Thursday, April 24, 2008

Real Estate Domination Course

Here's the video I was telling you about yesterday.

I'm trying to sound calm and collected in the video But in reality, I was about to jump out of my skin.

You'll see why here:

This video does a great job of PROVING that the Real Estate Domination Course is here to stay :-)

Talk soon,
Charles Dudley
The Real Estate Dominator

P.S. Close to 200 folks have signed up for the webinar tonight, only a few hours left to go :-)

It's going to be GREAT. Plus, we'll be discussing something that until now, i haven't told anyone.

I won't tell you what it is in this email (I want to keep it a Surprise for tonight) but I can tell you one thing.
You definitely don't wan to miss this call.

Register here...

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