Sunday, November 18, 2007

A Gift of Thanks: Free Ebook

A Gift of Thanks

As we prepare for this Holiday season - I wanted to share a powerful ebook - at no charge :)

Did you know that there are more millionaires made during turbulent times than during easy-going ones?

It's already happening. The market is chewing UP and spitting OUT the fair weather investors and...

There will be tremendous fortunes made by those who understand how to take advantage of changing markets! Peter Drucker said it best...

"The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence. It is to act with yesterday's logic."

I've surveyed many investors who are giving up or quitting - some by choice and others by force. The bottom line 1 why they are dropping out is because they don't have the cash flow to survive the down turn.

Many of them have empty houses sitting vacant eating them Alive!

If you look at the history of Real Estate, you'll see that the market has ALWAYS bounced back to be bigger and better.

Real Estate NEVER stays down but you have to survive the down swing in the market long enough for it to come back to cash in again.

If you've been sucking wind trying to sell houses or having cash flow challenges then this email might just be what you're desperately needing.

Here's why...

I've put together a report -- "How to Not Only Survive But THRIVE during the Down Turn in the Real Estate Market."

It's a collection of my best strategies that I use in my day-to-day business for generating cash flows and selling houses. It's also the kind of information that my current coaching students pay me anywhere from $25,000 - $60,000 Dollars for.

Don't expect a typical sales pitch or a tribute to how great Roger is, but rather a report jam packed with ideas you can start using today to unload some of those houses and create alternative ways of generating cash flows.

So if you'd like to get your hands on this report before I pull it, go to...

With passion and purpose,

Charles Dudley

P.S. If you're struggling right now in your Real Estate investing business, then you owe it to yourself to get your hands on the '08 Real Estate Survival Guide!

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