and how to do it, and
gives you the tools along the way...
He's proven this method on many
people and that's the ONLY reason
I'm getting behind it - it works.
--> www.themilliondollarmarchsite.com
So if you can look past the huge
numbers that so many "gurus" promise
you and you are ready to start like
every other (successful) online
marketer did, then this is for you...
If making your first one thousand
or ten thousand and growing to a
million (and more) isn't enough and
you want to keep going after that
"easy million" then this isn't
for you...
The cold hard-truth - that easy
million doesn't exist.
Snap out of it and join the march!
Best Regards,
Charles Dudley
Dudley Successs Consulting Group, LLC
P.S. I hope that was as too-the-point
as you were expecting - if nothing
else, I encourage you to check it
out - it really is exciting:
--> www.themilliondollarmarchsite.com
P.P.S. Have you been wanting to see
the insider secrets of getting massive
amounts of cash in real estate deals -
without using your own cash or credit?
Have you been wanting to participate
in a live training program, but can not
afford the thousands of dollars it typically
costs for 1-on-1 mentoring? Want to see
the real value of a mentor and watch 2
student get free in 90 days or less?
Well go to
P.P.P.S. Get your Pocket Guru here...
If you've ever wished you could carry
a Real Estate Investing Guru in you
shirt pocket, well, Now You Can! Our
mp3 players are loaded and ready to
ship with all of our 101 Secrets
Speakers. Just go to:
Monday, March 3, 2008
Learn How To Get Free In Real Estate Investing
Have you been wanting to see the insider secrets of getting massive
amounts of cash in real estate deals - without using your own cash
or credit? Have you been wanting to participate in a live training
program, but can not afford the thousands of dollars it typically
costs for 1-on-1 mentoring? Want to see the real value of a mentor
and watch 2 student get free in 90 days or less?
Well go to www.reimostwanted.com/groupcoachinggold/goldcoaching.html
and find out how to get into the orientation tonight with Danny and
Robert, Charles' newest protege students - as he and mentor Hon Wong
teach them step by step how to get free in Real Estate Investing
within the next 90 days.
The 90 day challenge begins this Monday night at 9pm EST. As a gold
group coaching member, you will qualify to receive 2 live group
training calls each month as well as listen to the replays on the
members page once posted. This challenge is unlike any coaching
program currently available - and will take you step by step - what
to do as a beginning real estate investor. Watch Danny & Robert get
free over the next 90 days.
Check it out at
This is something that doesn't come around too often, and definitely
not at this ridiculous price. As a special bonus to the first 200
who register, you will get a special VIP ticket to our next live
event, The Real Estate Quick Cash Symposium in Roanoke, VA - August
2008 - a $1,997 Value - for only $1. This offer is only good for
Gold coaching students through the month of March. You will get your
access information upon completion of your registration - so don't
We'll see you (along with Danny & Robert) on the other side.
To your success!
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
Dudley Success Consulting Group, LLC
PS - To make extra mo-ney as an affiliate with us at REI Most Wanted
sign up for fr-ee at www.reimostwanted.com/affiliatetools
PPS - Don't miss out on the 7-figure excitement at www.themilliondollarlaunchsite.com
I look forward to talking with you tonight at 9pm EST
REI Most Wanted, 206 Market Street, Roanoke, VA 24011, USA
amounts of cash in real estate deals - without using your own cash
or credit? Have you been wanting to participate in a live training
program, but can not afford the thousands of dollars it typically
costs for 1-on-1 mentoring? Want to see the real value of a mentor
and watch 2 student get free in 90 days or less?
Well go to www.reimostwanted.com/groupcoachinggold/goldcoaching.html
and find out how to get into the orientation tonight with Danny and
Robert, Charles' newest protege students - as he and mentor Hon Wong
teach them step by step how to get free in Real Estate Investing
within the next 90 days.
The 90 day challenge begins this Monday night at 9pm EST. As a gold
group coaching member, you will qualify to receive 2 live group
training calls each month as well as listen to the replays on the
members page once posted. This challenge is unlike any coaching
program currently available - and will take you step by step - what
to do as a beginning real estate investor. Watch Danny & Robert get
free over the next 90 days.
Check it out at
This is something that doesn't come around too often, and definitely
not at this ridiculous price. As a special bonus to the first 200
who register, you will get a special VIP ticket to our next live
event, The Real Estate Quick Cash Symposium in Roanoke, VA - August
2008 - a $1,997 Value - for only $1. This offer is only good for
Gold coaching students through the month of March. You will get your
access information upon completion of your registration - so don't
We'll see you (along with Danny & Robert) on the other side.
To your success!
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
Dudley Success Consulting Group, LLC
PS - To make extra mo-ney as an affiliate with us at REI Most Wanted
sign up for fr-ee at www.reimostwanted.com/affiliatetools
PPS - Don't miss out on the 7-figure excitement at www.themilliondollarlaunchsite.com
I look forward to talking with you tonight at 9pm EST
REI Most Wanted, 206 Market Street, Roanoke, VA 24011, USA
Watch Me Set 2 Students Free in Under 90 Days

Would you be interested in learning how to succeed in real estate investing and get in on GOLD group coaching program as we show Danny & Robrt how to get fr-ee with Real Estate Investing in less than 90 days.
This is the most powerful and unique real estate group coaching program available today. We will start with Danny and Robert this Monday night and get them on their journey to retirement in less than 90 days.
You can listen and email questions, as implement the same strategies that we show them over the next 90 days and see what results you can get too. And we are doing it for a fraction of our regular coaching program investment.
Check it out if you are interested in seeing if you too can learn to get your free-dom in the next 90 days or less, with myself and real estate mentor, partner and friend, Hon Wong.
Go now to http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=J5zVN&m=1bTTOWaHFXw7un&b=U2XyOQo8OdURBNsxqVTENg
We are only allowing 63 more people in to this special group for this unique training class. Our class orientation session will be this Monday night - it will be available to GOLD coaching students for replay if you can't make orientation - but you will need to reserve your space today.
To your success!
Charles Dudley
P.S. Are you ready to begin your March to become a Million-aire?
Then join me at www.themilliondollarmarchsite.com
Biblical Finances

Join us on Monday, March 3, 2008 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EST
Dear Kimberly,
Just a reminder that you are a panelist in the following Webinar that will take place in 1 Hour(s):
Biblical Finances
Monday, March 3, 2008 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EST
1. At the time above, click this link to join the Webinar:
Webinar ID: 849-455-646
2. Join the conference call:
1-605-475-8590, 5837829, panelist Access Code *8588187
International Number: 0870 738 0763
Add to your Outlook calendar.
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