For the last few years, a handful of lucky
people have been raking in fortunes from
a virtual real estate monopoly. Their single
best advantage that brought them riches...
no one else knew their secrets.
But now... a single man is breaking his
"vow of silence" to reveal the secrets used
by these select few to rake in at least $10,000
to $20,000 a month!
Throw away your preconceived notions
because you've never seen an investing
system that's anything like this before.
And if you don't check this out right now,
you'll be kicking yourself later when you
find out you've missed a small window
of extraordinary opportunity.
Take 5 minutes to visit this site right now:
Success in all your endeavors...
Charles T. Dudley, Sr.
"Mentor to Mentors"
Dudley Success Consulting Group, LLC
"Unlock Your Future"
(888) REIMW-11
P.S. "Ever wanted to have a true secondary
source of income from the comfort of your
own home - well find out how by clicking
here and going to the opportunity page.
This is a business where your leads will pay
you to be on your list...check out the
hottest new home based business and feel
free to call or email me to find out more info
on how to be my business partner"
P.P.S. I just wanted to remind you all that
I will be starting a Bible Study on Biblical
Finances beginning TODAY, December 31st at
12:00 noon EST.
Anyone interested in participating, please
contact me at: TODAY'S
session will be an important first session
to start the New Year off right!
I'll be emailing the webinar link to everyone
who replies to the above email. Oh, as we've
already had people ask this question: YES,
P.P.P.S. - How would you like to get your
Which includes
- Badges
- Buttons
- Shields
- Stamps
- Testimonial Boxes
- And Much more
This is a crazy deal that you can't afford
to pass up on
The three seconds it will take to visit
the link below and grab your share of
free graphics that will save you a pretty
penny these holidays is more than worth it.
Again happy holidays and have a great
New Year!
Monday, December 31, 2007
Best Way To Increase Internet and/or Online Traffic
My Friend, Matt Bacak is giving away 500 copies
of his Brand new CD called "Traffic Explosion
System." and I would like to send one to you.
Let me explain...
He's currently looking for REAL PEOPLE who
have internet businesses - who'd like to become
his next Internet "success story" and use his
Multi-Million dollar advantage to...
...easily create an internet empire that
will allow you to create money on demand!
As you'll see, there are absolutely No
commitments, no hassles involved in getting
his brand new CD for FREE.
In fact, He's even sweetening the pot
more for you - you will receive five (5)
POWER bonuses worth a total of $557.
This information is PRICELESS.
His ONLY condition is that, you take care of
the shipping and handling unless - you want to
come by his office and pick it up yourself.
If this sounds reasonable, you can claim your
copy at:
Hope you enjoy it!
Charles Dudley
P.S. I must warn you... I'd hurry because - just today 423
people already grabbed a copy for themselves leaving only 77.
To guarantee YOUR CD is shipped to you immediately -- before he
runs out of copies and take this page down -- I recommend visiting before it's too late.
P.P.S. Ever wanted to have a true secondary
source of income from the comfort of your
own home? Well, find out how by clicking
here and going to the opportunity page.
of his Brand new CD called "Traffic Explosion
System." and I would like to send one to you.
Let me explain...
He's currently looking for REAL PEOPLE who
have internet businesses - who'd like to become
his next Internet "success story" and use his
Multi-Million dollar advantage to...
...easily create an internet empire that
will allow you to create money on demand!
As you'll see, there are absolutely No
commitments, no hassles involved in getting
his brand new CD for FREE.
In fact, He's even sweetening the pot
more for you - you will receive five (5)
POWER bonuses worth a total of $557.
This information is PRICELESS.
His ONLY condition is that, you take care of
the shipping and handling unless - you want to
come by his office and pick it up yourself.
If this sounds reasonable, you can claim your
copy at:
Hope you enjoy it!
Charles Dudley
P.S. I must warn you... I'd hurry because - just today 423
people already grabbed a copy for themselves leaving only 77.
To guarantee YOUR CD is shipped to you immediately -- before he
runs out of copies and take this page down -- I recommend visiting before it's too late.
P.P.S. Ever wanted to have a true secondary
source of income from the comfort of your
own home? Well, find out how by clicking
here and going to the opportunity page.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Targeted TV And Google Pay Par Click—A Killer Application

The perfect advertising campaign would generate qualified leads at the best price AND position you in the best possible light. When you talk to a lead who thinks of you or your company as the people who did the TV campaign your chances of a sale will be far greater. The trouble in the past has been all about the cost of the TV spots. TV was just too expensive. Now it is not!
Cable TV, through aggregation technology, is now very affordable if bought in bulk. One can now purchase thirty second spots for as little as $25 per commercial shown on top level cable channels. We are talking about channels such as FOX, CNN, ESPN, Discovery, etc. You can also target the exact time periods when your ads will be shown. I don’t mean just in the wee hours of the morning either. I am talking prime time, day time, and before and after midnight. At that low a cost it is very hard not to succeed!
Where things get really interesting is when you ALSO run a parallel Google pay per click campaign that is shown at the same time as your TV campaign. You can set up a Google campaign to be shown in the coverage areas of your TV broadcasts. Why would you run a simultaneous Google campaign along with your TV buy? A certain number of people will do what the TV commercial says to do. A certain percentage of people will also do a search instead. If you advertise on keywords that relate to the words that are in the TV ad you can double or triple the results. That is because most people will search using the words that they remember from the commercial.
The best strategy in terms of running a campaign involving both TV and Google is to employ a special business generation page. What I mean by this is to get a good web site address that anyone can remember. Use this URL with a one page, high impact, information page which causes people to fill out a lead form or purchase your offer. An example of a great URL for a business opportunity would be This is a URL that is easy to remember and sells as well.
By using the strategy above you will seem to be everywhere in your prospects eyes. They will see you on TV and on the internet. You will be promoting yourself on the top search engine in the world in Google, and be advertised on the best cable stations like FOX, CNN, ESPN, etc. You can now do this at an extremely low rate as well. You will be positioned like the biggest companies in the world. That is the way to really boost your business quickly.
To learn about a special business opportunity go to .
To here more about this TV ad campaign strategy
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Special Cable TV Lead Campaign

