Saturday, April 26, 2008

Imagine - Motivated Sellers In Your In-box

Did you hear last night's group Gold Coaching call with CharlesMoore? If not - get it here

Once you learn how to make mon-ey in real estate investing with-out your own cash or credit, imagine having all the motivated seller leads you could handle.

Would you be willing to pay a dollar for those?

Or how about...would you pay "zero" for a good lead?

I just found out about this opportunity and had to pass it on to you.

My friend, Justin Lee, is giving away f*ree leads of homeowners who want to sell their homes to avoid foreclosure.

You're probably thinking, "Yeah, what's the catch?" but Ihave to tell pay "zilch" for these leads and all you do is sign up.

I know Justin personally and he's a reputable, upstanding guy - so this is definitely not some bogus scam.

I've also heard from others that these quality leads are hot.

Once you sign up, you'll get information on how to obtain the contact information of the homeowners wanting to sell their homes. This freeee offer has made lots of people hundreds of thousands of dollars already.

I've seen the testimonials.

Check it out...
You've got nothing to lose.

To your success!
Charles Dudley
"Unlcok Your Future!"
REI Most Wanted

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