Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Bethleham Star

I am getting ready to wind down after a busy 48 hours of family, fellowship, food and fun. And most importantly, celebrating a most amazing holiday most of us know as Christ-mas. Needless to say, I am very appreciative of a most amazing event in history a little over 2000 years ago in a little town known as Bethlehem. As a warm gesture to all my friends out there who are interested, I wanted to make a unique recommendation to enhance your holiday experience and the rest of your new year, a DVD called "The Bethlehem Star".

I don't want to give away too much of this juicy teaching, but being an educator in many areas myself, I felt I would be doing several of you a dis-service to be enjoying this DVD so much over the last week and not sharing with you. To order it for less than $20 - go to Amazon. I will also include a link for your convenience.

Now let me tell you one last quick secret on this - I actually owned this DVD for about 3 weeks before breaking it open over the weekend, and boy am I sorry about that. I would have purcahsed 5 or 6 copies to give away (I am in the process of doing that as we speak). You will see why - once you watch it. I recommend getting the 2 day shipping and maybe get 2 :) Enjoy with your friends and family and let me know of your experience after watching.

I am so excited about all the great stuff we have planned for 2008 to start with our bonus call with Bob Cefail regarding getting TV advertising for those on out ITV team (and we'll do another call on getting real estate buyers/investors); and don't forget our New Year's Eve Bible Study - Monday at Noon EST. I will get a call and plan to set up a webinar for that too.

Okay, so get your DVD and feel free to reply to me for more info on out TV ad (limited to only 15 spots) and the Bible Study (fre-e for any and all to attend).

Have a blessed Christmas week and remember the true reason for the season.

All my best,

Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"

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