The key to sales is credibility--does the prospect have confidence in you. Now ask yourself this question? How many business opportunity distributors run the TV campaigns? Not many. Think about how easy it would be to sell a person who came off a TV ad that you were connected to. You will be a CUT ABOVE all the other people out there.
Until now it was way too expensive to run a TV campaign let alone pay for a TV commercial. Now it isn't. We are now offering all REI Most Wanted participants positions in a full Cable TV lead generation campaign cooperative which is totally affordable.
The TV ad is being produced, over 200 TV spots are being purchased (200 with fifteen ad positions available), and the campaign will be run throughout the BEST MONTHS each year for signing up home business distributors--JANUARY & FEBRUARY!
We are only opening up FIFTEEN positions for each of two cities.
You can contact us right away to secure a position by emailing me at if you don't want to wait until the special call, we are hosting a special call on the 29th of December, Saturday at 12 noon that will brief you on this program and the two cities we will be targeting. (put in the information on how to attend the call).
I will be introducing the program coordinator, Bob Cefail of In Touch Media Group.
Note: If you want to guarantee a spot contact me ASAP before the call. Also, Read the Attached Article for more information
Charles Dudley
"Mentor to Mentors"
Dudley Success Consulting Group, LLC
"Unlock Your Future!"
business consulting,
Charles Dudley,
sales; tv
The Bethleham Star
I am getting ready to wind down after a busy 48 hours of family, fellowship, food and fun. And most importantly, celebrating a most amazing holiday most of us know as Christ-mas. Needless to say, I am very appreciative of a most amazing event in history a little over 2000 years ago in a little town known as Bethlehem. As a warm gesture to all my friends out there who are interested, I wanted to make a unique recommendation to enhance your holiday experience and the rest of your new year, a DVD called "The Bethlehem Star".
I don't want to give away too much of this juicy teaching, but being an educator in many areas myself, I felt I would be doing several of you a dis-service to be enjoying this DVD so much over the last week and not sharing with you. To order it for less than $20 - go to Amazon. I will also include a link for your convenience.
Now let me tell you one last quick secret on this - I actually owned this DVD for about 3 weeks before breaking it open over the weekend, and boy am I sorry about that. I would have purcahsed 5 or 6 copies to give away (I am in the process of doing that as we speak). You will see why - once you watch it. I recommend getting the 2 day shipping and maybe get 2 :) Enjoy with your friends and family and let me know of your experience after watching.
I am so excited about all the great stuff we have planned for 2008 to start with our bonus call with Bob Cefail regarding getting TV advertising for those on out ITV team (and we'll do another call on getting real estate buyers/investors); and don't forget our New Year's Eve Bible Study - Monday at Noon EST. I will get a call and plan to set up a webinar for that too.
Okay, so get your DVD and feel free to reply to me for more info on out TV ad (limited to only 15 spots) and the Bible Study (fre-e for any and all to attend).
Have a blessed Christmas week and remember the true reason for the season.
All my best,
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
I don't want to give away too much of this juicy teaching, but being an educator in many areas myself, I felt I would be doing several of you a dis-service to be enjoying this DVD so much over the last week and not sharing with you. To order it for less than $20 - go to Amazon. I will also include a link for your convenience.
Now let me tell you one last quick secret on this - I actually owned this DVD for about 3 weeks before breaking it open over the weekend, and boy am I sorry about that. I would have purcahsed 5 or 6 copies to give away (I am in the process of doing that as we speak). You will see why - once you watch it. I recommend getting the 2 day shipping and maybe get 2 :) Enjoy with your friends and family and let me know of your experience after watching.
I am so excited about all the great stuff we have planned for 2008 to start with our bonus call with Bob Cefail regarding getting TV advertising for those on out ITV team (and we'll do another call on getting real estate buyers/investors); and don't forget our New Year's Eve Bible Study - Monday at Noon EST. I will get a call and plan to set up a webinar for that too.
Okay, so get your DVD and feel free to reply to me for more info on out TV ad (limited to only 15 spots) and the Bible Study (fre-e for any and all to attend).
Have a blessed Christmas week and remember the true reason for the season.
All my best,
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
Bethleham Star,
christmas online,
Friday, December 21, 2007
Lets Talk!
When you signed up as a member with
REI Most Wanted, you not only were
looking for the hottest information
on Real Estate Investing, but a true
chance to change and improve your
financial future.
Let's face it, one of the things all
real estate investors seek is re-
occurring income, versus just the
"once I get my next deal done" paycheck.
It's the constant dilemma between "quick- cash-now house flipping" versus "buy and hold for the long term" making a little bit of money each month forever type of investing. Well, I have 2 things this Christmas that will help you.
First, my Free CD will get you into
the mindset of a creative real estate
genius - and will include a free
strategy session to help you plan for
your exciting successes in the New
Year, and a 30-day trial of our newest, hot off the presses, Real Estate Secrets Revealed newsletter and cd of the month.
The second thing I really want to
discuss with you is how you can
supplement your real estate investing
income so you can have a nice cash
flow cushion to help your business
along when things are up and down,
as they can be.
Perhaps you are currently in a cash
flow crunch, or went through one in
the last year or so and want to ensure
you don't get faced with one again.
Well, it is time now to "make hay
while the sun shines."
What I mean here is every one of us
needs to have additional streams of
income. Well I want you to think about
how great an opportunity would be if
the customer leads were basically
given to you and that you would earn
50% on all sales just for handling the
phone calls when you can take them.
Also, what if 75% of your orders
produced monthly income from them, and
you only had to work this business
5-10 hours a week from your own home?
This means if you could make $500 each
week working part time that your monthly residual would be $1,500 as you began the next month fresh, adding to your established income foundation.
Here's how you can look at it:
Month 1: $500 sales per week x 4 = $2000 per month
Month 2: $500 sales per week x 4 = $2000 per month
PLUS 75% of previous months sales = another $1500 = total income for month 2 of $3500
Month 3: $500 sales per week x 4 = $2000 per month
PLUS 75% of previous months sales = another $3000 = total income for month 2 of $5000
Month 4: $500 sales per week x 4 = $2000 per month
PLUS 75% of previous months sales = another $4500 = total income for month 2 of $6500
Now this isn't rocket science, and if
you are willing to work it, then you can definitely make $5K per month within the next 3-6 months.
AND, ITV ( pays
commissions each and every week. WOW!
Am I the only one to whom this makes sense?
Okay, Try this out; let's pretend I
would pay you $25 an hour for 10 hours of work each week - would you work that part time job for me? That's only $1000 a month.
How about I offer to pay you a check for $5K
- how long would it take you to take it from me?
Would it help you? Especially after the gift giving season... When would you want it?
Now - right? Well, working this program, in addition to your real estate, will get you that each month and more, the longer you work.
It keeps adding up! Really.
One more thought, let's say your annual salary was $50,000 and you received a 5% raise or merit increase for doing a great job for your company, that is a grand total of $2,500 per year. Okay, let's say you are a big earner making $100,000 per year and you got that 5% raise...that is a whopping $5,000 a year extra.
You see, so many people work all year long for what you can do in one month, and each and every month. This is really so exciting and one of the most powerful business systems I have ever recommended.
Guys and gals, this is the number one thing I am excited about this year's end and can't emphasize enough to you how lucrative and simple this program is to integrate into your multiple streams of income. Everyone that asks me about it is getting in because it makes so much sense.
So finally I offer some specialized training that I am offering to anyone personally registered with me to teach you how to integrate this program with your internet marketing to multiply and explode your business even more.
So just think, you will get people paying you to be your customers for life and the advertising is done for your business on TV!!! Wow! How valuable is that? To have your business advertised on TV for you, so that when customers do call you, they are basically calling you to spend their money.
Do you know that most money spent as a result of TV advertising in during the winter months after Christmas?
Think about it, the weather is cold, people are at home watching TV, and want to get stuff for themselves for their New Year's resolutions (think health and fitness, or business opportunities).
And ITV plans on adding close to 200 new products, doubling and tripling their air time, and expanding to several other countries this next year! You know this makes sense to you now, don't you? Now is truly the best time to be a part of this multi- billion dollar industry.
How much of that pie do you need to make you and your family's financial situation more secure? Are you ready to really take charge of your financial security in the New Year? Don't delay another week or two - you could have money in your pocket by then.
Okay, so no more delaying - go to and sign up on the opportunity link to join my team today. I look forward to helping you to invest in your financial success in 2008. Let's make both make 2008 great!
All my best and Merry Christmas
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
ITV IBO # 110455
PS - I just wanted to remind you all that I will be starting a Bible Study on Biblical Finances beginning the Monday after Christmas.
Anyone interested in participating, please contact me at:
It will be an important first session on the 31st to start the New Year off right! I'll contact you with the start time and the webinar link.
Oh, as we've already had people ask this
question: YES, IT'S FR-EE!
PPS - Ever wish you could get pa-id to read your own email? Well now you can! Check out this great opportunity to provide an extra stream of
This is a fun and easy way to make a few ex-tra bucks, so make sure you check it out!
PPPS - The Ultimate Relationship Marketing System
1. No Cold Calling
2. No Networking
3. No Advertising
4. No Publicity
5. No Asking for Referrals
Plus a $1,997 Bonus The Ultimate Referral Card Marketing System! AND The Birthday Card Referral Marketing System (An Additional $97 Value) Included
REI Most Wanted, you not only were
looking for the hottest information
on Real Estate Investing, but a true
chance to change and improve your
financial future.
Let's face it, one of the things all
real estate investors seek is re-
occurring income, versus just the
"once I get my next deal done" paycheck.
It's the constant dilemma between "quick- cash-now house flipping" versus "buy and hold for the long term" making a little bit of money each month forever type of investing. Well, I have 2 things this Christmas that will help you.
First, my Free CD will get you into
the mindset of a creative real estate
genius - and will include a free
strategy session to help you plan for
your exciting successes in the New
Year, and a 30-day trial of our newest, hot off the presses, Real Estate Secrets Revealed newsletter and cd of the month.
The second thing I really want to
discuss with you is how you can
supplement your real estate investing
income so you can have a nice cash
flow cushion to help your business
along when things are up and down,
as they can be.
Perhaps you are currently in a cash
flow crunch, or went through one in
the last year or so and want to ensure
you don't get faced with one again.
Well, it is time now to "make hay
while the sun shines."
What I mean here is every one of us
needs to have additional streams of
income. Well I want you to think about
how great an opportunity would be if
the customer leads were basically
given to you and that you would earn
50% on all sales just for handling the
phone calls when you can take them.
Also, what if 75% of your orders
produced monthly income from them, and
you only had to work this business
5-10 hours a week from your own home?
This means if you could make $500 each
week working part time that your monthly residual would be $1,500 as you began the next month fresh, adding to your established income foundation.
Here's how you can look at it:
Month 1: $500 sales per week x 4 = $2000 per month
Month 2: $500 sales per week x 4 = $2000 per month
PLUS 75% of previous months sales = another $1500 = total income for month 2 of $3500
Month 3: $500 sales per week x 4 = $2000 per month
PLUS 75% of previous months sales = another $3000 = total income for month 2 of $5000
Month 4: $500 sales per week x 4 = $2000 per month
PLUS 75% of previous months sales = another $4500 = total income for month 2 of $6500
Now this isn't rocket science, and if
you are willing to work it, then you can definitely make $5K per month within the next 3-6 months.
AND, ITV ( pays
commissions each and every week. WOW!
Am I the only one to whom this makes sense?
Okay, Try this out; let's pretend I
would pay you $25 an hour for 10 hours of work each week - would you work that part time job for me? That's only $1000 a month.
How about I offer to pay you a check for $5K
- how long would it take you to take it from me?
Would it help you? Especially after the gift giving season... When would you want it?
Now - right? Well, working this program, in addition to your real estate, will get you that each month and more, the longer you work.
It keeps adding up! Really.
One more thought, let's say your annual salary was $50,000 and you received a 5% raise or merit increase for doing a great job for your company, that is a grand total of $2,500 per year. Okay, let's say you are a big earner making $100,000 per year and you got that 5% raise...that is a whopping $5,000 a year extra.
You see, so many people work all year long for what you can do in one month, and each and every month. This is really so exciting and one of the most powerful business systems I have ever recommended.
Guys and gals, this is the number one thing I am excited about this year's end and can't emphasize enough to you how lucrative and simple this program is to integrate into your multiple streams of income. Everyone that asks me about it is getting in because it makes so much sense.
So finally I offer some specialized training that I am offering to anyone personally registered with me to teach you how to integrate this program with your internet marketing to multiply and explode your business even more.
So just think, you will get people paying you to be your customers for life and the advertising is done for your business on TV!!! Wow! How valuable is that? To have your business advertised on TV for you, so that when customers do call you, they are basically calling you to spend their money.
Do you know that most money spent as a result of TV advertising in during the winter months after Christmas?
Think about it, the weather is cold, people are at home watching TV, and want to get stuff for themselves for their New Year's resolutions (think health and fitness, or business opportunities).
And ITV plans on adding close to 200 new products, doubling and tripling their air time, and expanding to several other countries this next year! You know this makes sense to you now, don't you? Now is truly the best time to be a part of this multi- billion dollar industry.
How much of that pie do you need to make you and your family's financial situation more secure? Are you ready to really take charge of your financial security in the New Year? Don't delay another week or two - you could have money in your pocket by then.
Okay, so no more delaying - go to and sign up on the opportunity link to join my team today. I look forward to helping you to invest in your financial success in 2008. Let's make both make 2008 great!
All my best and Merry Christmas
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
ITV IBO # 110455
PS - I just wanted to remind you all that I will be starting a Bible Study on Biblical Finances beginning the Monday after Christmas.
Anyone interested in participating, please contact me at:
It will be an important first session on the 31st to start the New Year off right! I'll contact you with the start time and the webinar link.
Oh, as we've already had people ask this
question: YES, IT'S FR-EE!
PPS - Ever wish you could get pa-id to read your own email? Well now you can! Check out this great opportunity to provide an extra stream of
This is a fun and easy way to make a few ex-tra bucks, so make sure you check it out!
PPPS - The Ultimate Relationship Marketing System
1. No Cold Calling
2. No Networking
3. No Advertising
4. No Publicity
5. No Asking for Referrals
Plus a $1,997 Bonus The Ultimate Referral Card Marketing System! AND The Birthday Card Referral Marketing System (An Additional $97 Value) Included
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Santa Sal's Christmas Giveaway!
The holiday season is about to EXPLODE!
And unless you've been hiding under a rock somewhere, chances are,
that you may just have heard a little bit about something
called.....Santa Sal's Christmas Giveaway.......
literally THE biggest giveaway ever....
And Sal's stuff....these are primo products, let me assure you
Santa Sal and his 'Boys' have been knockin' on doors (and
knockin'some heads!) to get the very best loot for you to take home
this Christmas.
No cheapo, rehashed, resell products here....not by a long shot.
These are the BEST giveaway products that you've ever seen....
and might be the best you'll ever see....(untill next year....)
Santa Sal's Giveaway makes 'Oprah's Favorite Things' look like some
last minute Wal-Mart goodies imported from China.....
especially if you're in business for yourself and workin' online.
As Santa Sal would say....'fugghetaboutit!' If ever you wanted to
find some Christmas Cheer.....this is the time and the place
to do it.....
Get in while you can, it's a 'Christmas Giveaway' and like melting's NOT gonna last forever....
Happy Holidays,
P.S. Ever wish you could get pa-id to read your own email? Well now
you can! Check out this great opportunity to provide an extra
stream of in-come:
This is a fun and easy way to make a few ex-tra bucks, so make sure
you check it out!
P.P.S. I just wanted to remind you all that I will be starting a
Bible Study on Biblical Finances beginning the Monday after Christmas.
Anyone interested in participating, please contact me at: It will be an important first session on the
31st to start the New Year off right! I'll contact you with the start
time and the webinar link. Oh, as we've already had people ask this
question: YES, IT'S FR-EE!
And unless you've been hiding under a rock somewhere, chances are,
that you may just have heard a little bit about something
called.....Santa Sal's Christmas Giveaway.......
literally THE biggest giveaway ever....
And Sal's stuff....these are primo products, let me assure you
Santa Sal and his 'Boys' have been knockin' on doors (and
knockin'some heads!) to get the very best loot for you to take home
this Christmas.
No cheapo, rehashed, resell products here....not by a long shot.
These are the BEST giveaway products that you've ever seen....
and might be the best you'll ever see....(untill next year....)
Santa Sal's Giveaway makes 'Oprah's Favorite Things' look like some
last minute Wal-Mart goodies imported from China.....
especially if you're in business for yourself and workin' online.
As Santa Sal would say....'fugghetaboutit!' If ever you wanted to
find some Christmas Cheer.....this is the time and the place
to do it.....
Get in while you can, it's a 'Christmas Giveaway' and like melting's NOT gonna last forever....
Happy Holidays,
P.S. Ever wish you could get pa-id to read your own email? Well now
you can! Check out this great opportunity to provide an extra
stream of in-come:
This is a fun and easy way to make a few ex-tra bucks, so make sure
you check it out!
P.P.S. I just wanted to remind you all that I will be starting a
Bible Study on Biblical Finances beginning the Monday after Christmas.
Anyone interested in participating, please contact me at: It will be an important first session on the
31st to start the New Year off right! I'll contact you with the start
time and the webinar link. Oh, as we've already had people ask this
question: YES, IT'S FR-EE!
Internet Marketing Christmas Giveaway
Christmas is UPON us....less than 2 weeks away!
And have I got a little 'gift' for you.....a gift that keeps on giving and giving get the idea.
If you haven't heard about the Santa Sal Christmas Giveaway you've probably been on a lengthy excursion to the Arctic Circle to get pictures of those polar bears you always wanted to see before they go extinct....and haven't been online much....
So, let me lay it all out for you.....
Santa Sal's Giveaway is like every birthday and Christmas morning you've had since you were 12, but....better. Cause, I bet you never got PAID to actually tell people about your gifts.....
Didn't think so. For the first time ever on a giveaway site.....for every single person you tell to come on over and pick up their own Santa Sal Gifts....
Sal's kickin' you back a buck.....
That's right.....a buck....just for signing up, getting your Santa Sal Gifts and then tellin' your friends....easy as fallin' off that Yule Log at your last Christmas Party....after all the Egg Nog....
Christmas will be over soon.....and when the year's out...
so is Santa Sal....better slide on over now.
Merry Christmas
Have fun this Christmans ane spread that cheer to others...
PS - Become a business partner with me, creating a true residual income with only a few hours from home, and get paid weekly = click the opportunity at - Remember this is a great chance to earn while you learn and I will personally coach you in how to combine this amazing opportunity with internet marketing to make it even more powerful (This will work great for those list builders out there too - have your leads pay you insteady of paying for them).
PPS - It's not too late to participate in the Holiday promotion of REI Most Wanted and get paid 50% for any new memebrship referrals by registering for fr-ee at
If you;ve already signed up then check back for your lastest tools
And have I got a little 'gift' for you.....a gift that keeps on giving and giving get the idea.
If you haven't heard about the Santa Sal Christmas Giveaway you've probably been on a lengthy excursion to the Arctic Circle to get pictures of those polar bears you always wanted to see before they go extinct....and haven't been online much....
So, let me lay it all out for you.....
Santa Sal's Giveaway is like every birthday and Christmas morning you've had since you were 12, but....better. Cause, I bet you never got PAID to actually tell people about your gifts.....
Didn't think so. For the first time ever on a giveaway site.....for every single person you tell to come on over and pick up their own Santa Sal Gifts....
Sal's kickin' you back a buck.....
That's right.....a buck....just for signing up, getting your Santa Sal Gifts and then tellin' your friends....easy as fallin' off that Yule Log at your last Christmas Party....after all the Egg Nog....
Christmas will be over soon.....and when the year's out...
so is Santa Sal....better slide on over now.
Merry Christmas
Have fun this Christmans ane spread that cheer to others...
PS - Become a business partner with me, creating a true residual income with only a few hours from home, and get paid weekly = click the opportunity at - Remember this is a great chance to earn while you learn and I will personally coach you in how to combine this amazing opportunity with internet marketing to make it even more powerful (This will work great for those list builders out there too - have your leads pay you insteady of paying for them).
PPS - It's not too late to participate in the Holiday promotion of REI Most Wanted and get paid 50% for any new memebrship referrals by registering for fr-ee at
If you;ve already signed up then check back for your lastest tools
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
A Holiday Gift Worth $77 To You
Charles here with a special announcement...
My good friends and real estate experts Alex and his partner Rateb are hosting a 2 part call where they will share their secrets on how to double your real estate business and double your time off!
They are charging for the call, but through a special arrangement with them, I am offering you a coupon code that will save you $77! You will receive over 7 hours of hands-on coaching for less than the cost of a dinner!
To learn more, go to:
- Charles -
P.S Alex and Rateb are limiting the call to 100 attendees, and I know this invitation is going to over 30,000 investors.
So lock in your seat now at:
My good friends and real estate experts Alex and his partner Rateb are hosting a 2 part call where they will share their secrets on how to double your real estate business and double your time off!
They are charging for the call, but through a special arrangement with them, I am offering you a coupon code that will save you $77! You will receive over 7 hours of hands-on coaching for less than the cost of a dinner!
To learn more, go to:
- Charles -
P.S Alex and Rateb are limiting the call to 100 attendees, and I know this invitation is going to over 30,000 investors.
So lock in your seat now at:
Christmas Miracle! $1700.00 Per Month in 5 Hours Per Week...
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I just wanted to let each of
you know how much I appreciate you and your interest in changing
your fi*nancial future forever with me.
Let me share a Christmas miracle that will, or at least, should
encourage each of you who have been thinking about joining my team
with ITV Ventures.
Last week, I received a call from an excited IBO (independent
business owner) with ITV Ventures who had started taking live calls (for health and wellness products) just 13 weeks ago.
She shared that she was only able to take 5 hours of live calls
each week but was fully committed to doing this every week out of the comfort of her own home(consistency of your commitments will make you r-i-c-h in any business
She is now earning over $1700 per month after just 4 months of
being on the home agent program.
This inspired me to run some numbers on what just 5 hours per week
could do for you and your family in 2008 and I was amazed!!
I have put together a 5 hour per week challenge for my personally
mentored IBOs on my team and we are working together to generate
amazing incomes in just 5 hours per week that will blow you away!
Just imagine, I can show you results and projections that will have
most of you earning more in 5 - 10 hours per week than you
currently are earning at your full-time jobs right now.
How would you like to wo-rk from home and have total time and
fi*nancial free-dom in the next 12-24 months with ITV Ventures? Just
imagine, not being a "slave" to your boss or your job anymore.
Imagine, moms being able to stay home with your family.
Lives are being transformed right now, and I can show you and teach
you how.
Now, here's what you need to do:
1. Make a commitment to change your life financially in 2008
2. Never quit
3. Visit , click on the link directly below
my name at the top right side of my website that says "learn more
about the income opportunity," turn up your speakers, watch this 20
minute power point presentation, and find out why people are
flocking to ITV Ventures business opportunity
4. Last call me now or when you are serious and want to get
started...that is it! Please, only the serious people need to
contact me. I am not interested in working with "tire kickers". I
am going to invest my time and my life into you and your family for
the next 12 months to mentor you to the near six-figure monthly
income that I currently enjoy, are you ready?
2008 can indeed be your time for permanent change and fi*nancial
Call me now if you're ready: 888-734-6911, ext. 86
See you at the top in 2008 with ITV Ventures
Success in all your endeavors!
Charles T. Dudley, Sr.
"Unlock Your Future!"
888-734-6911, ext. 86
P.S. Ever wish you could get paid to read your own email? Well now
you can! Check out this great opportunity to provide an extra
stream of in-come:
This is a fun and easy way to make a few extra bucks, so make sure
you check it out!
P.P.S. I just wanted to remind you all that I will be starting a Bible
Study on Biblical Finances beginning the Monday after Christmas.
Anyone interested in participating, please contact me at: It will be an important first session on the 31st
to start the New Year off right! I'll contact you with the start time and
the webinar link.
you know how much I appreciate you and your interest in changing
your fi*nancial future forever with me.
Let me share a Christmas miracle that will, or at least, should
encourage each of you who have been thinking about joining my team
with ITV Ventures.
Last week, I received a call from an excited IBO (independent
business owner) with ITV Ventures who had started taking live calls (for health and wellness products) just 13 weeks ago.
She shared that she was only able to take 5 hours of live calls
each week but was fully committed to doing this every week out of the comfort of her own home(consistency of your commitments will make you r-i-c-h in any business
She is now earning over $1700 per month after just 4 months of
being on the home agent program.
This inspired me to run some numbers on what just 5 hours per week
could do for you and your family in 2008 and I was amazed!!
I have put together a 5 hour per week challenge for my personally
mentored IBOs on my team and we are working together to generate
amazing incomes in just 5 hours per week that will blow you away!
Just imagine, I can show you results and projections that will have
most of you earning more in 5 - 10 hours per week than you
currently are earning at your full-time jobs right now.
How would you like to wo-rk from home and have total time and
fi*nancial free-dom in the next 12-24 months with ITV Ventures? Just
imagine, not being a "slave" to your boss or your job anymore.
Imagine, moms being able to stay home with your family.
Lives are being transformed right now, and I can show you and teach
you how.
Now, here's what you need to do:
1. Make a commitment to change your life financially in 2008
2. Never quit
3. Visit , click on the link directly below
my name at the top right side of my website that says "learn more
about the income opportunity," turn up your speakers, watch this 20
minute power point presentation, and find out why people are
flocking to ITV Ventures business opportunity
4. Last call me now or when you are serious and want to get
started...that is it! Please, only the serious people need to
contact me. I am not interested in working with "tire kickers". I
am going to invest my time and my life into you and your family for
the next 12 months to mentor you to the near six-figure monthly
income that I currently enjoy, are you ready?
2008 can indeed be your time for permanent change and fi*nancial
Call me now if you're ready: 888-734-6911, ext. 86
See you at the top in 2008 with ITV Ventures
Success in all your endeavors!
Charles T. Dudley, Sr.
"Unlock Your Future!"
888-734-6911, ext. 86
P.S. Ever wish you could get paid to read your own email? Well now
you can! Check out this great opportunity to provide an extra
stream of in-come:
This is a fun and easy way to make a few extra bucks, so make sure
you check it out!
P.P.S. I just wanted to remind you all that I will be starting a Bible
Study on Biblical Finances beginning the Monday after Christmas.
Anyone interested in participating, please contact me at: It will be an important first session on the 31st
to start the New Year off right! I'll contact you with the start time and
the webinar link.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Increase Web or Internet Traffic For Free

