Thursday, July 24, 2008
Real Estate Investing Tax Strategies
the rich become wealthy and are able to stay that way. There are
rules that the wealthy are clued in on that all business owners
have access too but do not utilize. If you would like to keep more
of what you make then don't miss Thursday night! It's only 2 nights
away so sign up now at
This licensed attorney will be giving you 1 hour and 20 minuites
reveiling the answers to the most asked questions in the business
world. To register for a stress free business set up go to
Charles Dudley
REI Most Wanted Secrets
Click Here For More Real Estate Investing Tips
P.S. If you have not had a chance to check out this educational
internet marketing business opportunity go now to
Tax Strategies & Business Start Ups
Darius Barazandeh
Wow - has this past week been amazingly jam-packed. Needless to say, with a weekend of the final 2008 REI Dominator LIVE event inthe bag - my staff and I are beat, but very fulfilled.
Be watching future emails for some great video training clips and tips on some of the cutting edge strategies we taught over 4 days on how to have an avalanche of motivated leads pouring in tothe real estate investor's ATM machine.
As a result - we are going to be plugging into a powerful fr-ee training call with Darius Barazandeh and Kimberly Dudley at the Work At Home Wealth Team. Darius specializes in tax strategies and business start-ups. If you needed any help with your taxesor setting up your real estate investing or any other business venture - then this is the call for you.
Go now to: to get the info you need toDominate your taxes and get things started properly.
Here's the registration link again - that you will need for thisThursday night's call:
Also - as a heads up - I will be doing a HUGE training call with Armando Montelongo next Tuesday - so go ahead and mark your calendar for that - at 9:01pm EST. The call with be live and Armando hassome amzing new stuff for us regarding 'subject to' investing.
You don't want to miss any of the training that our Success Teamhas to offer for you.
I'll see you Thursday night.
To Your Success!!!
PS - Now is the time - if you have not yet signed up for the best value in internet marketing training and home based business -get your free report, downloadable audio training and then sign upto be a part of our xtreme success team at
The company is only 3 weeks old and is exploding right now. Be one of the first to ride the success wave and learn how to market any business online at the same time. (Hint: There is atraining call tonight for members at 9pm EST - so feel fr-ee to get the fr-ee info and then sign up before 9pm EST to get in on our live training call.) Here's that info link one more time:
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Offer Grapevine - New Site - Fortune 500
I just became a fre,e member of a very hot program called Offer
Grapevine. The Offer Grapevine web site has hundreds of major
companies including most of the Fortune 500 participating in it.
You'll want to go to this site first before you make any purchasing
decisions - shop online. There are tons of great deals plus, you can also earn a
bunch of money yourself. There is a video on the front of the
site, that you need to watch.
If you become an affiliate (that's fre,e too) and then tell other
people about it (using this same simple email) you get paid for
EVERY purchase that they make using the site. If the friends or
associates you refer Offer Grapevine to then also refer Offer
Grapevine to others you get paid for the buying that those other
people do as well. It is called a social buying network, or
"Sopping 2.0". Offer Grapevine automatically keeps track of your
"Grapevine", those are the people who have simply clicked on your
referral link, and then they send you a check every month based on
your referrals activity on the site.
I think this is going to be the next big thing on the internet
since Google or Yahoo so I don't want you to miss out on it being
one of the first people in. There is going to be a lot of publicity
about Offer Grapevine so you'll want to get involved now before
everyone hears about this. The very next thing you should is to
click on my link below so you can access the site for free. Take a
look at all the companies that are in there. Google is also
featuring many companies that you can learn about when you click on
the text ads at the top of each offer page. Just go to your
personal Offer Grapevine affiliate page before you purchase
anything and check out the special offers that are there. Offer
Grapevine will be adding more and more companies each and every
Take a few seconds and click on this link. I really think you'll
like this site and I would love you to be in my Grapevine.
Have a great day!
PS - Interested in gaining access to a powerful training call with
best selling author of 'The Home Office From Hell Cure: Transform
Your Underperforming, Time-Sucking Work At Home or Homebased Business Into a
Runaway Success', Mr. Jeff Landers, and my wife, Kimberly, from
the Work At Home Wealth Team's - Multiple Streams of Income Secrets? It is tongiht at 9pm EST. Just
register at I have caught
a few of her recent training calls and they are great for anyone
who runs an office from home or works for themselves, even if it's
part-time, or Real Estate Investing.
PPS - That video link is -
have fun!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Real Estate Investing Strategies
providing the last few weeks. I know I have. It's always a
pleasure to share the best of the best with you and to give you the
tools, strategies and techniques you need to succeed in your
specific marketplace.
