The perfect advertising campaign would generate qualified leads at the best price AND position you in the best possible light. When you talk to a lead who thinks of you or your company as the people who did the TV campaign your chances of a sale will be far greater. The trouble in the past has been all about the cost of the TV spots. TV was just too expensive. Now it is not!
Cable TV, through aggregation technology, is now very affordable if bought in bulk. One can now purchase thirty second spots for as little as $25 per commercial shown on top level cable channels. We are talking about channels such as FOX, CNN, ESPN, Discovery, etc. You can also target the exact time periods when your ads will be shown. I don’t mean just in the wee hours of the morning either. I am talking prime time, day time, and before and after midnight. At that low a cost it is very hard not to succeed!
Where things get really interesting is when you ALSO run a parallel Google pay per click campaign that is shown at the same time as your TV campaign. You can set up a Google campaign to be shown in the coverage areas of your TV broadcasts. Why would you run a simultaneous Google campaign along with your TV buy? A certain number of people will do what the TV commercial says to do. A certain percentage of people will also do a search instead. If you advertise on keywords that relate to the words that are in the TV ad you can double or triple the results. That is because most people will search using the words that they remember from the commercial.
The best strategy in terms of running a campaign involving both TV and Google is to employ a special business generation page. What I mean by this is to get a good web site address that anyone can remember. Use this URL with a one page, high impact, information page which causes people to fill out a lead form or purchase your offer. An example of a great URL for a business opportunity would be www.itvventures.com/va. This is a URL that is easy to remember and sells as well.
By using the strategy above you will seem to be everywhere in your prospects eyes. They will see you on TV and on the internet. You will be promoting yourself on the top search engine in the world in Google, and be advertised on the best cable stations like FOX, CNN, ESPN, etc. You can now do this at an extremely low rate as well. You will be positioned like the biggest companies in the world. That is the way to really boost your business quickly.
To learn about a special business opportunity go to http://www.itvventures.com/va .
To here more about this TV ad campaign strategy http://www.reimostwanted.com/bobctvads/call
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