For most people, getting high-quality targeted visitors to their site is probably one of the "hardest" things to do ... unfortunately it's also the most important.
The reason it's difficult for most small businesses and online marketers is that the majority of popular site promotion strategies either take up A LOT of time, cost a lot of money, or are too risky. Right?
Well, I'm emailing you today because I want to let you know about a new, fully-automated traffic-generation system that can send 1000s of targeted prospects to your site, every single day, absolutely FR.EE!
Would you believe that this new system is:
-> 100% Fre.e! - Always has been, and always will be
-> Automated - 5 minutes to set it up, then forget it
-> Targeted - you'll get only real, target.ed traffic
-> "Viral" - your traffic will increase exponentially
I thought it was too good to be true at first ... but after testing it out, the results have been extremely profitable. And the feedback so far has been great:
"Holy *#@% ... this is really amazing! I never thought something free could bring so much traffic. Truthfully, it seems to be working better than most of my paid ads."
Anyway, do us both a favor and check it out ASAP. It's still pretty new and you will benefit even more if you create your FREE account now before most people join.
Give it a try and let me know what you think ...
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
PS - Have a real estate website, just beginning or have had one for a while? Then you need to have as much traffic going to it as possible.
Don't have a site or want to learn how to use the one you have - contact me at for my internet marketing group coaching call series beginning after Christmas. We will have a lot of exciting things in the new year. Bi-weekly group coaching calls, bi-weekly mentor teaching calls, the latest in real estate investing profit pulling strategies, and adding the power of the internet to your wealth machine. The new calls / webinars will be on Thursdays.
PPS - Finally, for those interested, I am starting a new Study group on Biblical finances for the New Year - but need you to email me at a seperate email to get in on that list. We are currently planning these calls / webinars on Mondays.
Now go get your web traffic at
Internet Marketing Video Strategy
Time. Do you have enough to get everything done every day? I know I don't. That's why I have to focus on the things that are going to build my business and, frankly, make money.
That's why this new Internet video strategy has me so excited.
Video gives me several MAJOR benefits--better conversion rates on my sites, new ways to create valuable content--AND traffic and search engine rankings.
But have you tried uploading a video to some of these free hosting services? How much time do you think it takes?
Watch this short video with Michael Koenigs, Frank Sousa and Rocket Helstrom and find out. You're in for a surprise:
Until next time,
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
P.S. BTW, if you haven't signed up with Frank, Michael and Rocket, just follow the link above and fill out the form for three indispensible fr^ee gifts.
P.S. - Have you checked this out yet? I can show you how to make over $500 in 2 weeks doing THIS - and you can be may partner - PLUS, I will show you how to make it every month and watch IT grow!
Check this NEW opportunity out NOW at - beginners or advanced - here's an additional way for you to get leads to pay you to be a part of your
P.P.S - Don't forget you can make money right away by signing up as one of our affiliates - earn 50% commissions for your referrals - new tools being added each week -
That's why this new Internet video strategy has me so excited.
Video gives me several MAJOR benefits--better conversion rates on my sites, new ways to create valuable content--AND traffic and search engine rankings.
But have you tried uploading a video to some of these free hosting services? How much time do you think it takes?
Watch this short video with Michael Koenigs, Frank Sousa and Rocket Helstrom and find out. You're in for a surprise:
Until next time,
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
P.S. BTW, if you haven't signed up with Frank, Michael and Rocket, just follow the link above and fill out the form for three indispensible fr^ee gifts.
P.S. - Have you checked this out yet? I can show you how to make over $500 in 2 weeks doing THIS - and you can be may partner - PLUS, I will show you how to make it every month and watch IT grow!
Check this NEW opportunity out NOW at - beginners or advanced - here's an additional way for you to get leads to pay you to be a part of your
P.P.S - Don't forget you can make money right away by signing up as one of our affiliates - earn 50% commissions for your referrals - new tools being added each week -
The Perfect Storm - Increasing Web Site Traffic
There is a Perfect Storm raging on the Internet right now.
You don't want to ride this one out. You want to get out there and
ride it!
Several factors have come together to create a tidal wave of change
and I have got the inside track on it for you. It has to do with
Internet video, massive amounts of Web site traffic and
unprecedented search engine rankings.
Want to find out more about the Internet's "Perfect Storm?" Then
watch this short video from Michael Koenigs, Frank Sousa and Rocket
Helstrom and make sure to sign up for their special reports and
Webinar video.
You're going to be blown away.
Go here now to watch the short video:
Until next time,
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Success!"
P.S. - Have you checked this out yet? I can show you how to make over
$500 in 2 weeks doing THIS - and you can be may partner - PLUS, I will
show you how to make it every month and watch IT grow! Check this
NEW opportunity out NOW at (List owners -
beginners or advanced - here's an additional way for you to get leads
to pay you to be a part of your group!)
P.P.S - Don't forget you can make money right away by signing up as
one of our affiliates - earn 50% commissions for your referrals -
new tools being added each week -
You don't want to ride this one out. You want to get out there and
ride it!
Several factors have come together to create a tidal wave of change
and I have got the inside track on it for you. It has to do with
Internet video, massive amounts of Web site traffic and
unprecedented search engine rankings.
Want to find out more about the Internet's "Perfect Storm?" Then
watch this short video from Michael Koenigs, Frank Sousa and Rocket
Helstrom and make sure to sign up for their special reports and
Webinar video.
You're going to be blown away.
Go here now to watch the short video:
Until next time,
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Success!"
P.S. - Have you checked this out yet? I can show you how to make over
$500 in 2 weeks doing THIS - and you can be may partner - PLUS, I will
show you how to make it every month and watch IT grow! Check this
NEW opportunity out NOW at (List owners -
beginners or advanced - here's an additional way for you to get leads
to pay you to be a part of your group!)
P.P.S - Don't forget you can make money right away by signing up as
one of our affiliates - earn 50% commissions for your referrals -
new tools being added each week -
Sunday, December 16, 2007
A Day In The Country, Winter Weather and a Request