Of course you know that I will be busy this weekend in Roanoke, VA
teaching our highly praised Real Estate Dominator course, where the
true fusion of real estate investing quick cash strategies,
internet marketing, masterminds and mentoring comes together in one
place for 4 power-packed days. It isn't too late for 2 lucky folks
to take the last 2 live seats at the event or for a few of you to
participate with us as virtual attendees with all the one-on-one
support and networking you want over the 4 day weekend. If you are
interested in that, feel fre-e to check out the registration page
Monday, July 14, 2008
Monday night's fr-ee training call info is at the end of
having a tough time selling it in today's market?
Let me give you a little tip that may help.
Have you considered seller financing as a primary exit strategy?
What do I mean? You should always consider selling your deals on
wrap-mortgages or lease-purchases as one of the most viable exit
strategies in today's market. Why? Because a real estate investor
MUST be also a terrific problem solver. Moreover, one of the
number one problems today is access to money or financing on homes.
I have seen it estimated that 40% of potential home buyers (those
who have money to put down and can afford the monthly mortgage
payment), cannot get financing today. With a seller-financing
vehicle, you have a way to solve that customer's problem. You will
also find less competition with realtors, banks, mortgage
companies, and other investors with these buyers. This is also a
great option to offer your investor friends, where you can get a
non-refundable option fee up front and accept monthly payments,
while they do the rehab - and hen you can cash out when they sale
(you should typically make more money over time with this strategy,
instead of taking more of a discount for all cash or an assignment
This strategy can also lower your capital gains tax rate, if you
don't get totally cashed out until after 365 days of your
acquisition. Of course, this will mean you will have to adjust
slightly how you pick up and control your deals - but can be an
excellent tool in your toolbox for doing more deals. Remember,
some folks are okay with 60-70% cash offers, but others want closer
to the FMV, but would be willing to hold onto the financing for you
(i.e. Subject To, wrap mortgage, sub-leases, seller financing,
etc.). this also can eliminate or minimize your need or dependence
on banks, hard money or private money lenders.
You see, in life, you don't get what you deserve, you get what you
negotiate. So learn the tools and skills you can to get you the
most favorable deals, and be a better problem-solver for your
target market.
By the way, if you'd like to know another key way to help you sell
your deals, use the REWARD or WANTED flyer. This is a guerilla
marketing tactic, but is very effective. This strategy is based on
the fact that 80-% of home purchases are made by people who know
someone who lives in or near a neighborhood they are moving too.
For a sample of the flyer that you can use, go here
(feel free to download it and use it for your own. Note my callout
regarding seller financing available. (This is a great tool!)
You can print these on your own printer (black and white is fine),
and pay a young teenager or 2 ten to twenty-five cents a piece for
everyone they deliver (that's $10-25 for 100 homes). Just be sure
they put these in the doors and not the mailboxes.
Okay Kim, so there are a couple home selling hints for
you this weekend - be sure to catch our monthly group coaching Q &
A call this Monday night at 9pm EST. I will be featuring one of my
personal business partners and local REI mentors, Col. Carson W.
Carter, who has over 33 years of experience and has transacted
nearly 9-figures in real estate.
You can submit your most pressing REI question, problem or situation at and we'll address
them all this Monday night. There will not be a replay on this
call, so don't miss it live. Also, I am only allowing 100 people
on the call this Monday night, so get your registration information
and show up early. Register and submit your questions here:
To Your Success
Charles Dudley
PS - Do you wish to attend one of the best real
estate investing training events this year - but can't make it this
weekend LIVE? Why not participate as a virtual attendee, and get
the same full team service (web sites, online marketing, quick cash
real estate methods, coaching and mastermind group) - simple go to and become a virtual attendee this coming
weekend. If you need more info, or want to order by the phone,
call 888-734-6911.
PPS - My current mentoring program remains full,
but we will be having a few graduates from our basic program this
month and will be opening for new applications beginning in August. If
you feel you are ready for a team-supported, one-on-one mentoring
program that combines the power of quick-cash methods and internet
marketing for real estate investors, feel free to apply here: (Hint: It is less than $5K, and we do provide
financing. Spots are limited. )
The Fusion Of Internet Marketing and Network Marketing Is HERE!
Friday, July 11, 2008
How To Drive Traffic Leads To - My - Your - Site
always a pleasure when I get a call or email from an investor who
gets their first leads, and better yet, their first deal through
their web advertising. Today, I just wanted to reach out to you
and ask you a personal question - how well is your online marketing
engine working?
