Friday, May 23, 2008
Save Me From Foreclosure Business - It's Not Too Late
The doors have opened and you finally have the chance to make a part of your business.
Now just so you're clear, only 1 person per county can become a Local Representative, and then it's sold out. In other words, EXCLUSIVITY.
The opportunity is only available to one person in your entire county. Is it going to be you?
Or is it going to be your competitor? Only you can answer that question.
So, at exactly 11am PST/2pm EST today, I want you go tohere:
Take advantage of all of the unbelievable tools that I know are going to be made available to you by being the only person in your county to leverage the branding.
Remember that it's first come, first serve. Don't worry however, as I know that a lot of great counties are still available. Makesure that if yours is, you grab it before your competition does.
I also know that a lot of other people are promoting this offer today, so I want to personally offer you some juicy bonuses forusing the link contained in this email:
Just make sure that you use my link, send me your receipt, and personally send you the following items as a bonus:
* 3 Months Fr-ee of Our Monthly e-Newsletter "Secrets Reveealed"with Monthly Bonus MP3 Training (A $147 Value)
* Membership in my debt-free army, a stream of income within itself, and a way to help yourself accelerate your equity in any deal - Includes website set-up for your leads, and training (A $997 Value)
* 1 Month Fr-ee of GOLD Coaching and a Strategy Session with me to help jump start your real estate investing business (A $997 Value)
AND - For the next 3 Action Takers:
* Our Newest 2-Gig "Pocket Mentor" MP3 Player - with over 30 hoursof training sessions (A $597 Value) - for Fr-ee to the first 7 who order
So remember, at 11am PST/2pm EST go to the link in this email, andmake sure you claim your county before someone else does:
To Your Success!!!
Charles Dudley!
REI Dominator
May 23-26
Roanoke, VA
PS- If you still haven't listened to the fr-ee training Justin and I put together for you, then check it out. You'll be impressed: (It will only be available for about another week)
PPS- Claim your county NOW, before someone else beats you to the punch
PPPS - For those coming to Roanoke this weekend - get ready to dominate your real estate markets!!! It's gonna be awesome! (I have pre-registration available for the July event at the current discounted price for 1 more day, so call to reserve your spot -we only need a deposit to hold your place. 540-400-0252)
Monday, May 19, 2008
The Best Fr'ee Short Sale Training You'll Ever Get...Inbox

My friend Justin Lee is at in again. In advance of his launch of (on May 22nd, mark youcalendar now), he is offering yet ANOTHER, totally 100% fre-e, nothing-to-buy-at-the-end training teleseminar.
This Monday, May 19th at 6pm PST/9pm EST you're going tobe on the line with Charles and Justin walks you through step by step EXACTLY how to close and fund a short sale with your end buyer already in place.
Register Now:
On this teleseminar, you'll learn EXACTLY how to close your short sale transactions, without having to bring apenny of your own cash to closing.
Just by registering for the call this Monday, May 19that 6pm PST/9pm EST you will:
- Get instant access to a title company who can help youc lose any Short Sale transaction in all 50 states
- Be able to download the EXACT forms that they are using to close these Short Sales
- Be walked through, step-by-step, each document and how to properly complete it and record it at your local county court house- Learn how to never have to bring your own cash to closing ever again
- Discover a new funding source for your short sales, who could care less what your LTV is!
- Know how to get deals structured so that you can findyour end buyer, get your Short Sale approved, and close thetransaction on the same day, without having to put any ofyour own funds in the deal
- Learn why seasoning won't be an issue on any of these types of transactions
Plus much, much register now:
This isn't some complex training about Land Trusts, thatyou need to have your attorney look over.
We'll go over all of the forms you'll need to sign, and then we'll even set you up with our title company and funding company, so you'll be able to close your shortsale deals quickly and easily.
This call is such a hot topic, I know Justin will max out the phone lines this Monday, May 19th at 6pm PST/9pm EST
Register today:
I can't ever think of a teleseminar that will actually just give you all of the paperwork needed to close your next Short Sale deal, 100% fr'ee!
After this trainig you'll know exactly what documents torecord at your local county courthouse.
They'll take all of the guesswork out of Short Salepaperwork and transactions, and by the end of theteleseminar you'll laugh at how easy this really is.
Register today, and join us this Monday, May 19th at6pm PST/9pm EST for the best, fr'ee training that you'll getall year.
Happy Investing,
Charles Dudley
PS- I know this call with fill up quickly. Register NOW to secure your spot. I would hate to see you miss on something that is 100% fr'ee because you were late to claim your spot.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Setting Up Your Corporation or LLC - Got Business?