I hope you are doing well today as we quickly approach Christmas.
There are times I have to step back and really appreciate the blessings we have. This past week I have taken some time to do just that - in preparation for a very full and exciting new year.
First of all, I was able to get up to what we call here, the country.
It's a quaint little home on Bent Mountain in Floyd County, VA - where my grandmother grew up. Everything in the country makes life in the city seem a little too complicated. Internet, TV, cell phones, etc.
It is so funny, I get so many calls and emails each day that if I am not immediately available - some people get upset :) I still wonder how we made it without pagers and cell phones. Anyways, as you can imagine, the sky at night is much clearer in the country, you can see the wonderful stars and almost touch them. The air is so much cleaner to breath. And heat comes from a fire you make yourself...not a switch on the wall. No TV, no radio, no PC (can you believe that). Peace.
A great time to reflect.
Well, last night, we received some exhilarating news of pending winter weather - snow, ice, freezing rain - you know, the fun stuff. So, after a reflective day and a half up the mountain...everything back here in Roanoke was double hustle and bustle. People not only doing their best to find a Nintendo Wii or whatever their Christmas shopping mission was, but folks cramming the grocery stores to get extra stuff in case they are holed in their homes for a week because of wintry weather. Crazy... I, in fact, went to the store twice because I forgot the eggs...ugh. So once I settled in, I began watching one of my favorite history channel series on the American Revolution. How inspirational.
This all tied very nicely into the theme of this week which had me focused on one main thing - FREEDOM.
If you haven't really thought about it much lately - take a moment in the middle of the hustle and bustle - whether you are in the city or the country, whether you are getting snow or have 70 degree weather - and remember what our country was founded on and what we all desire as we climb the ladder with our real estate investing and internet marketing - the reason boils down to FREEDOM. We are so fortunate to be in a 'fre-e" country and we all desire our own personal freedom.
So let me leave this bit of a personal note with a prayer request.
My good friend and mentor, Matt Bacak, needs our prayers. More specifically, his brother and family. Please check out
and see why I ask for all of us to lift up Brooke and Jason in prayer.
I believe that our combined efforts can help this situation for them.
Imagine their trials as they make it day by day and into the holiday season. Just a final reminder for us to be thankful for what we have and each day that we are blessed to live.
I hope this was encouraging and insightful for you today. Not too much on Real Estate - but mainly heartfelt and to let you know I am thankful for you all, my friends, and I am committed to helping each of you obtain your freedom in the new year.
All my best and holiday wishes,
Charles Dudley
PS - For those interested, I will be starting a weekly study group of The Word - for those interested, please email me at I am planning to do these on Monday nights as we transition our weekly training calls to Thursday nights for the new year. So please let me know if you plan to attend. Thanks again. Be blessed.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Traffic and Top Search Engine Rankings in 24 Hours?
I have been SO focused on learning about Internet video lately.
Because three Internet marketers I know have stumbled on a formula that uses Intenet video to generate UNBELIEVABLE TRAFFIC AND SEARCH ENGINE RANKINGS--in as little as 24 to 48 hours!
They are telling anyone who will listen about it.
I am taking full advantage of their advice and reaping the benefits. And I want to let you in on it, too.
Go here to get ahold of three items that will blow you away.
(They're FR^EE.)
1. The first item is a Special eReport called "How to Generate Massive Traffic and Unexpected Search Engine Results with Internet Video."
2. Number two is a valuable guide: "The Free Video Hosting Web Site Directory." It's an ebook packed with reviews, tips and insights to more than 30 of the top Intenet video hosting sites.
3. Item three is access to a very insightful hour-long online Webinar video called "Building Massive Traffic."
Just go here, sign up and they will email the fr^ee items to you:
Then let me know if you're suddenly as focused on Internet video as I am.
Until next time,
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
P.S. One more thing...I want to let you in on what these three guys are up to. It's so incredible I can hardly keep a lid on it.
They've developed a service called Traffic Geyser that uploads your videos to the top 15 to 30 video hosting sites for you with the click of one button.
This has two MAJOR BENEFITS if you're selling anything online or building a subscription base: TRAFFIC (and I mean the kind of traffic a top 30 Google ranking brings you) and it SAVES YOU HUNDREDS OF HOURS of time.
(web site traffic/web traffic)
See, without Traffic Geyser, you'd have to upload your videos manually to each site in order to get the traffic and search ranking benefits. It could take you eight hours to upload one video to fifteen sites! Some Internet marketers have full time people on staff just to upload videos--that's how time-intensive it is.
Here's the BEST PART--you can get the same benefits even if you just have audio. Just sign up for those three gifts and they'll tell you all about it. Here's the link again:
Because three Internet marketers I know have stumbled on a formula that uses Intenet video to generate UNBELIEVABLE TRAFFIC AND SEARCH ENGINE RANKINGS--in as little as 24 to 48 hours!
They are telling anyone who will listen about it.
I am taking full advantage of their advice and reaping the benefits. And I want to let you in on it, too.
Go here to get ahold of three items that will blow you away.
(They're FR^EE.)
1. The first item is a Special eReport called "How to Generate Massive Traffic and Unexpected Search Engine Results with Internet Video."
2. Number two is a valuable guide: "The Free Video Hosting Web Site Directory." It's an ebook packed with reviews, tips and insights to more than 30 of the top Intenet video hosting sites.
3. Item three is access to a very insightful hour-long online Webinar video called "Building Massive Traffic."
Just go here, sign up and they will email the fr^ee items to you:
Then let me know if you're suddenly as focused on Internet video as I am.
Until next time,
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
P.S. One more thing...I want to let you in on what these three guys are up to. It's so incredible I can hardly keep a lid on it.
They've developed a service called Traffic Geyser that uploads your videos to the top 15 to 30 video hosting sites for you with the click of one button.
This has two MAJOR BENEFITS if you're selling anything online or building a subscription base: TRAFFIC (and I mean the kind of traffic a top 30 Google ranking brings you) and it SAVES YOU HUNDREDS OF HOURS of time.
(web site traffic/web traffic)
See, without Traffic Geyser, you'd have to upload your videos manually to each site in order to get the traffic and search ranking benefits. It could take you eight hours to upload one video to fifteen sites! Some Internet marketers have full time people on staff just to upload videos--that's how time-intensive it is.
Here's the BEST PART--you can get the same benefits even if you just have audio. Just sign up for those three gifts and they'll tell you all about it. Here's the link again:
Monday, December 10, 2007
How To Be A Real Estate Millionaire
Would you take me serious if I recommend a real estate book to you?
Well, that's exactly what I'm doing, and I want you to pay close attention because this can "leverage" your efforts to create more business - and help skyrocket your income over the next 12 -
24 months!
Here are the facts: The book I want to recommend to you is titled Be a Real Estate Millionaire:
Secret Strategies for Lifetime Wealth Today, and it was written by Dean Graziosi. It is one of the fastest selling books in America, (currently selling as many as 6500 copies per week) and that means the chances that your current and future prospects will read a copy are very high.
Why is it selling so well?
Because it gives people proven techniques on how to read the real estate market, (whatever its current condition) and then apply the proper strategy for minimal risk and massive profits.
It is not a book on "What" the market is all about. It is a book on "How" to make money in today's market.
But get this... it's not even available in bookstores yet! That's right. People are buying it from a TV show where Dean is interviewed.
People everywhere want to make money in real estate, and with the current market conditions, a lot of them are going to be trying to do that using foreclosures as their vehicle.
So how can you get in on the game?
First... You need to educate yourself.
The foreclosure market is very different from the resale market. You have to understand the language, the factors at play and the players.
Second... you need to pick a side - sellers or buyers.
On the selling side, asset management companies will often pay real estate professionals a flat fee to prepare a broker price opinion (BPO) on homes in foreclosure. And you can get a commission if you end up listing a foreclosed home.
On the buyer side, you can become a HUD-approved broker and work with investors or first-time buyers. You can also help investors as third-party bidders in auctions.
Third... you should see foreclosure for what it really is:
This is someone's sudden end to the true American dream.
Remember, real estate is - and always will be - about people.
When a foreclosure is looming, people need help.
This is a market where you can make your professionalism shine.
In my opinion, Dean's book is the easiest way for you to educate yourself. Reading the secrets of a $500 Million Dollar Real Estate Investor will not only increase your capabilities, it'll give you a strategic advantage for thinking outside the box.
You'll also get an insight into what consumers are reading, and with your existing knowledge, you'll be able to use what you find in the book to increase your business.
Right now thousands of copies are being sold everyday for $24.95.
But I Dean's making a special offer to get the book for only $16.50( that's dirt cheap!) and you'll get dozens and dozens of FREE BONUSES from some of the most amazing people on the planet too!
Here's how.
Buy the book using this link:
to sales page Afterwards you will instantly receive the link to your BONUS GIFT page where you can get your bundles of freebies.
I'm telling you as a professional, you don't want to miss out on this.
Success in all your endeavors,
Charles T. Dudley, Sr.
"Unlock Your Future!"
(888) 734-6911, ext. 88
PS No matter what you know about real estate,
you're going to be blown away by what you read in this book... and it's going to make a huge difference in your income over the next 2-3 years!
PPS Almost forgot this, Dean's giving every book buyer a chance to win $15K of his money and a day of his help to invest it, that'd be a pretty sweet little bonus too, eh?
REI Most Wanted, 206 Market Street, Roanoke, VA 24011, USA
Well, that's exactly what I'm doing, and I want you to pay close attention because this can "leverage" your efforts to create more business - and help skyrocket your income over the next 12 -
24 months!
Here are the facts: The book I want to recommend to you is titled Be a Real Estate Millionaire:
Secret Strategies for Lifetime Wealth Today, and it was written by Dean Graziosi. It is one of the fastest selling books in America, (currently selling as many as 6500 copies per week) and that means the chances that your current and future prospects will read a copy are very high.
Why is it selling so well?
Because it gives people proven techniques on how to read the real estate market, (whatever its current condition) and then apply the proper strategy for minimal risk and massive profits.
It is not a book on "What" the market is all about. It is a book on "How" to make money in today's market.
But get this... it's not even available in bookstores yet! That's right. People are buying it from a TV show where Dean is interviewed.
People everywhere want to make money in real estate, and with the current market conditions, a lot of them are going to be trying to do that using foreclosures as their vehicle.
So how can you get in on the game?
First... You need to educate yourself.
The foreclosure market is very different from the resale market. You have to understand the language, the factors at play and the players.
Second... you need to pick a side - sellers or buyers.
On the selling side, asset management companies will often pay real estate professionals a flat fee to prepare a broker price opinion (BPO) on homes in foreclosure. And you can get a commission if you end up listing a foreclosed home.
On the buyer side, you can become a HUD-approved broker and work with investors or first-time buyers. You can also help investors as third-party bidders in auctions.
Third... you should see foreclosure for what it really is:
This is someone's sudden end to the true American dream.
Remember, real estate is - and always will be - about people.
When a foreclosure is looming, people need help.
This is a market where you can make your professionalism shine.
In my opinion, Dean's book is the easiest way for you to educate yourself. Reading the secrets of a $500 Million Dollar Real Estate Investor will not only increase your capabilities, it'll give you a strategic advantage for thinking outside the box.
You'll also get an insight into what consumers are reading, and with your existing knowledge, you'll be able to use what you find in the book to increase your business.
Right now thousands of copies are being sold everyday for $24.95.
But I Dean's making a special offer to get the book for only $16.50( that's dirt cheap!) and you'll get dozens and dozens of FREE BONUSES from some of the most amazing people on the planet too!
Here's how.
Buy the book using this link:
to sales page Afterwards you will instantly receive the link to your BONUS GIFT page where you can get your bundles of freebies.
I'm telling you as a professional, you don't want to miss out on this.
Success in all your endeavors,
Charles T. Dudley, Sr.
"Unlock Your Future!"
(888) 734-6911, ext. 88
PS No matter what you know about real estate,
you're going to be blown away by what you read in this book... and it's going to make a huge difference in your income over the next 2-3 years!
PPS Almost forgot this, Dean's giving every book buyer a chance to win $15K of his money and a day of his help to invest it, that'd be a pretty sweet little bonus too, eh?
REI Most Wanted, 206 Market Street, Roanoke, VA 24011, USA
Are You Tired of Working Two or More Jobs?

