Thursday, January 10, 2008

What's holding you back from success?

What's holding you back from success?

Is it fear? Past failures? Negative thinking based
on things that other people have spoken over you?

That's a tough question for some people, but the
solution doesn't have to be so tough. For many
people, the only thing that stands between them
and success is their mindset.

There is an old computer acronym that I want to use:
GIGO. It stands for "Garbage In, Garbage Out." In it's
original usage, it referred to the fact that if the raw
data that was fed into the computer was not accurate,
then the resulting computations would also not be accurate.

Well, our mind's computer is the same way. Sometimes
things from the past that we've input into it have been
inaccurate or corrupt. That may have produced inaccurate
results in our lives.

My good friend and tonight's Guest Speaker, Hon Wong,
is specially trained to help to re-program your way of
thinking so that you're optimized for success.

Everything that you do and achieve in life begins
with a thought in your mind. Join Hon Wong and I
TONIGHT, January 10th at 9:01 PM EST on a
teleseminar that I am SO fired up about!

--> Go to to register.

Hon Wong stayed as our houseguest for a week
over the New Year's holiday, and the training I
received is absolutely revolutionizing my businesses (real estate investing, internet marketing, personal, etc.)
While he was here, he spoke at our monthly REIA
meeting and held a one-day workshop as well.

Testimonials are still rolling in from people who
were impacted by the life-changing teaching that
Hon offered.

Join us on the call TONIGHT at 9:01 PM EST
so you can learn how to improve your mind and
see not only your business, but your life as well,
become the success that you want it to be!

-- > Register now at

Success in all your endeavors!

Charles T. Dudley, Sr.
"Unlock Your Future!"
(888) 734-6911

P.S. Ever wanted to have a true secondary
source of income from the comfort of your
own home? Well, find out how by clicking
here and going to the opportunity page.

P.P.S. - Bible Study Group: Don't forget
our weekly session Monday at Noon EST -
email me at to get on
the list. Also, the call # will be
605-475-8590, Conf ID# 5837829
Our Topic - Biblical Prosperity

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