Let me talk seriously with you for just a minute or two. (You may want to print this letter out.)
I want you to imagine just for a moment about what it would be like to have $10, $20, possibly even $30 thousand dollars a month income coming in to your household.
Yes, you heard and saw right - I said over ten thousand dollars a month income - every month - not from your job, but as an additional stream of income coming in - automatically.
I'm not sure if you understand the sheer power of that - and for
some of you, that may not be enough to get you overly excited - but
tell me please, what are the new possibilities in your life with
something like that?
Could you pay off your debts? Could you sleep better at night?
Could you take a vacation? Could you invest in more lucrative
deals? Could you leave your j-o-b???
Well, let me tell you what happened for me at that point.
Yes, I had been investing in real estate for many years, and
sometimes the market had been hot, and other times not - and of
course I knew that we all have to adapt and adjust our investment
strategies to meet the market.
But one thing I have always preached is multiple streams of income.
You see, what I have discovered is that the real wave of massively
profitable real estate wealth is going to go to the investors who
leverage the power of the internet.
Now one of my key mentors who helped me to create an additional
$40K per month income was on our very own teleseminar series this
past Monday - his name is Matt Bacak.
And after implementing just 2 or 3 of his strategies, I created a
new stream of income that gave me a solid monthly cash flow that
allowed me to comfortably walk away from my Fortune 500 job in less
than 6 months!
And I am here to tell you that you can be next.
I had no previous internet business experience (other than buying
stuff on eBay) - no product at the time, no online client list -
nothing - but my own desire, drive, and determination.
Now, moving forward - we've sold over $200K in online sales in the
last 5 months. Add that to an already 6-figure real estate
business and you have pure money magic.
If you don't believe me - then feel free to email and ask me about
my amazing experiences at mentor.dudley@gmail.com - I will even
talk to you personally on the phone if you ask me to. No, I don't
hide behind the internet :) . I appreciate all of our customers and
investors here at REI Most Wanted.
Now the entire purpose of this email is to break something very
special down for you right now.
You see, Matt has created several multiple million-dollar
businesses over the last 3 or 4 years and will be retiring from
guru status at the end of this year. And he has put together a
very unique product offer for my group (he even deleted the
PowerPoint after our call). We have 3 spots left for this training
at www.reimostwanted.com/mattb and if you truly want to change your
life, and have the option to lay off your boss, then I can not
encourage you enough to take serious action now.
You could literally be enjoying the Summer of 2008 off - in the
comfort of your own home. Can you imagine that possibility? Wow!
Anyone in my group who orders this product this week will get up to
30-days of personal help from me, if requested or needed, to assist
in implementing Matt's program - just email me the receipt and I
will give you my personal cell and email to help you out. I truly
care about your success and believe wholeheartedly in the
tremendous benefits that Matt's program can bring to your financial
If you ever wanted to change your life and could literally see
yourself job free in the next 180 days - this is one of the
absolute best things I could ever offer you to do it. I personally
charge $7,500 for 6 months of 1-on-1 coaching to teach what Matt
has taught me. This crazy offer is almost 75% off that and I am
even offering a pay plan.
So there you go - if you seriously joined this community to change
your financial position - I must encourage you to seriously take
advantage of this extremely unique offer TODAY. Feel free to email
me with any questions you may have or send me your phone # and I
will call you.
Order Matt's special Formula for Internet Millions NOW at
To your success!
Charles Dudley
"Unlock Your Future!"
Dudley Success Consulting Group
REI Most Wanted
P.S. - To see Matt live in Atlanta this year - before he retires,
go to http://m219.infusionsoft.com/go/madliv/Dudley/ and register
TODAY for Wealth Madness 2007. Also, you can hear Matt's
incredible call at www.reimostwanted.com/101replay.html .
P.P.S. - If you truly can't take advantage of this opportunity
because of financial reasons, then you need to start working on
your business credit NOW so you won't miss out on other golden,
life-changing opportunities in the future. Check out a free online
starter course on business credit at www.yourcashflowinhand.com .
You truly can't afford to wait to do this.
P.P.P.S. - If you have truly been seeking 1-on-1 real estate
mentoring with a life success and business coach who will joint
venture with you on deals, then send in your bio and goals, with
contact info, to mentor.dudley@gmail.com , and see if you qualify
for one of our 2 remaining spots for our Executive JV Investor
Incentive Coaching Program.
Local Internet Marketing Classes forming now - call or email us NOW to get
more info.
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