Are you tired of having to work two or
three jobs, just to pay the basic necessities?
Are your well-meaning friends giving you a hard time because you're still trying to make lots of money through real estate investing? You know, "With the way the economy is you'll never make any money in real estate!"
I've got some great things to share with you, or, rather, Larry Benet does. When you join us TONIGHT, Monday December 9th, at 9:01pm EST you will have the opportunity to learn a secret that most people will never hear.
And with that knowledge, you will not
only be empowered to double, triple, or even quadruple your in-come, but you'll be positioned to meet people of influence who will provide the connections that you need to become very prosperous.
Login in right now at:
and reserve YOUR space now.
"See" you tonight!
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
888-734-6911, ext. 88
P.S. We only had 150 lines available for the call, and most of them are spoken for, so don't miss out on this business opportunity and/or support system!
P.P.S. Would you like to have a business where your leads will pay you to be on your list...check out the hottest new home based business and feel free to call or email me to find out more info on how to be my business partner.
P.P.P.S. Wanna make a few extra bucks
before Christmas? You can sign up to be one of REI Most Wanted's affiliates and earn 50% on all referrals by signing up for fre-e at:
The above information offers a once in a lifetime business internet opportunity.
Can I Let You In On a Secret?

My guest tonight has a secret. And it's a secret that you need to know. Tonight, my guest Larry Benet is going to share that secret with our elite team of real estate investors, and it will help you to double, triple, or even quadruple your business.
Have you ever thought, "If only I knew the right people I could do [YOU FILL IN THE BLANK] with my business"?
How would it affect your business if the information Larry will be sharing could instantly connect you with some of the most powerful and influential people in your life?
Is there anything that you could you do differently in 2008 that you weren't able to do in 2007?
Just think about it...
If that sounds like something you'd like to see - then you need to be on the phones and online with me TONIGHT, Monday, at 9:01 PM EST sharp!
The lines will be limited to the first 150, and slots are filling up fast, so get in Now at
You will hear from one of the most successful business coaches and motivational speakers I know - and he has the strategies that will take any business, especially a real estate investors business - to the highest levels.
Larry has proven his strategies over and over for not only himself, but countless others as well - and we are going to learn from him Tonight at 9:01 pm EST, so get your space reserved right now at:
Our goal is to bring only the best training and teaching to our investor community here at REI MOST WANTED. - and I know that my good friend and business partner, Larry Benet, will be teaching us on will allow you to connect in the most powerful way with anyone you come in contact with. Don't miss this special call.
Success in all your endeavors,
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future"
888-734-6911, ext 88
PS - This amazing presentation can be unlocked at
Greeting Card System and/or Business
Friday, December 7, 2007
Will $16.50 Stop You from Being a Real Estate Multi-Millionaire?
Do you know the difference between a fresh,
delicious, exotic salad and a pile of compost?
It's timing.
Serve that salad up at the right moment and its
savory; ignore it for too long and its garbage!
Yes sir, timing is a powerful thing.
Bad timing is the culprit behind "if only's."
- "If only I'd bought Apple Shares when they
were $16 (They're $167.86 as I type this)"
- "If only I had bought that domain
- "If only I'd bought that 1957 Cherry
Sunburst Les Paul guitar for $15,000 four
years ago (It's worth over $340,000 now)
Well today I'm writing to you about one such
"timing event" that can make you stinking rich,
and I mean reeking with the stench of money
rich... because the very same thing is happening in
real estate right now, and it will mean a
windfall for those who are awake enough to
recognize the opportunity - and smart enough to
Right now there is a window of opportunity in
real estate that can make you more money than
you'd make in 20 years slaving away the
traditional way. The recent turmoil in the real
estate market caused by all the foreclosure
activity has created that opportunity.
And best of all, because you're a Realtor, you have an
inside track to snagging more of the riches than
anyone else on the planet! How do you tap into
this pipeline of quick & easy money? Easy... you
buy one $16.50 book!
The book is titled "Be a Real Estate Millionaire: Secret
Strategies for Lifetime Wealth Today" and it was
written by Dean Graziosi. On October 8th at Amazon
it was already #1 in - Investments, Industries &
Professions and REAL ESTATE - - above Trumps
new book and Kiyosaki.
This is big since the book was not even officially
for sale for a few more days! It is # 258 in over all
So, who is Dean Graziosi you ask? Dean was a
dead-broke kid who barely finished high school.
Yet today, at 38, he is a multi-millionaire investor.
He made his first real estate purchase while he
was in his teens, without any capitol, and spent
the next 20 years doing deal after deal.
His book is one of the fastest selling books in
America, (currently selling as many as 6500 copies
per week) and that means the chances that your
current and future prospects will read a copy are
very high.
Why is it selling so well? Because it gives people
proven techniques on how to read the real estate
market, (whatever its condition) and then apply
the proper strategy for minimal risk and massive
It is not a book on "What" the market is all about.
It is a book on "How" to make money in today's
market. You're interested in money right?
Are you sick of EVERYONE in this industry from
other realtor's, to mortgage brokers to Title
companies complaining how bad it is?
There is a way to break out from the crowd and be
one of the few that are making more money now
then ever before in your career and the keys are
in Dean Graziosi's book.
How many times have you been close to closing a
great deal and the buyer falls through due to
funding issues and lack of creative
Through trial and error and 20 yeas of investing
Dean Graziosi has found unique ways to make ALL
DEALS work.
In his book he has vivid examples and outside the
box techniques to get deals done - and move on to
the next one.
Are you sick and tired of showing properties you
know are amazing deals, properties that you
personally you could make thousands or hundreds
of thousands of dollars on instead of your small
commission but you were to intimidated to pull
the trigger yourself?
That Stops Now!!
Listen. Dean was a broke kid with no exper-ience
and no money and through desperation found ways
to make deals work with no down side and huge
upside potential. Never before has there been
such a simple guide for building confidence and
capabilities in TODAY'S market, and eliminating
downside loss like this book does.
Stop thinking this is a bad time in real estate
and learn the secrets that can show you that now
is the best time in history for you to make quick
and easy money in the field you already know like
the back of your hand.
Here's how.
Dean's running a special one ti-me offer where
you can get his book for only $16.50 (that's dirt
cheap!) and get dozens and dozens of FREE
BONUSES from some of the most amazing people
on the planet too!
Plus something I have surely not seen anyplace else -
the opportunity to win $15,000 of Dean's money
to use on your next real estate deal... have him to
fly to your location for one day of intense
training or waking you though your deal.
I urge you to take the time and cli-ck the link below for
all the details. This offer has an expiration
date on it for sure so make sure you check it out
right away.
I'm telling you as a professional, you don't want to
miss out on this. Don't let $16.50 stop you from
becoming a real estate multi-millionaire and
leave you with a miserable "if only" story too.
Charles T. Dudley, Sr.
"Unlock Your Future!"
(888) REI-MW11, ext 88
PS No matter what you know about real estate, you're
going to be blown away by what you read in this book...
and it's going to make a HUGE difference in your income
now and over the next 2-3 years!
PPS For those who are truly interested in making a few
extra bu-cks before Christmas - you can sign up to be
one of REIMost Wanted's affiliates and earn 50% on
all referrals by signing up for fre-e at:
delicious, exotic salad and a pile of compost?
It's timing.
Serve that salad up at the right moment and its
savory; ignore it for too long and its garbage!
Yes sir, timing is a powerful thing.
Bad timing is the culprit behind "if only's."
- "If only I'd bought Apple Shares when they
were $16 (They're $167.86 as I type this)"
- "If only I had bought that domain
- "If only I'd bought that 1957 Cherry
Sunburst Les Paul guitar for $15,000 four
years ago (It's worth over $340,000 now)
Well today I'm writing to you about one such
"timing event" that can make you stinking rich,
and I mean reeking with the stench of money
rich... because the very same thing is happening in
real estate right now, and it will mean a
windfall for those who are awake enough to
recognize the opportunity - and smart enough to
Right now there is a window of opportunity in
real estate that can make you more money than
you'd make in 20 years slaving away the
traditional way. The recent turmoil in the real
estate market caused by all the foreclosure
activity has created that opportunity.
And best of all, because you're a Realtor, you have an
inside track to snagging more of the riches than
anyone else on the planet! How do you tap into
this pipeline of quick & easy money? Easy... you
buy one $16.50 book!
The book is titled "Be a Real Estate Millionaire: Secret
Strategies for Lifetime Wealth Today" and it was
written by Dean Graziosi. On October 8th at Amazon
it was already #1 in - Investments, Industries &
Professions and REAL ESTATE - - above Trumps
new book and Kiyosaki.
This is big since the book was not even officially
for sale for a few more days! It is # 258 in over all
So, who is Dean Graziosi you ask? Dean was a
dead-broke kid who barely finished high school.
Yet today, at 38, he is a multi-millionaire investor.
He made his first real estate purchase while he
was in his teens, without any capitol, and spent
the next 20 years doing deal after deal.
His book is one of the fastest selling books in
America, (currently selling as many as 6500 copies
per week) and that means the chances that your
current and future prospects will read a copy are
very high.
Why is it selling so well? Because it gives people
proven techniques on how to read the real estate
market, (whatever its condition) and then apply
the proper strategy for minimal risk and massive
It is not a book on "What" the market is all about.
It is a book on "How" to make money in today's
market. You're interested in money right?
Are you sick of EVERYONE in this industry from
other realtor's, to mortgage brokers to Title
companies complaining how bad it is?
There is a way to break out from the crowd and be
one of the few that are making more money now
then ever before in your career and the keys are
in Dean Graziosi's book.
How many times have you been close to closing a
great deal and the buyer falls through due to
funding issues and lack of creative
Through trial and error and 20 yeas of investing
Dean Graziosi has found unique ways to make ALL
DEALS work.
In his book he has vivid examples and outside the
box techniques to get deals done - and move on to
the next one.
Are you sick and tired of showing properties you
know are amazing deals, properties that you
personally you could make thousands or hundreds
of thousands of dollars on instead of your small
commission but you were to intimidated to pull
the trigger yourself?
That Stops Now!!
Listen. Dean was a broke kid with no exper-ience
and no money and through desperation found ways
to make deals work with no down side and huge
upside potential. Never before has there been
such a simple guide for building confidence and
capabilities in TODAY'S market, and eliminating
downside loss like this book does.
Stop thinking this is a bad time in real estate
and learn the secrets that can show you that now
is the best time in history for you to make quick
and easy money in the field you already know like
the back of your hand.
Here's how.
Dean's running a special one ti-me offer where
you can get his book for only $16.50 (that's dirt
cheap!) and get dozens and dozens of FREE
BONUSES from some of the most amazing people
on the planet too!
Plus something I have surely not seen anyplace else -
the opportunity to win $15,000 of Dean's money
to use on your next real estate deal... have him to
fly to your location for one day of intense
training or waking you though your deal.
I urge you to take the time and cli-ck the link below for
all the details. This offer has an expiration
date on it for sure so make sure you check it out
right away.
I'm telling you as a professional, you don't want to
miss out on this. Don't let $16.50 stop you from
becoming a real estate multi-millionaire and
leave you with a miserable "if only" story too.
Charles T. Dudley, Sr.
"Unlock Your Future!"
(888) REI-MW11, ext 88
PS No matter what you know about real estate, you're
going to be blown away by what you read in this book...
and it's going to make a HUGE difference in your income
now and over the next 2-3 years!
PPS For those who are truly interested in making a few
extra bu-cks before Christmas - you can sign up to be
one of REIMost Wanted's affiliates and earn 50% on
all referrals by signing up for fre-e at:
Be A Real Estate Millionaire
It was a Monday morning. My assistant put
a book on my desk called "Be a Real Estate
Millionaire: Secret Strategies for Lifetime
Wealth Today" and told me it was one of the
fastest selling books in America ... and
that I "needed" to check it out.
"Needed"... I was intrigued.
With everything I have going on, why in the
world would I "need" to read a book on real
estate? Especially now!
But intrigued by how fast this book was
selling I cracked it open and started
to read.
WOW - was I wrong and totally blown away!
Dean Graziosi, (the author of this book) shows
that right now, due to this crazy down market
- it is the greatest time in history to do two
1.Gain massive wealth through real estate Or
2.Save a boatload of money on your own home.
This is no joke.
If you have no cash and no cre-dit he has a
strategy for you.
Looking to make real estate part of your
investment or retirement portfolio? He
lays it out like a roadmap.
Thinking of buying or selling your own home?
I know I would never do it without referencing
Dean's book.
Now Dean is doing a very special promotion he
has allowed me to extend to you. Get Dean's
amazing book, receive dozens of killer gifts from
America 's brightest minds and have the chance
to use Dean's $15,000 on your first deal -
all for only $16.50! You got to see this for
Click on the link for more details that will
blow you way!
I think what Dean has done here is amazing and
apparently I'm not alone. I found there are a few
other folks who have praised the book also. Here
are a few comments from people you might recognize.
"This book is a winner!" -T. Harv Eker, New York
Times bestselling author of Secrets of the
Millionaire Mind
"Dean's personal experiences alone are enough
to make this book a must read."-Jack Canfield,
co-author of The Success Principles
There's another even more impressive element
in his book. The countless real life success
stories from Dean's Students. They come from
all walks of life, and are all different types
of people, with one thing in common...they changed
their lives and are making great money because
of Dean.
Now here is the crazy part -even though "Be a
Real Estate Millionaire: Secret Strategies for
Lifetime Wealth Today" is the #1 best selling real
estate book in the country right now, it has not
even hit retail stores yet. It is being sold off
of a TV interview Dean did.
But that is about to change in a big way and you
have an opportunity to get all this wisdom - a
chance to literally win and spend $15,000 of Dean's
money on your first investment deal, and get a
mountain of free gifts from some of the brightest
thinkers alive.
You can get all this through a special and very
limited offer Dean has authorized me to pass along
to you for just $16.50.
If you were thinking real estate was not for you
- think again. This book will have your stomach
doing somersaults because you will want to get
started immediately with actionable steps to start
making money...
Charles T. Dudley, Sr.
"Unlock Your Future!"
(888) REI-MW11, ext 88
PS Here's something amazing; today at Amazon
Dean's book was #1 in - Investments, Industries &
Professions and REAL ESTATE - - This book is hot!
a book on my desk called "Be a Real Estate
Millionaire: Secret Strategies for Lifetime
Wealth Today" and told me it was one of the
fastest selling books in America ... and
that I "needed" to check it out.
"Needed"... I was intrigued.
With everything I have going on, why in the
world would I "need" to read a book on real
estate? Especially now!
But intrigued by how fast this book was
selling I cracked it open and started
to read.
WOW - was I wrong and totally blown away!
Dean Graziosi, (the author of this book) shows
that right now, due to this crazy down market
- it is the greatest time in history to do two
1.Gain massive wealth through real estate Or
2.Save a boatload of money on your own home.
This is no joke.
If you have no cash and no cre-dit he has a
strategy for you.
Looking to make real estate part of your
investment or retirement portfolio? He
lays it out like a roadmap.
Thinking of buying or selling your own home?
I know I would never do it without referencing
Dean's book.
Now Dean is doing a very special promotion he
has allowed me to extend to you. Get Dean's
amazing book, receive dozens of killer gifts from
America 's brightest minds and have the chance
to use Dean's $15,000 on your first deal -
all for only $16.50! You got to see this for
Click on the link for more details that will
blow you way!
I think what Dean has done here is amazing and
apparently I'm not alone. I found there are a few
other folks who have praised the book also. Here
are a few comments from people you might recognize.
"This book is a winner!" -T. Harv Eker, New York
Times bestselling author of Secrets of the
Millionaire Mind
"Dean's personal experiences alone are enough
to make this book a must read."-Jack Canfield,
co-author of The Success Principles
There's another even more impressive element
in his book. The countless real life success
stories from Dean's Students. They come from
all walks of life, and are all different types
of people, with one thing in common...they changed
their lives and are making great money because
of Dean.
Now here is the crazy part -even though "Be a
Real Estate Millionaire: Secret Strategies for
Lifetime Wealth Today" is the #1 best selling real
estate book in the country right now, it has not
even hit retail stores yet. It is being sold off
of a TV interview Dean did.
But that is about to change in a big way and you
have an opportunity to get all this wisdom - a
chance to literally win and spend $15,000 of Dean's
money on your first investment deal, and get a
mountain of free gifts from some of the brightest
thinkers alive.
You can get all this through a special and very
limited offer Dean has authorized me to pass along
to you for just $16.50.
If you were thinking real estate was not for you
- think again. This book will have your stomach
doing somersaults because you will want to get
started immediately with actionable steps to start
making money...
Charles T. Dudley, Sr.
"Unlock Your Future!"
(888) REI-MW11, ext 88
PS Here's something amazing; today at Amazon
Dean's book was #1 in - Investments, Industries &
Professions and REAL ESTATE - - This book is hot!
Monday, December 3, 2007
4.2 Million People Can't Be Wrong