Have you been looking to set up your Corporation or new LLC, but didn't know where to get great service and a great price?
Well, I have found the place...
Try this out
Here you can incorporate or establish an LLC for that business or business credit homework assignment.
You can have your own compnay seal, Tax ID # adn registered agent in any state within 24-48 hours using this reputable service.
Again, the link is
May I recommend Nevada or Wyoming Corp - feel free to call me if you need more detailed direction. I am here to help.
To your success,
PS - I hope you listened to the Tom Kish interview I emailed out earlier here then get your corporate credit training at
PPS - If you are ready to take your corporate credit to the next level, and obtain a Dun & Bradstreet rating with 6-figure credit lines then listen to Trent Lee at
and then take advantage of Corporate Credit Concepts credit coaching at - enjoy the fr-ee training
PPPS - Don't miss out on my bonus short sale training this Thursday night at
Finally - interested in good quality training in lease-purchase strategy? Learn to control properties with no personal cash or credit.
Check out our newest ebook at
The Best Fr'ee Short Sale Training You'll Ever Get...

This Wednesday, May 14th at 5pm PST/8pm EST you're going to be on the line as Justin and 3 special guests are going to walk you step by step through EXACTLY how to close and fund a short sale with your end buyer already in place.
Register Now:
On this teleseminar, you'll learn EXACTLY how to close your short sale transactions, without having to bring a penny of your own cash to closing.
Just by registering for the call this Wednesday, May 14th at 5pm PST/8pm EST you will:
- Get instant access to a title company who can help you close any Short Sale transaction in all 50 states
- Be able to download the EXACT forms that they are using to close these Short Sales
- Be walked through, step-by-step, each document and how to proprely complete it and record it at your local county courthouse
- Learn how to never have to bring your own cash to closing ever again
- Discover a new funding source for your short sales, who could care less what your LTV is!
- Know how to get deals structured so that you can find your end buyer, get your Short Sale approved, and close the transaction on the same day, without having to put any of your own funds in the deal
- Learn why seasoning won't be an issue on any of these types of transactions
Plus much, much register now:
This isn't some complex training about Land Trusts, that you need to have your attorney look over.
We'll go over all of the forms you'll need to sign, and then we'll even set you up with our title company and funding company, so you'll be able to close your short sale deals quickly and easily.
This call is such a hot topic, I know Justin will max out the phone lines this Wednesday, May 14th at 5pm PST/8pm EST
Register today:
I can't ever think of a teleseminar that will actually just give you all of the paperwork needed to close your next Short Sale deal, 100% fr'ee!
After this trainig you'll know exactly what documents to record at your local county courthouse.
They'll take all of the guesswork out of Short Sale paperwork and transactions, and by the end of the teleseminar you'll laugh at how easy this really is.
Register today, and join us this Wednesday, May 14th at 5pm PST/8pm EST for the best, fr'ee training that you'll get all year.
Happy Investing,
Charles Dudley
PS- I know this call with fill up quickly. Register NOW to secure your spot. I would hate to see you miss on something that is 100% fr'ee because you were late to claim your spot.
PPS - To get more fr-ee training on business credit, check out my friend Tom Kish at
REI Most Wanted, Roanoke, VA 24012, USA
To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:
How To Get Money For Real Estate Investing Business

I have a fr-ee downlaod for you right here...
listen to my interview with one of the foremost experts on obtainingbusiness credit today - my good friend, Tom Kish with The Ultimate Real Estate Investors Guide
This ia a special fr-ee download training that you can listen too and - rememebr that I am having a special VIP call tonight that youcan plug in to tongiht - regiater at get the online TV links after registering - it will be at 9 PM EST Tongiht
I look forward to seeing you tonight and enjoy the fr-ee training
To your success!
Charles Dudley
PS - link for tonight's call:
PPS - your fr-ee mone-ey training call
PPPS - For those who read these messages at the end - you can get your mon-ey training bonuses here at
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Webinar Replay - Comes Down Tomorrow Night

Real Estate and Online Marketing Webinar Replay - Comes Down Tomorrow Night!
Last night, my good frined and business partner, Josh Brown shared his REI 2.0 strategies with a small group of people.
If you missed it go watch it here:
Listen, this training was
no fluff or fake designed to upsell stuff - it was real meat and potatoes training with REAL usable content!
Here's what a few attendees said:
Excellent, excellent presentation tonight!
From the slides, to the dialoge, to the quality of pure useful content...excellent!
Your REI 2.0 presentation offers (seriously) much more value & content than anything I've seen!
Dana McManus
Watch the replay now:
Josh, your REI 2.0 presentation was GREAT!
I've never seen an expert share so much
information! You're one heck of a teacher!
John Myers
Josh offered listeners a very special opportunity to work with him on their business.
All the spots were taken, but because of some technical difficulties the night of the webinar he's adjusted his schedule to allow 3 more spots.
Watch the entire training, you'll kick yourself if you don't! Then grab one of the last 3 spots and see what your own REI 2.0 business can do for you.
Watch the Video here:
Expect abundance,
Charles Dudley
P.S. "The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. The second rule is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency."
-Bill Gates
Learn how to do things right here:
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Learn How To Create Your Own Information Selling Empire - Real Estate or Not

