Well it’s good to be back in the saddle again – after a great long weekend of family, food and fun. So yes, we have a special treat for tonight’s training call – an amzing friend and true wealth coach – Hon Wong. Here’s a short bio on Hon:
Mr. Hon Y. Wong has been teaching strategies of the RICH for years. He not only teaches, he has employed these same strategies to make himself and his family independently WEALTHY. He has taught for the Learning Annex along with Gore, Trump, Kiyosaki, Anthony Robbins, and many more. Mr. Wong is a Certified WealthyMind™ Instructor with NLP California, a Certified Master Hypnotherapist and Stage Hypnotist with the International Hypnosis Federation, a Certified Stage Hypnotist with Sylver Enterprises International of Las Vegas, a Certified Hypnotherapist with the American Board of Hypnotherapist, a Certified Silva Ultra Mind E.S.P. Instructor. He has traveled the Nation teaching for various National Wealth Training Companies. He has Personal Coaching Clients paying him up to $5,000 an hour for his services.
Listen to Mr. Hon Y. Wong tonight, LIVE with me www.reimostwanted.com/honw/call to learn the secret to finding your wealthy place. This call will feature 35-45 minutes of training with 15-25 minutes of live coaching / Q & A at the end. You seriously wont want to miss this powerful LIVE call with my good friend. It truly could be the catalyst that will change your life for the better!
You can’t afford to miss this totally unique training, can you?
I’ll see you there.
Charles Dudley
“Unlock Your Future!”
P.S. – Catch Hon’s 5 minute video at www.reimostwanted.com/honw/call
P.P.S. – To become one of our affiliates and earn 50% on membership sales, register at https://www.mcssl.com/SYS/netcart/affiliates/AffiliateSignUpForm.aspx?MerchantID=116888
P.P.P.S – To find out about an amazing passive residual income stream you can begin to create in the next week from the comfort of your own home, check out www.itvventures.com/va and click the opportunity tab. If you want to be a business partner with me, and have leads sent to you and that will pay you to be a part of your business – go over the information briefly and then let’s talk. It’s still the year of the open door for many of you. Now is the time to push on through! Again, the link is www.itvventures.com/va - check it out right away.
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