So, what are the odds that 4.2 million
people would all be wrong about the same
thing? It's not very likely.
This is going to be a fantastic teleseminar
tonight, Monday, December 3rd, at 9:00pm EST!
My guest speaker is someone who many
of you probably already watch every week
on A & E's Flip This House.
That's right...It's Armando Montelongo!
And, after sharing with him some of the
success stories that many of you are already
having as a direct result of these teleseminars,
Armando is excited to have the opportunity
to share some of his most guarded secrets
with my elite REI Most Wanted group of investors!
Many of the most successful real estate investors
are among the 4.2 million people who watch Armando
every're probably one of them.
We have a limited availability of remaining
lines for which folks can register, but those
who take action quickly will be rewarded with
some powerful information!
So if you're interested in investing in real estate or are already a real estate investor I'll "see" you tonight on the call!
Success in all your endeavors,
Charles T. Dudley, Sr.
"Unlock Your Future!"
Toll free: (888) REI-MW11, ext. 88
P.S. "Ever wanted to have a true secondary
source of income from the comfort of your
own home - well find out how by clicking
here and going to the opportunity page.
This is a business where your leads will pay
you to be on your list...check out the
hottest new home based business and feel
free to call or email me to find out more info
on how to be my business partner"
P.P.S. Want to know the best way to get tons of
traffic to your website? SpinSuccess is the easiest
way to drive tar-geted traf-fic to your website.
Put your flow of free traffic on virtual autopilot.
Visit the site below to get started now:
P.P.P.S. And finally, for those who are truly interested
in making a few extra bucks before Christmas -
you can sign up to be one of REI Most Wanted's
affiliates and earn 50% on all referrals by signing
up for fre-e at:
Flip This House Interview Tonight With Armando Montelongo

