I wanted to share a thought with you this weekend about living your life and running your business on that fine line of risk and
security. Lately, have you felt like you’ve been running up
against brick wall after brick wall of obstacles, yet all the while
doing things exactly “by the book”? Well, let me share with you
where I was about a year ago.
Last fall, I was in those exact shoes – I had invested Tens of
Thousands of dollars and 3-4 years trying to figure out and become an independent success as a real estate entrepreneur. All of my adult life I had a dream of being my own boss, making the money I knew my family and I deserved, versus what some other boss or
company said I was worth – and really retiring from the rat race –
at the same time or possibly even before my parents did. I was so
tired of feeling the pressure and pain each day, each week, and
each month of this bill and that, the house, the car, the
utilities, food, gas, child care, and the occasional unsuspecting
uh-oh (not to mention I’d ever like to just go out with my wife or
take my family out to dinner, or movies, or simple shopping for new
clothes or shoes). Ever been there? Are you there now?
Well, let me tell you what drastically changed my life in such a
short time. The real secret was a Mentor. Ultimately, 8 mentors
to be exact for today – but the big turnaround truly came with my
first real business mentor – Bill. Now Bill doesn’t actually do
business as a professional mentor or coach, but he was willing to
take the potential he saw in me, when I was ready to take massive
action, and allowed me to spend some quality time with him doing
deals, having lunch, managing properties and pushing further each
week and each month than any book, cd or bootcamp could ever do.
And guess what, I was able to create a nice 6-figure real estate
business and crawl my way out of corporate America in less than 6
months after that.
Now let me also tell you about another amazing mentor in my life.
His name is Matt Bacak. Now Matt turns 30 in December this year –
and has already created 3 multi-million dollar companies and plans
to go into “retirement” at the end of this year to spend more time
with his family, after spending the last 4-5 years figuring out the
code to making millions of dollars online. Well, you see, I met
Matt in Atlanta in Feb. this year – and by working with him and
implementing only a handful of his strategies, I was able to create
several additional 6-figure streams of income for our family
business and expect to have several 7-figure companies by this time
next year – largely due to his mentorship to me.
So now, I hope I have your attention and I hope you can see that
there truly is a light at the end of the tunnel for you too if you
take the first step today. Here is your mission, should you choose
for yourself to take action for your own future.
#1) Register for THIS Monday night’s f-r-e-e call with my mentor,
Matt Bacak, as he shares his secrets to wealth and success to a
limited # of attendees from the REI Most Wanted group. I cannot
tell you how charged I am about his Cutting Edge techniques and
strategies can truly change your existing business, or prepare for
you a business model to follow so you too can get to where I am
blessed to be today – in less than 6 months! Go now to http://www.reimostwanted.com/mattb/call.html to get in.
#2) Because of the last 12 months of incredible successes (and yes,
some failures), along with the fact that I personally have
investing over $100,000 in my own personal mentorship and training
– I have initiated an outrageous 1-on-1 mentoring program called
the Executive Joint-Venture Investor Incentive Charter Program. If
you are a newbie investor, internet marketer, or are interested in
taking an existing business to the next level, you may want to
consider participating in my mentoring program to help you become
what you want to be – and get out of the current challenging
situation you are in. Please note that I will only work with folks
who I feel truly have the potential to be successful (I’d expect
registering and showing up for Matt’s Monday night call to be an
excellent step towards that qualifying). If you are truly
interested in this type of hard-core training, feel free to email
me your information to mentor.dudley@gmail.com (I currently have
expanded the number of students that I can effectively work with to
15, and have 4 spots available at this time – so don’t delay if you
are serious about your future success). I look forward to talking
with you and to the honor and pleasure of mentoring you.
security. Lately, have you felt like you’ve been running up
against brick wall after brick wall of obstacles, yet all the while
doing things exactly “by the book”? Well, let me share with you
where I was about a year ago.
