I'm going to keep this one short... I know its Friday and we all wantto get home to our families and enjoy the weekend.
---------------------------BACK TO THE PAST------------------
Lets take a trip on the time machine and rewind the clock 24 hours.As you know, we had Tamara and Michelle on call last night.
They shared some of the techniques and strategies that they've usedto build a HIGHLY successful real estate investing business workingwith fore-closures.
Let me tell you something, I knew they were going to give greatcontent, (they always do), but I would never have thought they weregoing talk about the "10 S.M.A.R.T. S.T.E.P.S" technique.
It is so powerful that they only teach it to their private coaching students. Which is why I was so surprised when they talked about itin yesterdays call.
This brings me to my next point...
---------------------------BACK TO THE PAST------------------
Lets take a trip on the time machine and rewind the clock 24 hours.As you know, we had Tamara and Michelle on call last night.
They shared some of the techniques and strategies that they've usedto build a HIGHLY successful real estate investing business workingwith fore-closures.
Let me tell you something, I knew they were going to give greatcontent, (they always do), but I would never have thought they weregoing talk about the "10 S.M.A.R.T. S.T.E.P.S" technique.
It is so powerful that they only teach it to their private coaching students. Which is why I was so surprised when they talked about itin yesterdays call.
This brings me to my next point...
-------------------------------------DON'T PANIC!--------------------------------------------
In case you didn't have time to catch last night's call, (I knowthe drill, you get caught up in something and the day goes by)...its ok, you don't need to panic.
I knew that Tamara and Michelle were going to give some great info,so I went ahead and recorded the call (as some of you might knowI'm not the biggest "tech guy", but I was able to manage the taskof recording the call...YAY)
Why did I do this? Well I wanted to make sure that in case youmissed the call last night, you would get another chance today.
I can't promise this link is going to be up for more than a day(something to do with bandwidth: my Webmaster tells me) but ill tryto have it up for at least 24 hours before I have to take it down.
Once again don't panic you'll have a few hours today before thecall replay taken offline.
I knew that Tamara and Michelle were going to give some great info,so I went ahead and recorded the call (as some of you might knowI'm not the biggest "tech guy", but I was able to manage the taskof recording the call...YAY)
Why did I do this? Well I wanted to make sure that in case youmissed the call last night, you would get another chance today.
I can't promise this link is going to be up for more than a day(something to do with bandwidth: my Webmaster tells me) but ill tryto have it up for at least 24 hours before I have to take it down.
Once again don't panic you'll have a few hours today before thecall replay taken offline.
---------------------------------------GOOD NEWS :)------------------------------------------
After the call Tamara and Michelle gave me some good news.
They told me "Charles, we've prepared a special promotion for theREI MOSTWANTED students"
In a nutshell, what they are going to offer is their massive profitsystem as well as the eBook on avoiding fore-closures at a 33%savings from their new price that goes into effect on Wednesday.
Personally, I am always looking for ways to increase my real estatein-vesting knowledge and so I have read the eBook and been involvedin the massive pro-fits system, and take it from me they are both great.
This is not for me to decide... you make the decision whether to buyor not. No matter what you decide to do, enjoy the free callreplay. I'm sure you'll get a lot out of that alone.
To Your Success!
Charles Dudley"Unlock Your Future!"
P.S. There will be a call on Sunday where I'll be doing a 60 minutewebinar to show a great opportunity to not only help yourself, butto help others to save $10,000s on their mort-deal or no deal?gage payments...andyou'll make money as well.
Unfortunately I can only have 250 people on the call, and the spotsdo fill up fast, so go ahead and reserve your spot now. It should only take about a minute or less to do it.
P.P.S. One last thing check out the first real estate investingvideo in the series, if you haven't done so yet and go ahead andleave a comment or send me one, tell me what you think I would liketo know your thoughts... after all I did make them for you :)
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