It's time to hear from one of America's top experts in house
Armando Montelongo from the hit TV show on A&E, Flip This House
He has agreed to share his best kept secrets of how to profit like
crazy in today's marketplace. This is no time for doom and gloom -
It's time to make mon-ey... and we will be learning from one of
the nation's best teacher and coach - Armando Montelongo.
Needless to say, we don't expect this call to be available to all
who try to get in - so what I can say is register and get in early.
Go right away to reserve your line at
We haven't even finished the registration page - becasue Armando is
sending us a preview video for us to watch - but I want to get you
as soon as possible so you don't miss this SIZZLIN' HOT call
so go ahead - and register - before we even finish the page - you
alwas check back later to watch the preview video...
Go ahead and tell your friends about this one - heck, you can even
get them over to your house to listen in!
Now go get a deal done and have a great and prosperous weekend!
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
PS - A few folks have asked about our mentoring porgram - if you
have previously asked about it and have had a chance to talk to
Aaron or Sandi, then I will still schedule a strategy session with
you and see what we might could work out for next years class
openings. We are pre-filling those mentoring spots now. This
years spots are already gone.
Friday, November 30, 2007
The Honest Real Estate Business
Okay, okay...every once and a while, I have folks email me who do not understand my heart to truly help folks getting started in real estate investing or taking their businesses to the next level, with additional investing methods, coaching or internet marketing tactics to increase their deal flow, or add other complimentary streams of income.
So let me send an email tonight that could possibly help you tremendously, without asking for one red cent - in fact, at the end of this email, I offer you to participate in the profits I make on my website, as a valuable member.
#1) Are you currently in a situation where you could really use a financial helping hand. Have you been drowning in a sea of debt, running behind on payments - you have enjoyed the training calls, but could not take advantage of even the most irresistible offer, because you didn't even have gas money? Well, if you could use a decent helping hand loan and are willing to pay a decent interest rate on it - because you know that you will be breaking out of this temporary slump. Here's a site that one of my star mentor students shared with me that I thought was so powerful that I had to get it out to everyone. Take a look at and see if this can help you with your temporary debts and give you the boost you need. This could also work for you if you are wanting to start a new business or expand an existing one.
#2) Another great tool I encourage everyone to be using on a REGULAR basis is Craigslist. Remember that I tell you that every investor needs to be building 4 lists: motivated sellers, retail buyers, private money lenders, and investors (rehabbers and wholesalers). Well, most investors tend to focus on buyers and sellers and then investors. Most wait until it is too late to advertise for private money. Again, one of my mentor students and I have perfected a great ad for Craigslist to attract private money lenders in today's marketplace. For your personal benefit, here is that successful ad:
Private Money Investor wanted,
Secured by income property,
XX%+ ROI, as low as $5K gets
you started, call now
#3) finally, for those who are truly interested in making a few extra bucks before Christmas - you can sign up to be one of REI Most Wanted's affiliates and earn 50% on all referrals by signing up for fre-e at:
Okay, I hope this truly helped you today and I hope that everyone knows that I am truly excited for everyone's success that we come in contact with. There's a reason you are here at REI Most Wanted and I believe in each and every one of you. Have a great weekend.
To Your Continued Successes,
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
P.S. - To learn a truly powerful way to get tons of traffic to your website, Get a fr-ee marketing review of your current website, and a coach to help you generate more leads to your existing site or a new one you are planning to create, go visit: today.
P.P.S. - Did you get Dean Graziosi's $29.95 book for only $16.50 (which comes with some amazing fr-ee bonuses for those who take action today)? If not, go and get this educational real estate investing book along with the added bonuses NOW, before I have to take them down -
You can not get this deal in bookstores anywhere - and you can't beat this price.
So let me send an email tonight that could possibly help you tremendously, without asking for one red cent - in fact, at the end of this email, I offer you to participate in the profits I make on my website, as a valuable member.
#1) Are you currently in a situation where you could really use a financial helping hand. Have you been drowning in a sea of debt, running behind on payments - you have enjoyed the training calls, but could not take advantage of even the most irresistible offer, because you didn't even have gas money? Well, if you could use a decent helping hand loan and are willing to pay a decent interest rate on it - because you know that you will be breaking out of this temporary slump. Here's a site that one of my star mentor students shared with me that I thought was so powerful that I had to get it out to everyone. Take a look at and see if this can help you with your temporary debts and give you the boost you need. This could also work for you if you are wanting to start a new business or expand an existing one.
#2) Another great tool I encourage everyone to be using on a REGULAR basis is Craigslist. Remember that I tell you that every investor needs to be building 4 lists: motivated sellers, retail buyers, private money lenders, and investors (rehabbers and wholesalers). Well, most investors tend to focus on buyers and sellers and then investors. Most wait until it is too late to advertise for private money. Again, one of my mentor students and I have perfected a great ad for Craigslist to attract private money lenders in today's marketplace. For your personal benefit, here is that successful ad:
Private Money Investor wanted,
Secured by income property,
XX%+ ROI, as low as $5K gets
you started, call now
#3) finally, for those who are truly interested in making a few extra bucks before Christmas - you can sign up to be one of REI Most Wanted's affiliates and earn 50% on all referrals by signing up for fre-e at:
Okay, I hope this truly helped you today and I hope that everyone knows that I am truly excited for everyone's success that we come in contact with. There's a reason you are here at REI Most Wanted and I believe in each and every one of you. Have a great weekend.
To Your Continued Successes,
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
P.S. - To learn a truly powerful way to get tons of traffic to your website, Get a fr-ee marketing review of your current website, and a coach to help you generate more leads to your existing site or a new one you are planning to create, go visit: today.
P.P.S. - Did you get Dean Graziosi's $29.95 book for only $16.50 (which comes with some amazing fr-ee bonuses for those who take action today)? If not, go and get this educational real estate investing book along with the added bonuses NOW, before I have to take them down -
You can not get this deal in bookstores anywhere - and you can't beat this price.
Be A Real Estate Millionaire Now

Would you take me serious if I recommend a real
estate book to you?
Well, that's exactly what I'm doing, and I want
you to pay close attention because this can
"leverage" your efforts to create more business -
and help skyrocket your income over the next 12 -
24 months!
First the facts: The book I want to recommend to
you is titled "Be a Real Estate Millionaire:
Secret Strategies for Lifetime Wealth Today" and
it was written by Dean Graziosi. It is one of the
fastest selling books in America, (currently
selling as many as 6500 copies per week) and that
means the chances that your current and future
prospects will read a copy are very high.
Why is it selling so well?
Because it gives people proven techniques on how
to read the real estate market, (whatever its
current condition) and then apply the proper
strategy for minimal risk and massive profits.
It is not a book on "What" the market is all
about. It is a book on "How" to make money in
today's market.
But get this... it's not even available in
bookstores yet! That's right. People are buying
it from a TV show where Dean is interviewed.
People everywhere want to make money in real
estate, and with the current market conditions, a
lot of them are going to be trying to do that
using foreclosures as their vehicle.
So how can you get in on the game?
First... You need to educate yourself.
The foreclosure market is very different from the
resale market. You have to understand the
language, the factors at play and the players.
Second... you need to pick a side - sellers or
On the selling side, asset management companies
will often pay real estate professionals a flat
fee to prepare a broker price opinion (BPO) on
homes in foreclosure. And you can get a
commission if you end up listing a foreclosed
On the buyer side, you can become a HUD-approved
broker and work with investors or first-time
buyers. You can also help investors as
third-party bidders in auctions.
Third... you should see foreclosure for what it
really is:
This is someone's sudden end to the true American
Remember, real estate is - and always will be -
about people.
When a foreclosure is looming, people need help.
This is a market where you can make your
professionalism shine.
In my opinion, Dean's book is the easiest way for
you to educate yourself. Reading the secrets of
a $500 Million Dollar Real Estate Investor will
not only increase your capabilities, it'll give
you a strategic advantage for thinking outside
the box.
You'll also get an insight into what consumers
are reading, and with your existing knowledge,
you'll be able to use what you find in the book
to increase your business.
Right now thousands of copies are being sold
everyday for $24.95.
But I Dean's making a special offer to get the
book for only $16.50(that's dirt cheap!) and
you'll get dozens and dozens of FREE BONUSES from
some of the most amazing people on the planet
Here's how.
Buy the book using this link:
to sales page Afterwards you will instantly
receive the link to your BONUS GIFT page where
you can get your bundles of freebies.
I'm telling you as a professional, you don't want
to miss out on this.
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
PS No matter what you know about real estate,
you're going to be blown away by what you read in
this book... and it's going to make a huge
difference in your income over the next 2-3
PPS Almost forgot this, Dean's giving every book
buyer a chance to win $15K of his money and a day
of his help to invest it, that'd be a pretty
sweet little bonus too, eh?
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Your fr*ee 30-day access to hot bargain properties is here...

Time is short today, but I had to write to let you know about some news that will skyrocket your success as a real estate investor.
You've experienced it before, people promising you the world, making claims about how their real estate leads will give you the edge you need to make huge amounts of money in real estate investing.
Have you actually profited from their offers?
Or are you just getting the same old recycled, worn out FSBO, MLS and foreclosure lists that anyone can get on their own?
If you're serious about making big money in real estate investing, please pay close attention. There's finally a system out there designed for profits...yours, not theirs.
Are you serious about making money as a real estate investor? Then look to people who've already achieved success, like my friend Tim Mai.
Tim Mai is the CEO of
He's done some pretty impressive things.
What you'll find most interesting is the membership site he created at
You won't find any tired leads here. You'll find truly motivated sellers, real deep-discount properties and best of all, you'll be hard pressed to find these leads anywhere else.
His exclusive database features pre-preforeclosure leads that are unique, and red-hot.
I wanted to tell you about it now because he's offering a special FR*EE Trial membership for my list, which will give you 30 full days to check out his database of motivated sellers,
wholesale deals, bankruptcy and pre-preforeclosure leads, as well as all the information and tools you'll need to get started right away.
I don't want to hype anything because there is more than enough of that out there, but I want to make sure you're taking steps that will really help your business. So go to the site, check it out and sign up for your no-risk membership. Then decide for yourself.
You owe it to yourself to check out this information.
You'll be glad you did.
To your success,
Charles T. Dudley, Sr.
Dudley Success Consulting Group
PS - Be watching your email this weekend for an exciting opportunity on THIS weeks call
PPS - If you haven't had a chance - check out our blog at
PPPS - If you ever need to know the latest updates on events and call - go to for charter
members or for premium members
PPPPS - If you are enjoying the information we have been providing you for your real estate investing business and are interested in
making extra money with us here at REI Most Wanted please email us at to find out how to register for our highly profitable affiliate program!
Monday, November 26, 2007
Your Wealth Coach

Well it’s good to be back in the saddle again – after a great long weekend of family, food and fun. So yes, we have a special treat for tonight’s training call – an amzing friend and true wealth coach – Hon Wong. Here’s a short bio on Hon:
Mr. Hon Y. Wong has been teaching strategies of the RICH for years. He not only teaches, he has employed these same strategies to make himself and his family independently WEALTHY. He has taught for the Learning Annex along with Gore, Trump, Kiyosaki, Anthony Robbins, and many more. Mr. Wong is a Certified WealthyMind™ Instructor with NLP California, a Certified Master Hypnotherapist and Stage Hypnotist with the International Hypnosis Federation, a Certified Stage Hypnotist with Sylver Enterprises International of Las Vegas, a Certified Hypnotherapist with the American Board of Hypnotherapist, a Certified Silva Ultra Mind E.S.P. Instructor. He has traveled the Nation teaching for various National Wealth Training Companies. He has Personal Coaching Clients paying him up to $5,000 an hour for his services.
Listen to Mr. Hon Y. Wong tonight, LIVE with me to learn the secret to finding your wealthy place. This call will feature 35-45 minutes of training with 15-25 minutes of live coaching / Q & A at the end. You seriously wont want to miss this powerful LIVE call with my good friend. It truly could be the catalyst that will change your life for the better!
You can’t afford to miss this totally unique training, can you?
I’ll see you there.
Charles Dudley
“Unlock Your Future!”
P.S. – Catch Hon’s 5 minute video at
P.P.S. – To become one of our affiliates and earn 50% on membership sales, register at
P.P.P.S – To find out about an amazing passive residual income stream you can begin to create in the next week from the comfort of your own home, check out and click the opportunity tab. If you want to be a business partner with me, and have leads sent to you and that will pay you to be a part of your business – go over the information briefly and then let’s talk. It’s still the year of the open door for many of you. Now is the time to push on through! Again, the link is - check it out right away.
The Power Of Your Mind

Have you ever wondered about that magic key that can unlock the doors to personal wealth and riches beyond your dreams?
Has something been holding you back from the success that you know you are destined to achieve?
Well - that key is your mind...
And, What if I told you that I know someone who can show you how to use that powerful tool - TODAY - and explain to you how to open the door to all the profitable real estate deals you could ever handle?
Well, that is exactly what tonight's call is going to be about.
To see who my good friend is and what he is all about, go NOW to
This is our regularly scheduled weekly call - TONIGHT at 9PM EST.
If I have ever encouraged you to make a call - this really is the one you wont want to miss - because this call is about my favorite subject - YOU
I know the lines will be packed and I am working now to get more so everyone can get in - but don't delay
Watch the 5 minute video here
To your unlimited success!
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
PS - If you are ready to make some extra money for the holiday season, then sign up for our new affiliate program at
Gear Up For More Real Estate Deals Before The Year Ends!

Well, it has been a great and busy Thanksgiving Holiday weekend at the Dudley home - and I hope it has been for you and yours as well.
A great time to spend with friends and family, get some Christmas shopping done, eat yummy food (tto much) and watch a little football.
Now it's time to start gearing up to do a few more real estate deals before the year ends. First of all, I wanted to also remind you that TODAY is the last day of our 20% Thanksgiving special.
Several folks have taken advantage of this amazing holiday, and thanked us :) for our fantastic customer appreciation offer. To see what's available for sale - check out our blog at:
So now, let me tell you a quick story...It was a Monday morning.
My assistant put a book on my desk called "Be a Real Estate
Millionaire: Secret Strategies for Lifetime Wealth Today" and told me it was one of the fastest selling books in America ... and that I "needed" to check it out.
"Needed"...I was intrigued.
With everything I have going on, why in the world would I "need" to read a book on real estate? Especially now!
But intrigued by how fast this book was selling I cracked it open and started to read.
WOW - was I wrong and totally blown away!

