Friday, December 7, 2007

Will $16.50 Stop You from Being a Real Estate Multi-Millionaire?

Do you know the difference between a fresh,
delicious, exotic salad and a pile of compost?

It's timing.

Serve that salad up at the right moment and its
savory; ignore it for too long and its garbage!
Yes sir, timing is a powerful thing.

Bad timing is the culprit behind "if only's."

- "If only I'd bought Apple Shares when they
were $16 (They're $167.86 as I type this)"

- "If only I had bought that domain

- "If only I'd bought that 1957 Cherry
Sunburst Les Paul guitar for $15,000 four
years ago (It's worth over $340,000 now)

Well today I'm writing to you about one such
"timing event" that can make you stinking rich,
and I mean reeking with the stench of money
rich... because the very same thing is happening in
real estate right now, and it will mean a
windfall for those who are awake enough to
recognize the opportunity - and smart enough to

Right now there is a window of opportunity in
real estate that can make you more money than
you'd make in 20 years slaving away the
traditional way. The recent turmoil in the real
estate market caused by all the foreclosure
activity has created that opportunity.

And best of all, because you're a Realtor, you have an
inside track to snagging more of the riches than
anyone else on the planet! How do you tap into
this pipeline of quick & easy money? Easy... you
buy one $16.50 book!

The book is titled "Be a Real Estate Millionaire: Secret
Strategies for Lifetime Wealth Today" and it was
written by Dean Graziosi. On October 8th at Amazon
it was already #1 in - Investments, Industries &
Professions and REAL ESTATE - - above Trumps
new book and Kiyosaki.

This is big since the book was not even officially
for sale for a few more days! It is # 258 in over all

So, who is Dean Graziosi you ask? Dean was a
dead-broke kid who barely finished high school.
Yet today, at 38, he is a multi-millionaire investor.
He made his first real estate purchase while he
was in his teens, without any capitol, and spent
the next 20 years doing deal after deal.

His book is one of the fastest selling books in
America, (currently selling as many as 6500 copies
per week) and that means the chances that your
current and future prospects will read a copy are
very high.

Why is it selling so well? Because it gives people
proven techniques on how to read the real estate
market, (whatever its condition) and then apply
the proper strategy for minimal risk and massive

It is not a book on "What" the market is all about.
It is a book on "How" to make money in today's
market. You're interested in money right?

Are you sick of EVERYONE in this industry from
other realtor's, to mortgage brokers to Title
companies complaining how bad it is?

There is a way to break out from the crowd and be
one of the few that are making more money now
then ever before in your career and the keys are
in Dean Graziosi's book.

How many times have you been close to closing a
great deal and the buyer falls through due to
funding issues and lack of creative

Through trial and error and 20 yeas of investing
Dean Graziosi has found unique ways to make ALL
DEALS work.

In his book he has vivid examples and outside the
box techniques to get deals done - and move on to
the next one.

Are you sick and tired of showing properties you
know are amazing deals, properties that you
personally you could make thousands or hundreds
of thousands of dollars on instead of your small
commission but you were to intimidated to pull
the trigger yourself?

That Stops Now!!

Listen. Dean was a broke kid with no exper-ience
and no money and through desperation found ways
to make deals work with no down side and huge
upside potential. Never before has there been
such a simple guide for building confidence and
capabilities in TODAY'S market, and eliminating
downside loss like this book does.

Stop thinking this is a bad time in real estate
and learn the secrets that can show you that now
is the best time in history for you to make quick
and easy money in the field you already know like
the back of your hand.

Here's how.

Dean's running a special one ti-me offer where
you can get his book for only $16.50 (that's dirt
cheap!) and get dozens and dozens of FREE
BONUSES from some of the most amazing people
on the planet too!

Plus something I have surely not seen anyplace else -
the opportunity to win $15,000 of Dean's money
to use on your next real estate deal... have him to
fly to your location for one day of intense
training or waking you though your deal.

I urge you to take the time and cli-ck the link below for
all the details. This offer has an expiration
date on it for sure so make sure you check it out
right away.

I'm telling you as a professional, you don't want to
miss out on this. Don't let $16.50 stop you from
becoming a real estate multi-millionaire and
leave you with a miserable "if only" story too.


Charles T. Dudley, Sr.
"Unlock Your Future!"

(888) REI-MW11, ext 88

PS No matter what you know about real estate, you're
going to be blown away by what you read in this book...
and it's going to make a HUGE difference in your income
now and over the next 2-3 years!

PPS For those who are truly interested in making a few
extra bu-cks before Christmas - you can sign up to be
one of REIMost Wanted's affiliates and earn 50% on
all referrals by signing up for fre-e at:

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