Learn How To Create Your Own Information Selling Empire -
Real Estate or Not
This Tuesday my special guest Josh Brown will be sharing one strategy that made a client of his over $200,000 in the last 6 months!!
It's one of the easiest ways I've ever heard for making money, register here and see for yourself:
Josh has been the info-marketing's "secret weapon" for many BIG TIME gurus for the last 6+ years. Join him above and let him be yours too!
If you haven't heard Josh's name before it's because he's always been underground behind the scenes - making things happen!
But don't be fooled - Josh's most recent clients shared some amazing success stories.
- One started with nothing and did over$200,000 in profits in his first six months!
- Another (a BIG TIME real estate expert) implemented just one of Josh's strategies and added an extra $250,000 to his business!
His strategies are no joke.
Join Josh Tuesday at 9:01 PM EST and seewhat his strategies will do for you!
Charles Dudley"Unlock Your Future!"
P.S. We only have 250 spots available for this webinar training (sorry it's not our rule it's the webinar company).
57 spots remain - grab yours here:
Monday, May 5, 2008
Make Money Online - FREE Webinar Training

Would you like to learn how to drive flocks of motivated sellers and wholesale buyers to your business without ever leaving your house?
Would you like to learn how you can also make a fortune selling information online?
You may think these two topics don't go together but believe me, I've been doing it for years!
And I've invited one of the internet's most successful marketers to train you on exactly what he's teaching folks just like you and me to do.
He's many 'BIG TIME' experts info-marketing's secret weapon'!
Register for this webinar here:
My special guest, Josh Brown, has found an ingenious way to make money in the real estateinvesting business without ever buying or selling a single property!
(He's created a truly recession proof business model)
For the past 6 years Josh has been underground working with some of the worlds most successful marketers.
In fact, he recently implemented one strategy for a BIG TIME real estate expert that brought in over $200,000 in extra profits!
Join Josh on (DAY & TIME) and see what hisstrategies of making money online will do foryou!
Charles Dudley
"Control The Outcome"
P.S. FYI - Last week Josh spent the day with a newclient in Ft. Lauderdale and In less than 4 hours Josh had new leads pouring into the client's sites and their list was growing before their eyes.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Real Estate Investing Help
There has been a lot of great questions e-mailed to me, after the release of the Real Estate Dominator mini course videos (and they increase everytime I release one).
I've read every one and appreciate your feedback!
Now for the important stuff:
I know I promised to get you video 4 today, so I've just uploaded to youtube and posted a link here:
Some of those who sent emails asked if I was really planning on "spilling the beans" in these videos.
Watch video 4 and you be the judge:
Since we're getting into the "meat" of the Information, make sure you email me your questions so that I can cover them in afuture video.
Charles Dudley
Real Estate Dominator
P.S. Last night we had a private call with only 23 folks.We discussed the new Real Estate Dominator course.
After the call 2 signed up and 3 are on standby, it looks like the few available seats are going to sell out before next week.
If you couldn't attend tonight's call, don't worry:
We are planning to do another private call later on this week, so be on the lookout for an email from me.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Real Estate E-Magazine
You asked, so we deliver - we are giving you a chance to get 3 issues of our monthly e-magazine for the price of 1 for new subscribers - and if you aren't sold out on that deal - I want you to test drive our first issue for fr-ee.
But here's the catch - this crazy deal is only good through the end of the month, so get your deal within the next 48 hours or it goes to the regular price, and back issues are $39.97 each.
Just check out to take advantageof the massive 75% off savings today or tomorrow...
Crazy - nuff said
Unlock Your Future!
Charles Dudley
PS - I have some great fr-ee training coming for you very soon along with my next you tube video on the exciting REI Dominator course -get ready by getting the Secrets Revealed e-Magazine
PPS - If you have not yet checked thsi out, the latest eBook we have published, with 2 Mentors, Charles Dudley and Claude Diamond -Lease-Purchase Strategies and the GUTS Sales Method. This limited time discounted ebook can be found at
Feel free to pass this email on.