Thursday, July 10, 2008

My Website Isn't Working

I have been looking into your real estate website and wanted to share with you
some ways to get it working better.

1) Are you on facebook? If not, you really need to get that set up ASAP - one
client of mine, James, made 7 contacts in 1 day - right after we set up his account.
It is fr-ee, and will provide you traffic to your website over time.

I was able to make over 1,700 friends in 6 months - you are welcome to be one
as well at

2) Are you on my space? Believe it or not, that is a great place to promote your
real estate websites too. Again, this is a fr-ee resource, it only takes about 10
minutes of your time and then you will have folks reaching out to you, based on
your profile and business (real estate)

Here's a great example that you can use

3) Squidoo. What exactly is a squiddo? Well, to be honest, I don't know. It is kind
of like a blog, loosely based on subject - but I know that I get emails every month
from folks who find my squidoo page.

4) Get your own blog NOW at - I have 3 now. My latest is - again, these are no cost to set up -
easy to get up and running and search engines love them.

So far, I have shared 4 ways to plant seeds for traffic to your real estate websites,
and you can probably get all 4 of these set up in 1 hour. If you are serious about
your real estate investing as a business, you should get these done by Friday.

If you don't take the time to work on these, then your website will remain broken.

I will email you 3 or 4 more juicy ideas to fix your website this weekend - so be
watching. I am stoked about next weekends Real Estate Dominator Workshop,
for both those who will be meeting me in person in Roanoke, VA and for those
who will be plugging in for the Virtual Workshop. Let's all take our real estate
businesses to the next level.

To your success,


PS - Here's another great inexpensive resource for real estate advertising (or any
other business for that matter)

PPS - Watch the replay of Cris Chico's Virtual Wholeslaing training - available for
48 more hours at

PPPS - Here's a fr'ee report on How The Process of Simplified Duplication is
Turning Ordinary Home Business Entrepreneurs Into Extraordinary Successes
(no opt in required for the report)

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