Earlier this week I sent you some great social networking sites (oh
yeah, and there's more of those to come) to help you take the bull
by the horns and get your message out there online. But I wanted
to also tell you some ways to get traffic to your website, both
internet-based as well as direct methods.
You see, the one thing I have found after coaching nearly 100
students personally, and that is that there are basically 2 types
of investor students out there. The first kind of investor student
is the one who gets every information product out there, doing the
shotgun method, and never really getting ahead. This comes from a
scarcity mentality. Meaning that they don't trust a single method
well enough to get just a few deals done, they are trying to find
the hidden secret. Ultimately this person will run out of money or
time or energy and give up before their efforts bear fruit.
The other kind of investor student doesn't accept excuses or the
word "no". They are determined, they take responsibility for their
own business and results, and keep focused on the activities that
have proven to produce results, even if it doesn't appear to work
immediately. The main difference is that the folks who make it
happen are ferociously resolute in making their goals happen and
are not afraid of hard work.
Now, I don't believe that you have to work sun up to sun down to be
a successful and profitable real estate investor. In fact, most of
my more profitable deals were completed in less than 5 hours of
work. Some of my most profitable weeks, I worked less than 10
hours and made more money in that week than I used to make in
several months at the j-o-b.
What I have found is that anyone serious in today's real estate
market needs at least 2 websites. But not just any old 2 sites
(specifically referring to these replicated deals that are
cookie-cutter and look like everyone else's). You need websites
that brand you and your company, that convert traffic into real
leads and ultimately into customers.
Once you have your websites, you will need to get focused on
getting traffic to those sites to make your efforts worth while. I
remember the first 3 or 4 websites I had. I was so excited to
finally be online. But nothing happened after 2 months. Why?
Because I didn't have traffic. So let me share with you a few
quick tips to get traffic to your websites, some free, some paid.
To read the rest of this juicy 4-page article - go to
If you have any real estate investing or marketing questions,
please feel free to email them to me at .
I will be conducting my monthly open Q&A call this Monday, July
14th at 9pm EST. My special guest mentor and trainer will be one
of my best friends, business associates and REI mentors - Carson
Carter. With over 33 years of experience and 8-figures of real
estate transacted - you will have a chance to hear from him and I
both, as we answer your most pressing needs. So watch for the
registration link for this free training call and get your emails
off to me asap. Mark your calendars for the call time.
Secondly, if you truly want an inexpensive yet powerful way to
learn some internet marketing skills, saving you the thousands of
dollars I personally paid to learn these strategies, check out and join this educational program and be
a part of my success team.
To your success!
Charles Dudley
PS - If you want a great hosting service for your websites for only
a $1 30-day trail, check out
PPS - If you want the best autoresponder / list manager program
available today, try it out for free for 30 days at
The Fusion Of Internet Marketing and Network Marketing Is HERE!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
What Obama and McCain Don't Want You To know
Will you support me?
Please let me know.
God bless the USA,
Charles Dudley
PS - Watch the replay of Cris Chico's Virtual Wholeslaing training - available for
24 more hours at
PPS - Here's a fr'ee report on How The Process of Simplified Duplication is
Turning Ordinary Home Business Entrepreneurs Into Extraordinary Successes
(no opt in required for the report)
My Website Isn't Working
some ways to get it working better.
1) Are you on facebook? If not, you really need to get that set up ASAP - one
client of mine, James, made 7 contacts in 1 day - right after we set up his account.
It is fr-ee, and will provide you traffic to your website over time.
I was able to make over 1,700 friends in 6 months - you are welcome to be one
as well at
2) Are you on my space? Believe it or not, that is a great place to promote your
real estate websites too. Again, this is a fr-ee resource, it only takes about 10
minutes of your time and then you will have folks reaching out to you, based on
your profile and business (real estate)
Here's a great example that you can use
3) Squidoo. What exactly is a squiddo? Well, to be honest, I don't know. It is kind
of like a blog, loosely based on subject - but I know that I get emails every month
from folks who find my squidoo page.
4) Get your own blog NOW at - I have 3 now. My latest is - again, these are no cost to set up -
easy to get up and running and search engines love them.
So far, I have shared 4 ways to plant seeds for traffic to your real estate websites,
and you can probably get all 4 of these set up in 1 hour. If you are serious about
your real estate investing as a business, you should get these done by Friday.
If you don't take the time to work on these, then your website will remain broken.