Last fall, I was in those exact shoes – I had invested Tens of
Thousands of dollars and 3-4 years trying to figure out and become an independent success as a real estate entrepreneur. All of my adult life I had a dream of being my own boss, making the money I knew my family and I deserved, versus what some other boss or
company said I was worth – and really retiring from the rat race –
at the same time or possibly even before my parents did. I was so
tired of feeling the pressure and pain each day, each week, and
each month of this bill and that, the house, the car, the
utilities, food, gas, child care, and the occasional unsuspecting
uh-oh (not to mention I’d ever like to just go out with my wife or
take my family out to dinner, or movies, or simple shopping for new
clothes or shoes). Ever been there? Are you there now?
Well, let me tell you what drastically changed my life in such a
short time. The real secret was a Mentor. Ultimately, 8 mentors
to be exact for today – but the big turnaround truly came with my
first real business mentor – Bill. Now Bill doesn’t actually do
business as a professional mentor or coach, but he was willing to
take the potential he saw in me, when I was ready to take massive
action, and allowed me to spend some quality time with him doing
deals, having lunch, managing properties and pushing further each
week and each month than any book, cd or bootcamp could ever do.
And guess what, I was able to create a nice 6-figure real estate
business and crawl my way out of corporate America in less than 6
months after that.
Now let me also tell you about another amazing mentor in my life.
His name is Matt Bacak. Now Matt turns 30 in December this year –
and has already created 3 multi-million dollar companies and plans
to go into “retirement” at the end of this year to spend more time
with his family, after spending the last 4-5 years figuring out the
code to making millions of dollars online. Well, you see, I met
Matt in Atlanta in Feb. this year – and by working with him and
implementing only a handful of his strategies, I was able to create
several additional 6-figure streams of income for our family
business and expect to have several 7-figure companies by this time
next year – largely due to his mentorship to me.
So now, I hope I have your attention and I hope you can see that
there truly is a light at the end of the tunnel for you too if you
take the first step today. Here is your mission, should you choose
for yourself to take action for your own future.
#1) Register for THIS Monday night’s f-r-e-e call with my mentor,
Matt Bacak, as he shares his secrets to wealth and success to a
limited # of attendees from the REI Most Wanted group. I cannot
tell you how charged I am about his Cutting Edge techniques and
strategies can truly change your existing business, or prepare for
you a business model to follow so you too can get to where I am
blessed to be today – in less than 6 months! Go now to http://www.reimostwanted.com/mattb/call.html to get in.
#2) Because of the last 12 months of incredible successes (and yes,
some failures), along with the fact that I personally have
investing over $100,000 in my own personal mentorship and training
– I have initiated an outrageous 1-on-1 mentoring program called
the Executive Joint-Venture Investor Incentive Charter Program. If
you are a newbie investor, internet marketer, or are interested in
taking an existing business to the next level, you may want to
consider participating in my mentoring program to help you become
what you want to be – and get out of the current challenging
situation you are in. Please note that I will only work with folks
who I feel truly have the potential to be successful (I’d expect
registering and showing up for Matt’s Monday night call to be an
excellent step towards that qualifying). If you are truly
interested in this type of hard-core training, feel free to email
me your information to mentor.dudley@gmail.com (I currently have
expanded the number of students that I can effectively work with to
15, and have 4 spots available at this time – so don’t delay if you
are serious about your future success). I look forward to talking
with you and to the honor and pleasure of mentoring you.
Also, just for registering for Matt's call - I have reserved a limited number of Fr-ee cd's on the 7 Golden Keys to making millions in online and information marketing - so get yours by registering today!
I wish you all the success and happiness in the future that you can
Charles Dudley
“Unlock Your Future!”
Dudley Success Consulting Group
REI Most Wanted
P.S. - Remember, using Matt's strategies - I was
able to create an additional 6-figure revenue stream in less than 6
months. You can’t afford to miss this one - go now to
and register for this limited seating call.
P.P.S - To get in on a free 30-day trial of pre-pre-foreclosure
deals anywhere in the U.S. - click here to get started:
P.P.P.S. - To get in on a free 7-day short course on wholesaling,
Go to http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/?af=675007
P.P.P.P.S - To get a head start on a revolutionary new way to create
Massive additional leads for any business - watch the video here:

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