Dean Graziosi, (the author of this book) shows that right now, due to this crazy down market - it is the greatest time in history to do two things;
1.Gain massive wealth through real estate - Or
2.Save a boatload of money on your own home.
This is no joke.
If you have no cash and no credit he has a strategy for you.
Looking to make real estate part of your investment or retirement
portfolio? He lays it out like a roadmap.
Thinking of buying or selling your own home? I know I would never do it without referencing Dean's book.
Now Dean is doing a very special promotion he has allowed me to extend to you. Get Dean's amazing book, receive dozens of killer gifts from America 's brightest minds and have the chance to use Dean's $15,000 on your first deal - all for only $16.50! You got to see this for yourself.
Click on the link for more details that will blow you way!
I think what Dean has done here is amazing and apparently I'm not alone. I found there are a few other folks who have praised the book also. Here are a few comments from people you might recognize.
"This book is a winner!" -T. Harv Eker, New York Times bestselling
author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind
"Dean's personal experiences alone are enough to make this book a
must read."-Jack Canfield, co-author of The Success Principles
There's another even more impressive element in his book. The countless real life success stories from Dean's Students. They come from all walks of life, and are all different types of people, with one thing in common...they changed their lives and are making great money because of Dean.
Now here is the crazy part -even though "Be a Real Estate
Millionaire: Secret Strategies for Lifetime Wealth Today" is the #1 best selling real estate book in the country right now, it has not even hit retail stores yet. It is being sold off of a TV interview
Dean did.
But that is about to change in a big way and you have an opportunity to get all this wisdom - a chance to literally win and spend $15,000 of Dean's money on your first investment deal, and get a mountain of free gifts from some of the brightest thinkers alive.
You can get all this through a special and very limited offer Dean
has authorized me to pass along to you for just $16.50.
If you were thinking real estate was not for you - think again.
This book will have your stomach doing somersaults because you will want to get started immediately with actionable steps to start making money...
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
PS Here's something amazing; today at Amazon Dean's book was
#1 in - Investments, Industries & Professions and REAL ESTATE - -
This book is hot!
The secret about credit that will change your life …

I've found a short cut to money that you
have to take a look at.
In the next two minutes you're going to learn
something about credit that most folks will
never know.
It concerns the most profitable loophole in
the credit reporting system.
Then read this article about getting business
lines of credit:
By Thomas Kish, President of Cash Flow Experts
Almost everyone knows that a loan or credit
card in your personal name gets reported to
the credit bureaus. And this activity shows up
on your personal credit report.
The more you owe on your credit report, the
lower your FICO credit score will be. And
having b-a-d credit will costs you dearly.
But - pay attention now - there is a way to get loans
and credit cards that NEVER show up on your
personal credit report. And here it is ... [Continued]
Success in all your endeavors,
Charles T. Dudley, Sr.
"Unlock Your Future!"
P.S. "Ever wanted to have a true secondary
source of income from the comfort of your
own home - well find out how by clicking
here and going to the opportunity page.
This is a business where your leads will pay
you to be on your list...check out the
hottest new home based business and feel
free to call or email me to find out more info
on how to be my business partner"
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Black Friday – NOT
Who says that the Friday after Thanksgiving has to be a “black” Friday?
Here at REI Most Wanted – we are excited!!!
So, for the next 48 hours, on the 23rd of November – REI Most Wanted members will get a 20% rebate on most all of our products!!! This is such an amazing special offer and is our way of telling our customers how mush we appreciate them This can also be one of the best gifts you can get for either that special someone in your life, a spouse, a partner, a parent, a child, a friend, or even for yourself. Do something special today.
If you have been waiting for that irresistible offer – a price that will blow every other one away – then for this one 48 hour time period, Friday, Nov. 23 through Sat. Nov 24 – you can get a 20% rebate off these products listed below. So if you have been waiting for the best deal – don’t delay any further – simply click on the link for your course and pay as normal – then email me that you placed your order before midnight Sat. Nov 24th – and I will send you your 20% rebate immediately. (Please note that this does not apply to orders with financing.)
• Dave Lindahl’s Apartment House Riches – special offer $895 (20% rebate = $179) – clic,k here
• Claude Diamond’s The Works Home Study Course – special offer $997 (20% rebate = $199, your total price after rebate = $798) – clic,k here - or - The Lease Purchase Success kit – REI Most Wanted’s special offer $397 (20% rebate = $79, your total price after rebate = $318) – clic,k here
• Chad and Trent Lee’s Corporate Credit Builder Programs – REI Most Wanted’s special offer $897 (20% rebate = $179, your total price after rebate = $718) – clic,k here (rebate does not apply to back end payment due after business lines of credit are established)
• Alan Cowgill’s Basic Private Money Lending Made Easy – REI Most Wanted’s special offer $497 (20% rebate = $99, your total price after rebate = $398) – clic,k here
• Larry Goins’ Ultimate Buying and Selling Machine – REI Most Wanted’s special offer $788 (20% rebate = $157, your total price after rebate = $631) – clic,k here
• Dwan Twyford’s Short Sale System – REI Most Wanted’s special offer $997 (20% rebate = $199, your total price after rebate = $798) – clic,k here
• Bill Twyford’s How To Talk To Banks and Homeowners NLP System – REI Most Wanted’s special offer $997 (20% rebate = $199, your total price after rebate = $798) – clic,k here
• Joe Crump’s The Push button Method – REI Most Wanted’s special offer $997 (20% rebate = $199, your total price after rebate = $798) – clic,k here
• Ed Creed’s Vacation Cash Strategies Home Study System – REI Most Wanted’s special offer $797 (20% rebate = $159, your total price after rebate = $638) – clic,k here
• Steve Case’s The Secrets of Self Storage Investing – REI Most Wanted’s special offer $397 (20% rebate = $79, your total price after rebate = $318) – clic,k here
• Corey Donaldson’s Huge Profits in Mobile Homes and Mobile Home Parks Investing System – REI Most Wanted’s special offer $397 (20% rebate = $79, your total price after rebate = $318) – clic,k here
• Matt Bacak’s Million Dollar Secret Formula – REI Most Wanted’s special offer $1997 (20% rebate = $399, your total price after rebate = $1598) – clic,k here
Now remember, you have until Sat. midnight to take advantage of these amazing discounts (they only apply to the above products listed). Be sure to email me at with your order receipt so that I can PayPal you the rebate within 24-48 hours. You may also call our secure, toll free order line at 888-734-6911 if you prefer to order that way and I can also send you a rebate check – which you will get within 7-10 business days from REI Most Wanted. You may order as many as you’d like during this special – but the time is limited. Oh, and by the way – if you have been waiting for that premium membership – you can use this to apply to that too – and save $19 off unlimited mp3 download and transcripts of all our interviews ($97 - $19 = $78 for REI Most Wanted Premium Membership – can be accessed at ).
I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving Day and have a great “black” Friday and holiday weekend.
All my best,
Charles Dudley
“Mentor to Mentors”
Dudley Success Consulting Group
“Unlock Your Future!”
P.S. – To stay on top of all our excitement and latest news – feel free to join or read our blog at and you can catch our posted replays at
P.P.S. – To find out about an amazing passive residual income stream you can begin to create in the next week from the comfort of your own home, check out and clic,k the opportunity tab. If you want to be a business partner with me, and have leads sent to you and that will pay you to be a part of your business – go over the information briefly and then let’s talk. It’s still the year of the open door for many of you. Now is the time to push on through! Again, the link is - check it out right away.
P.P.P.S. - Want to learn a truly powerful way to get tons of traffic to your website? Get a fr-ee marketing review of your current website, or a coach to help you generate more leads to your site or one you are planning to create. You want to visit: You'll be glad you did.
Here at REI Most Wanted – we are excited!!!
So, for the next 48 hours, on the 23rd of November – REI Most Wanted members will get a 20% rebate on most all of our products!!! This is such an amazing special offer and is our way of telling our customers how mush we appreciate them This can also be one of the best gifts you can get for either that special someone in your life, a spouse, a partner, a parent, a child, a friend, or even for yourself. Do something special today.
If you have been waiting for that irresistible offer – a price that will blow every other one away – then for this one 48 hour time period, Friday, Nov. 23 through Sat. Nov 24 – you can get a 20% rebate off these products listed below. So if you have been waiting for the best deal – don’t delay any further – simply click on the link for your course and pay as normal – then email me that you placed your order before midnight Sat. Nov 24th – and I will send you your 20% rebate immediately. (Please note that this does not apply to orders with financing.)
• Dave Lindahl’s Apartment House Riches – special offer $895 (20% rebate = $179) – clic,k here
• Claude Diamond’s The Works Home Study Course – special offer $997 (20% rebate = $199, your total price after rebate = $798) – clic,k here - or - The Lease Purchase Success kit – REI Most Wanted’s special offer $397 (20% rebate = $79, your total price after rebate = $318) – clic,k here
• Chad and Trent Lee’s Corporate Credit Builder Programs – REI Most Wanted’s special offer $897 (20% rebate = $179, your total price after rebate = $718) – clic,k here (rebate does not apply to back end payment due after business lines of credit are established)
• Alan Cowgill’s Basic Private Money Lending Made Easy – REI Most Wanted’s special offer $497 (20% rebate = $99, your total price after rebate = $398) – clic,k here
• Larry Goins’ Ultimate Buying and Selling Machine – REI Most Wanted’s special offer $788 (20% rebate = $157, your total price after rebate = $631) – clic,k here
• Dwan Twyford’s Short Sale System – REI Most Wanted’s special offer $997 (20% rebate = $199, your total price after rebate = $798) – clic,k here
• Bill Twyford’s How To Talk To Banks and Homeowners NLP System – REI Most Wanted’s special offer $997 (20% rebate = $199, your total price after rebate = $798) – clic,k here
• Joe Crump’s The Push button Method – REI Most Wanted’s special offer $997 (20% rebate = $199, your total price after rebate = $798) – clic,k here
• Ed Creed’s Vacation Cash Strategies Home Study System – REI Most Wanted’s special offer $797 (20% rebate = $159, your total price after rebate = $638) – clic,k here
• Steve Case’s The Secrets of Self Storage Investing – REI Most Wanted’s special offer $397 (20% rebate = $79, your total price after rebate = $318) – clic,k here
• Corey Donaldson’s Huge Profits in Mobile Homes and Mobile Home Parks Investing System – REI Most Wanted’s special offer $397 (20% rebate = $79, your total price after rebate = $318) – clic,k here
• Matt Bacak’s Million Dollar Secret Formula – REI Most Wanted’s special offer $1997 (20% rebate = $399, your total price after rebate = $1598) – clic,k here
Now remember, you have until Sat. midnight to take advantage of these amazing discounts (they only apply to the above products listed). Be sure to email me at with your order receipt so that I can PayPal you the rebate within 24-48 hours. You may also call our secure, toll free order line at 888-734-6911 if you prefer to order that way and I can also send you a rebate check – which you will get within 7-10 business days from REI Most Wanted. You may order as many as you’d like during this special – but the time is limited. Oh, and by the way – if you have been waiting for that premium membership – you can use this to apply to that too – and save $19 off unlimited mp3 download and transcripts of all our interviews ($97 - $19 = $78 for REI Most Wanted Premium Membership – can be accessed at ).
I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving Day and have a great “black” Friday and holiday weekend.
All my best,
Charles Dudley
“Mentor to Mentors”
Dudley Success Consulting Group
“Unlock Your Future!”
P.S. – To stay on top of all our excitement and latest news – feel free to join or read our blog at and you can catch our posted replays at
P.P.S. – To find out about an amazing passive residual income stream you can begin to create in the next week from the comfort of your own home, check out and clic,k the opportunity tab. If you want to be a business partner with me, and have leads sent to you and that will pay you to be a part of your business – go over the information briefly and then let’s talk. It’s still the year of the open door for many of you. Now is the time to push on through! Again, the link is - check it out right away.
P.P.P.S. - Want to learn a truly powerful way to get tons of traffic to your website? Get a fr-ee marketing review of your current website, or a coach to help you generate more leads to your site or one you are planning to create. You want to visit: You'll be glad you did.
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