My friend Justin Lee is at in again. In advance of his launch of SaveMeFromForeclosure.biz (on May 22nd, mark youcalendar now), he is offering yet ANOTHER, totally 100% fre-e, nothing-to-buy-at-the-end training teleseminar.
This Monday, May 19th at 6pm PST/9pm EST you're going tobe on the line with Charles and Justin walks you through step by step EXACTLY how to close and fund a short sale with your end buyer already in place.
Register Now:
On this teleseminar, you'll learn EXACTLY how to close your short sale transactions, without having to bring apenny of your own cash to closing.
Just by registering for the call this Monday, May 19that 6pm PST/9pm EST you will:
- Get instant access to a title company who can help youc lose any Short Sale transaction in all 50 states
- Be able to download the EXACT forms that they are using to close these Short Sales
- Be walked through, step-by-step, each document and how to properly complete it and record it at your local county court house- Learn how to never have to bring your own cash to closing ever again
- Discover a new funding source for your short sales, who could care less what your LTV is!
- Know how to get deals structured so that you can findyour end buyer, get your Short Sale approved, and close thetransaction on the same day, without having to put any ofyour own funds in the deal
- Learn why seasoning won't be an issue on any of these types of transactions
Plus much, much more...so register now:
This isn't some complex training about Land Trusts, thatyou need to have your attorney look over.
We'll go over all of the forms you'll need to sign, and then we'll even set you up with our title company and funding company, so you'll be able to close your shortsale deals quickly and easily.
This call is such a hot topic, I know Justin will max out the phone lines this Monday, May 19th at 6pm PST/9pm EST
Register today:
I can't ever think of a teleseminar that will actually just give you all of the paperwork needed to close your next Short Sale deal, 100% fr'ee!
After this trainig you'll know exactly what documents torecord at your local county courthouse.
They'll take all of the guesswork out of Short Salepaperwork and transactions, and by the end of theteleseminar you'll laugh at how easy this really is.
Register today, and join us this Monday, May 19th at6pm PST/9pm EST for the best, fr'ee training that you'll getall year.
Happy Investing,
Charles Dudley
PS- I know this call with fill up quickly. Register NOW to secure your spot. I would hate to see you miss on something that is 100% fr'ee because you were late to claim your spot.
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