Friday, May 2, 2008

Real Estate Investing Help

There has been a lot of great questions e-mailed to me, after the release of the Real Estate Dominator mini course videos (and they increase everytime I release one).

I've read every one and appreciate your feedback!

Now for the important stuff:
I know I promised to get you video 4 today, so I've just uploaded to youtube and posted a link here:

Some of those who sent emails asked if I was really planning on "spilling the beans" in these videos.

Watch video 4 and you be the judge:

Since we're getting into the "meat" of the Information, make sure you email me your questions so that I can cover them in afuture video.

Charles Dudley

Real Estate Dominator

P.S. Last night we had a private call with only 23 folks.We discussed the new Real Estate Dominator course.

After the call 2 signed up and 3 are on standby, it looks like the few available seats are going to sell out before next week.

If you couldn't attend tonight's call, don't worry:
We are planning to do another private call later on this week, so be on the lookout for an email from me.

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