I will email you 3 or 4 more juicy ideas to fix your website this weekend - so be
watching. I am stoked about next weekends Real Estate Dominator Workshop,
for both those who will be meeting me in person in Roanoke, VA and for those
who will be plugging in for the Virtual Workshop. Let's all take our real estate
businesses to the next level.
To your success,
PS - Here's another great inexpensive resource for real estate advertising (or any
other business for that matter)
PPS - Watch the replay of Cris Chico's Virtual Wholeslaing training - available for
48 more hours at
PPPS - Here's a fr'ee report on How The Process of Simplified Duplication is
Turning Ordinary Home Business Entrepreneurs Into Extraordinary Successes
(no opt in required for the report)
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
The Virtual Flipping Machine Is On In A Few

Here is the link for the call tonight at 9pm Eastern
We only have 250 lines available and this email is going to out to thousands! So better not hold off on registering.
He is going to peel back the curtain and show you exactly how he made over $1.4 Million dollars in pure profit flipping houses he never saw.
He never met with any buyer or seller and does it all from his south florida home using only his computer and a cell phone.
If you are serious about taking your wholesaling business to the next level then you need to be on the this call tonight.
I just got off the phone with Cris and he assured me that he would pack the call with great quality content and information.
Here are some of the things that he promised to talk about on our call...
--How to find out the best housing markets to flip properties and avoid the dead spots
--What type of seller to avoid when you are just starting out
--The absolutely best type of seller that you want to target ino utside markets or your local area
--Why you should avoid foreclosures when starting out
--The exact system he uses to handle 100's of incoming seller leads each week
--How to sift and sort your leads and find the most highly qualified and motivated sellers
--How to structure your contracts so that you have zero risk
--How to go into any market and build a buyer's list in as littleas two weeks
--How to outsource your real estate business so that you can do less and make more
P.P.S. I have 2 spots remaining open for the VIP Teleseminar Coaching - where I teach you how to create your own 6-figure teleseminar business - at
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Have you ever heard the saying "Freedom ain't fre,e"?
Well, there's some truth to that. And depending on what true freedom means to
you - determines what the cost of freedom is.
Is it your ability to wake up safe each day and have opportunity awaiting you?
Is it the next deal you do that bring's in $10, $20, or $30K?
Is it your good health, your family or friends?
Is it the journey that you are taking to accomplish a worth while goal?
Perhaps it's no longer working a j-o-b for "the man"
Whatever freedom means to you - there is and will be a prive to pay.
In fact, you are paying the price for it regardless of whether it is contributing to
your goals or someone elses.
Isn't it time this week to take some action toward the realization of your freedom
sooner rather than later?
It's so easy at time to let great opportunities pass us by - but how many times do
you get a chance to be in front of 99.9% of the marketplace in something.
You see, someone recently asked me, "Charles, how much of your business comes
from online compare to non-online?" My reply was 80% - Did you see that?
80% of my revenues last year came from online marketing in one form or another.
And with that being the case - I am strongly urging everyone I know to invest in
their education and application of marketing online. If you can learn that, then
where you can be in the next 30, 60 and 90 days will be revolutionary.
I happen to have been blessed enough to find the best educational system for
fast application and ROI to learn internet marketing. You are welcome to be one
of the first to join me at - we are only on the 2nd
day of this launch and things are growing amazingly fast. Profits are there for
someone to make - will that someone be you? I know that what you will learn
in terms of marketing your business online will be invaluable to all your other
oursuits. I already knwo folks who will be getting over $1,000 in their first check
next Friday. That's in 2 days. Mine is already over $300 - not bad for an hour or 2
of work.- in my spare time.
So here' the deal - be one of the first to join my team, learn the secrets of internet
marketing from myself and 2 friends who have been responsible for 7 and 8 figure
businesses. And grab your piece of market share in this online phenomon.
To your freedom!
Charles Dudley
The Fusion Of Internet Marketing and Network Marketing Is HERE!
Dudley Success Consulting Group, LLC, Roanoke, VA, USA
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Cutting Edge Business Opportunity
2 Internet Marketers one from Atlanta and the other from the beach in Charleston, SC have FUSED together the best of internet marketing AND network marketing. They've created what many will consider to be the most automated opportunity on the internet
Honestly, I get a ton of email, and I might not have even read the email if it hadn't of come from my friend, but I trust his recommendation, so I checked out the site for myself at:
Be sure to watch short video on the page...It'll blow your socks off!
P.S. This thing is taking the internet by storm so my suggestion is that you take a look at this sooner rather than later ;-)
The Fusion Of Internet Marketing and Network Marketing Is HERE!